Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) photo at Axios. Caption: “Migrants in the Donna overflow facility.”

(Even more here)

March 23, 2021


The more than 1,500 pages in the case file against Morales, which we reviewed, contained zero evidence he had committed acts that would appropriately be considered terrorism. Similarly, the terrorism charges against Áñez are grossly disproportionate


The national security law, which dates from 1983, near the end of the country’s military dictatorship, states it is a crime to harm the heads of the three branches of government or expose them to danger. That vague definition has recently been used

Central America Regional

Estados Unidos ha nombrado enviado especial para el Triángulo Norte al hombre que en 2014 negoció la reapertura de relaciones con Cuba y diseñó la estrategia de ayuda a Centroamérica con que Obama respondió a la crisis de los niños migrantes


En los últimos cuatro años, se han registrado 375 homicidios que habrían sido cometidos por agentes. Por lo menos ocho tuvieron lugar en estaciones de Policía. Presentamos cuatro de esas historias

Duque le jugará más a las presiones políticas internas por lograr resultados a corto plazo del Centro Democrático, que a una estrategia de largo plazo, como la que vienen pidiendo algunos Demócratas en Washington

Colombia, Honduras, Panama

U.S. Army South hosted a pre-deployment training seminar, Operation Alamo Shield Mission Prep, at their headquarters February 23-25, to prepare teams assigned to the 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (1st SFAB) for future training and advising missions in Colombia, Honduras, and Panama

Colombia, Venezuela

El Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela confirmó que durante este domingo las fuerzas militares de ese país desarrollaron una operación en el estado venezolano de Apure, limítrofe con el departamento de Arauca, en el que murieron dos militares

Se calcula, que unas 2000 personas, es decir, casi un 30 % esta en Venezuela, en datos bien conservadores

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico

The Special Envoy will engage with regional governments, including but not limited to Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, on a range of issues in order to seek to improve conditions in Central America


El presidente Biden necesita cambiar la estrategia hacia Honduras pero primero debe combatir las inercias de la política exterior estadounidense

In or about 2013, FUENTES RAMIREZ paid a bribe of at least approximately $25,000 to Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado (“JOH”), who was at the time the president of the Honduran National Congress, and allowed JOH to access millions of dollars’ worth of cocaine


Damián Genovés Tercero murió a manos de elementos del Ejército Mexicano, en una ejecución extrajudicial, según se mira en un video que un oficial del propio Ejército entregó al padre de la víctima; a pesar de que los autores confesaron el delito, la justicia no llega

Luego del enfrentamiento fue detenido Erick Joel Del Toro López, alias “El M-3” y presunto jefe regional del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación


FIDH – Federación Internacional por los Derechos Humanos y el Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH) publican un informe de más de 70 páginas sobre esta ola de represión y terror

Vivimos bajo un estado policial que ha conculcado por las vías de hecho las libertades de reunión, asociación y movilización, y las libertades de prensa y de expresión

U.S.-Mexico Border

Border officials are on pace to take in more than 17,000 minors this month, which would be an all-time high

Badly misinformed, the migrants harbor false hope that President Joe Biden will open entry to the United States briefly and without notice

The new process allows caseworkers to partially fill out applications necessary for the release of children during interviews with their parents or legal guardians, instead of having the prospective sponsors complete the forms

While President Biden has taken some steps to change Trump’s asylum policies, many are still in effect to keep asylum seekers out of the country they hope will protect them. Those policies are not being applied evenly

Some of the migrants mistakenly believed they had 90 days to apply for permission to remain in the U.S.; that they already had permission, or that their paperwork contained a phone number for them to contact immigration officials

The criteria to be allowed into the U.S. are a closely held secret. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has referred only to “acute vulnerabilities” that qualify families for release in the United States to pursue asylum instead of immediate expulsion

According to data obtained by NBC News, Border Patrol apprehended 1,807 migrants who were traveling as parts of families on Friday, and only 179 of them were expelled back into Mexico

As of Saturday, there were 10,000 migrants in CBP custody overall. Nearly half were unaccompanied minors — thousands of whom had been waiting for more than 3 days

They also shed the plastic bracelets they had been issued by smugglers to signify they had paid for their passage. The brush around them was littered with scores of the bracelets

The Senators wrote, “We write to urge you to use your full authorities to effectively respond to and successfully manage the ongoing crisis at our Southwest Border”