January 19, 2021
- Anthony Boadle, “Bolsonaro Allies Set to Win Control of Brazil’s Congress” (Reuters, Reuters, January 19, 2021).
Candidates backed by Brazil’s right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro are expected to win control of Congress next month
- “Vicedefensor del Pueblo Viajo a el Salado Ante Nuevas Amenazas Contra la Comunidad” (El Espectador (Colombia), January 19, 2021).
El capitulo de violencia que más se recuerda en esta zona fue la masacre de El Salado cuando 450 paramilitares asesinaron a más de 60 personas en este corregimiento en febrero de 2000
- “Policias Implicados en Muertes del “9s” Piden Ir a la Justicia Penal Militar” (El Espectador (Colombia), January 19, 2021).
La defensa del policía Andrés Díaz Mercado señaló que el caso debería quedar en manos de la Justicia Penal Militar, dado que la muerte de Germán Smyth Puentes se dio en medio de un acto del servicio
- Steven Grattan, “Killings of Colombia Ex-Farc Fighters Persist Amid Peace Process” (Al Jazeera, January 19, 2021).
Since FARC fighters disarmed in 2017 as part of the peace deal, a total of 253 have been killed, including four already in 2021
Guatemala, Honduras
- Sandra Cuffe, “‘I Was So Scared’: Guatemalan Forces Disperse Migrant Caravan” (Al Jazeera, January 19, 2021).
Hundreds of police and military forces quickly surged forward, pushing migrants and asylum seekers south along the highway and off the highway itself
- Jason Beaubien, “Migrant Caravan: Thousands Move Into Guatemala, Hoping to Reach U.S.” (National Public Radio, January 19, 2021).
Before the pandemic, nationals from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua were able to travel freely across each other’s borders. Officials now are requiring a negative coronavirus test to cross. Some migrant advocates say this requirement is being used to block some refugees
- Alejandro Hope, “Siete Apuntes Sobre el Embrollo Cienfuegos” (El Universal (Mexico), January 19, 2021).
¿Qué gobierno va a querer compartir datos sensibles con México si el respeto a la confidencialidad depende del humor del presidente en la mañanera?
- Arturo Angel, “Amlo Ataca la Transparencia… y la Democracia” (The New York Times, January 19, 2021).
Parecería una mala broma: eliminar la institución que por dos décadas se ha encargado de construir el sistema de transparencia
- Natalie Kitroeff, “Once a Trump-Basher, Mexico’s Leader Misses Him Already” (The New York Times, January 19, 2021).
Behind all those perceived slights is a fear that the Democrats are more likely to intervene to promote labor rights and clean energy, getting in the way of Mr. López Obrador’s ambitious agenda
- Pedro Dominguez, “Amlo Pide a Eu Registro y Control de Armas” (Milenio (Mexico), January 19, 2021).
“Queremos control en Estados Unidos de la venta de las armas. Eso de que vamos a tener un equipo para detectarlas y con eso nos vamos a quedar tranquilos, eso no es lo que México está planteando”
- Miguel Angel Vega, “Peligroso Que el Presidente Diga Que la Dea Fabrica Pruebas: Mike Vigil” (Riodoce (Sinaloa Mexico), January 19, 2021).
“¿Cómo va a ser débil? ¿Cómo la DEA va a fabricar evidencia? Si nosotros fabricáramos evidencia perderíamos nuestro trabajo”
U.S.-Mexico Border
- Robbie Gramer, “Biden to Tap Seasoned Former Diplomat to Oversee Southern Border Policy” (Foreign Policy, January 19, 2021).
Roberta Jacobson, a former U.S. ambassador to Mexico, will join the NSC and help oversee an anticipated U-turn in U.S. policy on migration and asylum
- Seung Min Kim, “Biden to Propose Overhaul of Immigration Laws on First Day in Office” (The Washington Post, January 19, 2021).
The plan calls on the Department of Homeland Security to develop a proposal that uses technology and other similar infrastructure to implement new security measures along the border, both at and between ports of entry
- Nicole Sganga, Camilo Montoya-Galvez, “Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s Homeland Security Pick, Faces Senators at Confirmation” (CBS News, January 19, 2021).
Kerlikowske, the ex-CBP head said, “The public trust issue is pretty tough right now in law enforcement generally. But when you look at (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) or CBP, I think it’s even more critical right now”
- Emili J. Blasco, “Vuelve la Esperanza Ilusoria del Grupo de Boston Como Salida para Venezuela” (ABC (Spain), January 19, 2021).
El regreso demócrata al poder en Washington aviva el recuerdo de unos lazos políticos de hace veinte años que solo han facilitado gestiones humanitarias