Luisa González/Reuters photo at The Guardian (UK). Caption: “A Colombian navy boat patrols the Arauca river while a Venezuelan navy boat remains anchored on the border between their two countries as seen from Arauquita, Colombia.”

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March 31, 2021

Western Hemisphere Regional

The corruption of Nicolas Maduro increased the dire humanitarian crisis of the Venezuelan people. In Nicaragua, the corrupt Ortega regime passed increasingly repressive laws that limit severely the ability of opposition political groups, civil society, and independent media to operate. Meanwhile in Cuba, government restrictions continued to suppress the freedoms of expression, association, religion or belief, and movement


The Armed Forces are split between an officer corps that came of age during the disgrace that followed the 1964-85 dictatorship (whose “anniversary” is Wednesday), and generally is loath to be seen as political, and a younger generation whose hatred for the left tends to overcome such misgivings

Retired generals and military analysts in Brazil struggled to make sense of this week’s changes, which neither the president nor the outgoing commanders explained

“The other day I saw a pretty strong article saying Brazil was starting to be seen by its neighbors as a sort of leper colony … and it’s probably true”

Central America Regional

As the big families lose political influence, they may start to see more clearly the benefits of cleaner governance


La colectividad denuncia que en los últimos meses se han recrudecido las amenazas y la persecución a sus miembros en la capital, donde viven al menos 750 firmantes de la paz

Ellos mismos (la Fuerza Pública) arrancan las matas de aquí y las siembran más allá. Luego pasan, arrancan y vuelven y siembran en otro lado y así, todo el año en esas

Es muy evidente la improvisación, la falta de planificación, la falta de persecución sistemática al crimen. A los militares y policías siempre los sorprenden. Parece que no existiera inteligencia militar ni policial

Colombia, Venezuela

The change in tack from the government of President Nicolás Maduro most likely reflects a conflict in other shared interests: cocaine trafficking and illegal gold mining

Witnesses have described human rights abuses at the hands of the FANB soldiers, including home break-ins and forced disappearances


El decreto gubernativo 3-2021, firmado por el Presidente Giamattei, restringe el derecho de protesta pacífica, la libertad de reunión y de locomoción, entre otros, en cinco departamentos del país. La firma de este decreto se da tras comunicaciones en redes sociales y medios de que podría formarse una caravana a partir del 30 de marzo

Guatemala, Mexico

Gen. Sandoval denied that any of the soldiers had been taken into Guatemalan territory, but the spokesman for Guatemala’s army confirmed it and the Guatemalan government released photos of Mexican soldiers with Guatemalan police

Luego de varias horas de negociación los vecinos de la aldea La Esperanza accedieron a entregar a los seis soldados mexicanos y su armamento


Las autoridades estadounidenses trabajaron silenciosa y pacientemente 14 años para atraparlo, once meses en enjuiciarlo y declararlo culpable y un año y cinco meses para sentenciarlo

During the sentencing hearing, prosecutors and the judge repeatedly called out the Honduran president for his role in the drug trade along with his brother

In 2013, HERNÁNDEZ was campaigning to become a congressman and Juan Orlando Hernández was campaigning to become president. Around this time, according to testimony at trial, Juan Orlando Hernández solicited $1.6 million in drug proceeds from Ardon Soriano to support himself and National Party campaigns


El presidente dedicó parte de su informe a resaltar las acciones de las Fuerzas Armadas en su administración, pues aseguró que sin ellas no solo no podría enfrentarse a la delincuencia organizada, sino que tampoco se podrían realizar obras de desarrollo, o enfrentar la pandemia

Las tres llegaron a Tapachula, Chiapas, donde solicitaron asilo ante la Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda al Refugiado (Comar) el 4 de septiembre de 2017, un año después de abandonar su país

De 2013 y de 2015 a mediados de 2019, al menos 20 migrantes —principalmente centroamericanos— fallecieron en su paso por México

El Ejército mexicano ofreció un millón de pesos como indeminización por el crimen de militares contra el guatemalteco Elvin Mazariegos Pérez en Chiapas, afirmó la familia de la víctima

Four police officers in the Mexican resort city of Tulum have been charged with femicide after a Salvadoran woman died while being restrained

U.S. efforts to battle powerful drug cartels from inside Mexico have ground to a halt since January as strained relations between the two countries have frozen attempts to corral drug kingpins, according to current and former senior officials in both nations

U.S.-Mexico Border

The children were being housed by the hundreds in eight “pods” formed by plastic dividers, each about 3,200 square feet (297 square meters) in size. Many of the pods had more than 500 children in them

To my frustration, many of my friends in the immigrant-advocacy community will not help shape these decisions; most are unable or unwilling to name any category of migrant who should ever be returned

Department of Homeland Security officials permitted the Associated Press and a camera crew to tour the Donna, Tex., temporary processing facility run by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, where 3,400 unaccompanied minors were in custody Tuesday along with 700 members of migrant families

“I’m a Border Patrol agent. I didn’t sign up for this,” Mr. Escamilla said as he looked at some of the younger children, many of them under 12, being housed at the facility

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Since November, a handful of nonprofit groups that work with unaccompanied children have compiled tallies showing that as many as 10-17 percent of children in custody were separated from relatives


En el marco de la cooperación bilateral entre los gobiernos de Nicolás Maduro y Vladimir Putin, se celebró una reunión de la Comisión Intergubernamental de Alto Nivel Rusia-Venezuela, en la cual Maduro firmó 12 acuerdos con el país europeo

Concessions from Maduro on one or all three of these points could allow the Biden administration to justify taking a bigger policy risk—like offering partial sanctions relief in return for a starting broader, credible negotiations