Simone Dalmasso photo at Plaza Pública (Guatemala). Caption: “El día siguiente, el cortejo fúnebre rodea las paredes del cementerio de Rabinal adornado con los rostros de los desaparecidos de la época de las masacres.”
August 11, 2017
Brazil, Venezuela
- Julia Blunck, “The West Is Gripped by Venezuela’s Problems. Why Does It Ignore Brazil’s?” (The Guardian (Uk), August 11, 2017).
The country’s president, Michel Temer, recently escaped measures that would see him put to trial in the supreme court by getting congress to vote them down
- Coletta A. Youngers, Martin Jelsma, “Coca and the Colombian Peace Accords: A Commentary on the Pilot Substitution Project in Briceno” (Washington Office on Latin America, August 11, 2017).
Our trip to Briceño illustrated the tremendous challenges that the government and the FARC face as they move forward with implementing the peace accord and in particular, the coca substitution program
- Ricardo Monsalve Gaviria, “Briceno, Cerca de Quedar Sin Cultivos de Coca” (El Colombiano (Medellin Colombia), August 11, 2017).
Se han arrancado 8.000 hectáreas de coca. En Briceño se espera que para finales de diciembre no existan esos cultivos
- Nicolas Sanchez A., “Asesinato de Nidio Davila: Contra la Sustitucion de Coca” (El Espectador (Colombia), August 11, 2017).
Detrás del reciente asesinato de Nidio Dávila, líder social en el municipio de El Rosario, está la oposición armada de las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) a la sustitución de cultivos
- “El Crimen Que Tumbo al Subcomandante de Policia de Bogota” (El Tiempo (Colombia), August 11, 2017).
En total ocho patrulleros, un intendente, un teniente coronel y un mayor los investigados por la Fiscalía deberán responder por los delitos de homicidio agravado y alteración de la escena del crimen
- “Canadians in Cuba Were Also Treated for Hearing Loss, Ottawa Says Amid U.S. Probe of Possible Attack” (CBC (Canada), August 11, 2017).
The information comes a day after the U.S. government said it believed some of its diplomats in Havana had been targeted with a covert sonic device that left them with severe hearing loss
- Emiliano Castro Saenz, “La Telarana en el Caso Creompaz” (Plaza Publica (Guatemala), August 11, 2017).
Sin fecha para continuar un proceso que se ha llenado de trabas y amparos, el emblemático caso de desaparición forzada aún lucha por recobrar las fuerzas desde una trinchera mucho más modesta
- Jeremy Schwartz, “New Map Details Trump’s Texas Border Wall Plan, Renewing Flood Concerns” (The Austin American-Statesman, August 11, 2017).
The U.S. Border Patrol has plans to build 32 miles of barrier in Starr County, where flooding concerns helped kill off similar plans half a decade ago
Mexico, Venezuela
- “Ex Militar Acusa al Hijo de Maduro de Sacar “Bultos” de una Isla en Venezuela Visitada Por “El Chapo”” (EFE, SinEmbargo (Mexico), August 11, 2017).
Aseveró que “El Chapo”, hoy preso en una cárcel de Estados Unidos, llegaba por vía marítima “cada dos o tres meses” y “se alojaba en el área de El Yaque, en donde tiene viviendas”
- “Is Dissent Really Growing Within Venezuela’s Military?” (InsightCrime, August 11, 2017).
In the future, cracks within the institution are most likely to be sprout in the form of conflicts between groups with different economic and political interests, said Rocío San Miguel
- Sylvan Lane, “Gop Senators Ask Trump to Hold Off on Venezuelan Oil Sanctions” (The Hill, August 11, 2017).
Republican Sens. John Cornyn (Texas), Bill Cassidy (La.), Thad Cochran (Miss.) and Roger Wicker (Miss.) warned Trump that refiners in their states that depend on Venezuelan oil could face major losses
- Girish Gupta, “Ousted Venezuelan Prosecutor Says She Fears for Her Life, Will Keep Fighting” (Reuters **, August 11, 2017).
The 59-year-old said she remained in hiding, moving between safe houses at least once a day, because she feared being arbitrarily thrown in jail
- Andrew Rosati, Noris Soto, “Venezuela Opposition Joins Elections Despite Crackdown” (Bloomberg, August 11, 2017).
The opposition’s path outside the electoral system is harrowing and risky. Protests are increasingly dominated by the most militant and violent protesters
- Fabiola Sanchez , “Venezuela’s Maduro: ‘Mr. Donald Trump, Here Is My Hand’” (Associated Press **, August 11, 2017).
Maduro instructed Venezuela’s foreign minister to approach the United States about arranging a telephone conversation or meeting with Trump