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January 27, 2021

Western Hemisphere Regional

The pandemic may ultimately be a turning point that saw unfortunate crime and security-related trends of the past three decades accelerate even faster. The question is what governments can do to stop it

The percentage of Latin American students who complete high school may fall from 61% to 46% because of the pandemic

While some changes are possible, the realities of a split U.S. Congress and a crowded domestic agenda will probably prevent the kind of bold experiments such as drug legalization that some progressives support

Congressional Democrats and immigrant advocacy groups seem content deferring initially as Biden seeks Republican support for change. But it’s clear that both groups have only limited patience for that approach if Republicans don’t quickly show signs of interest

Judge Drew Tipton, a Trump appointee, granted a temporary restraining order sought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, saying the state had demonstrated a likelihood of facing immediate harm from Biden’s pause


Secco is attacking money laundering by criminal organizations at a national level, a strategy that isn’t frequently seen in Latin America


This news was devastating. Diemar felt she had accepted that her adoption was done in the proper manner because she couldn’t handle the emotional fallout


The death leaves a void for the ruling Democratic Center Party, which is trying to decide on a candidate who could win in next year’s presidential election

En lo que va del 2021 se han presentado 14 enfrentamientos armados entre estructuras criminales y la Fuerza Pública, 13 eventos de amenazas de muertes a líderes sociales, 6 masacres y 5 asesinatos de excombatientes de las Farc-EP

Ecuador, Peru

Su objetivo será vigilar hasta 30 pasos fronterizos clandestinos que han sido identificados como los más frecuentes utilizados por la inmigración ilegal

El Salvador

Bukele se vende como un mesías, como el parteaguas en la historia de este país y no pretende permitir que le compita ninguna guerra, con todos sus magnicidios y masacres; ni tampoco una paz, con todos sus logros e imperfecciones

Guatemala, Honduras

Thousands in US-bound migrant caravan were returned to Honduras this month, but many say they will try again. Here’s why

Guatemala, Mexico

Family members of the missing Guatemalans said their loved ones — most of them in their late teens and early 20s — started heading North on January 12, departing from Comitancillo, Tuilelen, and Sipacapa, small towns and villages just south of the border with Mexico


Las autoridades confirmaron que no se reportan personas heridas, pese al enfrentamiento y el siniestro de la avioneta que se quemó en un 90 por ciento


Dos grandes cárteles, siete u ocho organizaciones criminales de alto impacto y unos cien grupos menores de la delincuencia organizada, no menos peligrosos, conforman la geografía del narcotráfico en México

U.S.-Mexico Border

Prosecutions had dropped sharply after the Trump administration declared a pandemic-related health emergency that allows them to immediately expel Mexicans and many Central Americans


Johan León, Yordy Bermúdez, Layners Gutiérrez Díaz, Alejandro Gómez y Luis Ferrebuz estuvieron tres días en una clínica del municipio San Francisco, por presentar síntomas asociados al COVID-19

“Ten drops under the tongue every four hours and the miracle is done,” Maduro said in a televised appearance on Sunday. “It’s a powerful antiviral, very powerful, that neutralizes the coronavirus”

Talk to anyone in the Venezuelan community right now and you may hear really mixed feelings