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May 27, 2021

Western Hemisphere Regional

Medical experts fear that recent outbreaks in some ICE detention facilities not only endanger the health of detainees and staff, but could spread to surrounding communities


Arturo Carlos Murillo Prijic, 57, Sergio Rodrigo Mendez Mendizabal, 51, Luis Berkman, 58, Bryan Berkman, 36, and Philip Lichtenfeld, 48, engaged in the bribery scheme between approximately November 2019 and April 2020


Mr. Bolsonaro effectively planned for at least 1.4 million deaths in Brazil. From his perspective, the 450,000 Brazilians already killed by Covid-19 must look like a job not even half-done

Central America Regional, Mexico

The documentary short “Desde Que Llegaste, Mi Corazón Dejó de Pertenecerme” follows a group of women from Central America on an emotional journey


Tres directivos de la cooperativa Coopripaz fueron capturados el lunes en operativos simultáneos señalados de pertenecer a la disidencia de la Segunda Marquetalia y de obedecer órdenes de Iván Márquez en medio de las manifestaciones

Protester demands have expanded to include a basic income, opportunities for young people and an end to police violence, including calls to scrap the riot police squad ESMAD

Since early 2021, people in this majority-Black coastal city have been rising up peacefully but insistently against rampant drug trafficking, political violence and cartel infiltration

Este trabajo intenta esclarecer uno de los episodios que generó controversias

La vicepresidenta Marta Lucía Ramírez aseguró este miércoles que la visita programada de la Comisión Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos (CIDH) para el 29 de junio al país se puede anticipar

The fire destroyed nearly the entire courthouse of that city located approximately 100 kilometers (60 miles) north of Cali

El Salvador

Around the world, ultranationalism festers, the rejection of classical liberalism surges, and reactionary political groups rise — and with every passing day, the Salvadoran leader is creating a model for successors to follow


Alberto Reyes Vaca, excomandante de las Fuerzas Especiales en Temamantla, Estado de México, ordenó la remodelación de una de las instalaciones de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) en dicho cuartel y durante su administración organizó varias “narcofiestas”

The president’s scorn for rules is one reason the elections on June 6th matter

Alma Barragan was shot dead on Tuesday, local media reported, while campaigning for the mayorship of the city of Moroleon in the violence-plagued state of Guanajuato

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador y el titular del INE, Lorenzo Córdova, coincidieron en el llamado a los mexicanos a salir a votar en la jornada del 6 de junio sin temor al crimen organizado


El virtual congresista de Perú Libre afirmó que los cocaleros sufren “los despropósitos de una equivocada lucha antisubversiva”

Uno de los primeros adeptos que reclutó Gonzalo fue un profesor escolar ayacuchano muy humilde llamado Martín Quispe Mendoza

U.S.-Mexico Border

Mayorkas did not give lawmakers a timetable to lift the pandemic order and return to standard immigration processing, but said he was planning to meet with senior officials at U.S. immigration agencies later Wednesday

In 2018, faced with intense criticism, the El Paso Border Patrol sector scrapped a “crowd control exercise” that was planned next to the Chihuahuita neighborhood on Nov. 6 — Election Day

A few families who had been living here are getting into the United States, escaping the cramped and dangerous spaces of the haphazard camp

On Monday, two physicians who work as consultants for the Department of Homeland Security sent a letter to members of Congress saying the rule has had the “perverse impact” of encouraging parents to send their children to cross the border alone