Leonardo Benassatto / Reuters photo at The Wall Street Journal. Caption: “Supporters of former Brazilian President President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva protested in Sao Paulo on Thursday against his conviction on corruption charges.”

(Even more here)

July 14, 2017


The Workers’ Party and Lula have a lot to answer to those they claim to represent. But Lula’s ruin is not, as some couch revelers suggest, an invitation to an out-of-season carnival

The theme of unfair judicial interference has given staunch political rivals common ground

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva lived up to an old Brazilian saying, “rouba mas faz”—“he steals, but he gets things done”


Frente al asesinato de Amaya, Mauricio Jaramillo, uno de los jefes de las Farc, insistió en que se trata de una “arremetida paramilitar”

InSide Colombia’s BACRIM features video interviews with five current or former members of the Bajo Cauca BACRIM

La cifra fue entregada por el defensor del Pueblo, Carlos Alfonso Negret, quien señaló, que la cifra de muertos, desde enero de 2016, asciende a 186

Los municipios mencionados en el panfleto son Dabeiba, Buriticá, Anzá y Armenia Mantequilla, a quienes les ordenan cesar sus actividades económicas, laborales y académicas


De acuerdo con el juez, el soldado tenía derecho a disparar, pues se encontraba emocionalmente alterado y en un “escenario de guerra”, además de que, señaló, los policías son “incapaces y corruptos”

“You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don’t really have people crossing. So you don’t need that”


Opposition leaders are betting that a mass repudiation of Mr. Maduro’s plan will undermine its legitimacy