Carlos Jasso/Reuters photo at The New York Times. Caption: “Activists and journalists protested in Mexico City last month after a report that smartphones had been infected with spyware sold to the government to fight criminals and terrorists.”
July 20, 2017
Bolivia, Nicaragua
- “Morales Llama a la Unidad de los Pueblos para Hacer Frente a la Amenaza del Imperialismo” (Agencia Boliviana de Noticias (Bolivia), July 20, 2017).
“El sistema capitalista ya no puede resolver problemas financieros, sociales y por eso necesitamos más fuerza más unidad y esta enorme concentración en Nicaragua da fuerza al pueblo de América Latina y del mundo”, dijo en la concentración por los 38 años de la Revolución Sandinista
- Brian Winter, “Brazil Is Tired. Guess Who Benefits?” (Americas Quarterly, July 20, 2017).
In this (southern) winter of Brazil’s discontent, there is only one politician who is being mobbed at airports, whose supporters speak with an almost religious fervor and conviction. He is Jair Bolsonaro
- “Farc y Eln Ya No Son la Principal Amenaza Terrorista en Latinoamerica” (EFE, El Tiempo (Colombia), July 20, 2017).
En el capítulo sobre Latinoamérica del documento anual no aparece una frase que formó parte, con ligeras variaciones, de los informes emitidos por el Departamento de Estado al menos desde comienzos de esta década
- Teresa Welsh, “State Department Drops Cuba Entirely From Annual Detail of Terrorist Activity” (The Miami Herald, July 20, 2017).
“It was assessed that there was not sufficient information there to provide a report this year on Cuba”
- “International Organizations Affirm Support for Maccih and Its Investigation Into Agua Zarca” (CEJIL, DPLF, Global Witness, Oxfam, Washington Office on Latin America, Washington Office on Latin America, July 20, 2017).
The disputed Agua Zarca hydroelectric project has garnered international attention and concern since the March 2016 assassination of Berta Cáceres
- Ron Nixon, “Engineers Begin Preparatory Work for Border Wall Construction” (The New York Times, July 20, 2017).
The drilling and testing come as Customs and Border Protection, the parent agency of the Border Patrol, continues to evaluate dozens of proposals that have been submitted by vendors
- Elisabeth Malkin, “Mexican Hacking Case Deserves Independent Inquiry, u.n. Envoys Say” (The New York Times, July 20, 2017).
By limiting the case to the attorney general’s office, the Mexican government is investigating itself with no outside oversight, the four United Nations experts said
- Mike Lillis, “Dem Leaders Vow ‘Overwhelming’ Opposition to Trump Border Wall” (The Hill, July 20, 2017).
Republican leaders have relied regularly on Democratic votes to pass those bills and prevent government shutdowns — a dynamic that’s given the Democrats plenty of leverage
- Andrew Cawthorne, Corina Pons, “Anti-Maduro Strike Paralyzes Swathes of Venezuela” (Reuters **, July 20, 2017).
Many businesses were staying shut as the opposition organized a 24-hour national shutdown from 6 a.m. in a civil disobedience campaign they are dubbing “zero hour”
- Michael Weissenstein, “Ap Explains: What Are Trump’s Options in Venezuela?” (Associated Press, The Washington Post, July 20, 2017).
While starving Venezuela of oil revenues could debilitate the Maduro government, it could also produce something resembling state collapse in Venezuela, where armed men already roam with impunity and tens of thousands have been fleeing