Photo from the Facebook page of J. Hiram González at Nogales International. Caption: “Riot police from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, lined up just inside U.S. territory, stare down comuters waiting on the Mexican side of the Dennis DeConcini Port of Entry on Wednesday morning.”

(Even more here)

March 5, 2021

Western Hemisphere Regional

ECLAC estimates that the total number of poor people rose to 209 million by the end of 2020, which is 22 million more people than in the previous year

The legislation would increase the IDB’s annual lending to $20 billion and strengthen its ability to lead financial recovery efforts across Latin America and the Caribbean


“Tenemos que repensar un nuevo modelo de Fuerzas Armadas que estén al servicio de su pueblo y no para masacrar a su pueblo”


Já o núcleo militar cresceu e conquistou espaços, não apenas em cargos, mas em missões consideradas estratégicas do ponto de vista político


Growing coca is not a happy life; few continue growing by choice. Nevertheless, even harder than growing coca may be leaving the crop behind

The decision is likely to enflame Uribe’s critics, who have alleged for months the attorney general’s office would be less rigorous in the investigation than the Supreme Court

José Augusto Rendón ha representado y asesorado a empresarios que en esa región figuran como compradores masivos de tierra en medio de la oleada paramilitar. Ha sido fuerte crítico de la restitución de tierras

“Nada se movía en Sucre sin que el Gordo supiera. Si él empieza a contar todo lo que sabe, no quedará títere con cabeza”

La Fiscalía acaba de anunciar una de las decisiones que, sin duda, definirán la gestión de Francisco Barbosa como fiscal general: que el expresidente Álvaro Uribe no debería ir a juicio por fraude procesal y soborno

In a statement issued March 1 — following a weeklong expedition to more than a dozen villages — the bishops of Quibdó, Istmina and Apartadó called on Colombia’s government and the National Liberation Army, or ELN guerrillas, to focus on peaceful solutions

Líderes y lideresas sociales en Sucre denuncian que las Agc los están intimidando, siguiendo una ruta de amenazas que inició semanas atrás en El Salado

Aún en el mejor de los casos, la aspersión y la erradicación manual forzada arrojarían resultados a corto plazo —con un alto costo y baja eficiencia— que serán difícilmente sostenibles

Cuba, Venezuela

While 63 percent of Cuban-American and Venezuelan-American voters who participated in this survey voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, this constituency is willing to consider US policies that promote humanitarian efforts in Venezuela and generate a pathway to democracy by adjusting sanctions


El subsecretario adjunto principal en funciones de la Oficina de Asuntos del Hemisferio Occidental de EE. UU., Hugo Rodríguez, habló esta tarde con Prensa Libre sobre la elección de magistrados de la Corte de Constitucionalidad

After Biden’s win in November, a group of veteran prosecutors and investigators who had worked for both the Guatemalan government and cicig talked excitedly on a Zoom call about the chances for renewed accountability


El Gobierno del Estado apoya con transporte, hospedaje y líquidos a los colectivos de búsqueda de personas desaparecidas que tiene en marcha una mega búsqueda en los diferentes municipios de Baja California

Argumenta que el caso está bajo investigación y que la matanza de 19 personas todavía no puede ser clasificada como “grave violación a los derechos humanos”

Aguililla, Michoacán, ha sido cabeza de playa del Cártel del Milenio, del Cártel de los Valencia, del Cártel de Michoacán, de los Caballeros Templarios y, ahora, de Los Viagras

The Members urge the Biden Administration to take key steps to make sure that the Mexican government and Non-Governmental partners are able to adequately protect and support migrants and to improve the capacity of Mexico’s own asylum system


Over the past six months, Ortega has created a legal framework to consolidate power and ensure victory

U.S.-Mexico Border

Early Wednesday morning, drivers and cyclists headed for the DeConcini Port of Entry in downtown Nogales found themselves confronted by an intimidating sight: at least two dozen U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers blocking northbound vehicle lanes, many outfitted in riot gear

U.S. Border Patrol agents caught more than 4,500 migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border on Wednesday, according to government figures shared with Reuters

“People who might not have thought about migrating, now are like, ‘Well, at this point, I really don’t have anything else to lose. Anything I could have lost, I already lost’”

Mayorkas did not address the questions directly, instead giving a one-sentence answer: “A detention center is not where a family belongs”

Facing criticism for ending Texas’ mask mandate, Abbott took to Twitter, talk radio and cable news to blame immigrants for the spread of COVID-19 in the state

Under the latest plan, Immigration and Customs Enforcement will hold families only for the time required to schedule court dates, conduct Covid-19 tests and arrange for them to be transferred to shelters

The FEMA plan is an indication the Biden administration views the influx as a significant emergency

“We hope that Governor Abbott will reconsider his decision to reject DHS’s agreement with the Texan local authorities that would enable the very testing of migrant families that Governor Abbott says he wants,” the spokesperson said


Tras el mensaje publicado por Maduro en sus redes sociales, el ministro de la Defensa, Vladimir Padrino López, aseveró que desde este viernes se pone en marcha el Comando Estratégico Operacional de la Fuerza Armada Nacional