Oscar Naverrete photo at La Prensa (Nicaragua). Caption: “Managua, Nicaragua. 23/09/2018. La manifestación convocada por familiares de presos políticos, el Movimiento Campesino, médicos, maestros, estudiantes, movimiento sociales y sociedad civil fue atacada por policias antimotines y paramilitares del regimen Ortega-Murillo. El enfrentamiento dejo un saldo de una persona fallecida y varios heridos quienes se refugiaron en una iglesia catolica para protejerse de las balas.”
(Catching up after a busy week… Even more here)
September 25, 2018
Western Hemisphere Regional
- Adam Taylor, “Why Some U.S. Allies Didn’t Sign Up for Trump’s Pledge to Fight Drugs” (The Washington Post, September 25, 2018).
Many of the non-signatories view the U.S.-led document as too narrow compared with previously agreed upon U.N. provisions on drugs and are concerned that it left out considerations about human rights and appropriate punishments for drug offenders
- Cora Currier, “Prosecuting Parents a?? and Separating Families a?? Was Meant to Deter Migration, Signed Memo Confirms” (The Intercept, September 25, 2018).
They recommended “Option 3” — prosecuting every adult who crossed the border illegally, including those who came with their children — because it would “have the greatest impact on current flows”
- Vice Admiral Craig S. Faller, “Advance Questions for Vice Admiral Craig S. Faller, Usn Nominee for Commander, United States Southern Command” (Senate Armed Services Committee, September 25, 2018).
As a matter of principle, domestic law enforcement should be the role of civilian law enforcement institutions
- Tom Phillips, “Bolsonaro Could Drag Brazil Back Into Dictatorship, Cultural Legends Warn” (The Guardian (Uk), September 25, 2018).
Signatories include Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil, a trio of politically engaged composers who all spent time in European exile during Brazil’s 1964-1985 dictatorship
- Beatriz Valdes Correa, Natalia Herrera Durán, ““Si los Agresores No Hablan, la Verdad Sera la de las Mujeres”: Alejandra Miller” (El Espectador (Colombia), September 25, 2018).
La comisionada de la Verdad explica qué hace el grupo de género de esta entidad y resalta la importancia de incluir la mirada de las mujeres, niñas y personas LGBT en el informe final
- “Impunidad: Solo 48 Sentencias de Mas de 600 Lideres Asesinados” (Semana (Colombia), September 25, 2018).
Lo cierto es que la impunidad en los casos de amenazas, y especialmente de amenazas de las Águilas Negras es del 100 por ciento
- Ricardo Monsalve Gaviria, ““Fernando”, el Disidente Detras de la Masacre” (El Colombiano (Medellin Colombia), September 25, 2018).
Se identificaron como integrantes de las disidencias del frente 36 de las Farc aunque varios de ellos, por lo menos cuatro, aseguraron ser de la guerrilla del Eln
- Adam Isacson, “Guatemala Military Shows Aggressive Support for Cicig Backlash” (Washington Office on Latin America, September 25, 2018).
It’s deeply disappointing to see that Guatemala’s armed forces have unambiguously supported President Morales’ rollback of anti-corruption reforms
- Brittany Benowitz, “Why Support for u.n.-Backed Anti-Corruption Commission in Guatemala Is Vital to U.S. Interests” (Just Security, September 25, 2018).
The ongoing constitutional crisis in Guatemala underscores concerns that corruption continues to permeate high levels of the government. Under these conditions, U.S. strategic interests can only be addressed if CICIG is allowed to fulfill its mission
- Alberto Pradilla, “Las Sospechosas Visitas Policiales a Activistas y Defensores Humanitarios Desde el Amago de Autogolpe de Morales” (Plaza Publica (Guatemala), September 25, 2018).
Los uniformados no generan confianza en un país como Guatemala. Menos aún, cuando algunos activistas se convierten en el principal contrapeso contra el Gobierno
- Ricardo Barrientos, “Desobediencia a la Cc: Jimmy, Degenhart y Jovel” (Plaza Publica (Guatemala), September 25, 2018).
Guatemala está ante un peligro muy serio. Todas y todos tenemos la obligación de entenderlo y de actuar. El momento es hoy
- “4 Years on, No Accountability for Mexico’s 43 Ayotzinapa Students” (Washington Office on Latin America, September 25, 2018).
López Obrador’s willingness to meet with the students’ families is a promising step forward
- David Agren, “‘A Smell of Death’: Mexico’s Truck of Corpses Highlights Drug War Crisis” (The Guardian (Uk), September 25, 2018).
The incident offered a perfect symbol for a crisis which affords no dignity to its victims – and which provokes indifference from the population, and mere expediency from the authorities
- Manu Ureste, “9 de Cada 10 Periodistas se Han Sentido Alguna Vez Amenazados o en Riesgo: Estudio” (Animal Politico (Mexico), September 25, 2018).
El 77% ha sido objeto de acoso; el 65% sufrió amenazas, el 34% padeció violencia física, y el 29% fue privado de su libertad
Mexico, Nicaragua
- Emily Green, “Violence Drives Increasing Numbers of Nicaraguans to the Us” (PRI’s The World, Public Radio International, September 25, 2018).
Normally, it’s people from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador who pass through Tapachula, seeking an escape from gang violence and extreme poverty. But shelter workers here say they have seen a record number of Nicaraguans in recent months
- Roy Moncada, “Daniel Ortega Provoca Otro Bano de Sangre en Marcha por los Presos Politicos” (La Prensa (Nicaragua), September 25, 2018).
Este domingo en Managua las fuerzas paramilitares armadas y organizadas por el régimen de Daniel Ortega y Rosario Murillo atacaron a balazos otra manifestación pacífica, donde mataron a un adolescente
- Idrees Ali, Patricia Zengerle, “U.S. Military Official: No Plans for Venezuela Military Intervention” (Reuters **, September 25, 2018).
“We are not doing anything other than normal prudent planning that a combatant command would do to prepare for a range of contingencies,” Faller said
- “Treasury Targets Venezuelan President Maduro’s Inner Circle and Proceeds of Corruption in the United States” (U.S. Department of the Treasury, September 25, 2018).
“Treasury will continue to impose a financial toll on those responsible for Venezuela’s tragic decline, and the networks and front-men they use to mask their illicit wealth”