1:00-5:00 at Florida International University and Zoom: Commemorating the Peace Accords in Guatemala and El Salvador: Promises & Lessons in Central America (RSVP required).
2:00 at Race and Equality Zoom: Afro-Latin and Afro-Caribbean Women in Democracy (RSVP required).
Wednesday, July 13
11:00 at DPLF Zoom: Muzzled Justice: The capture of #ElSalvador’s Justice System (RSVP required).
12:00-2:00 at Fordham U Zoom: The State of Asylum Processing & U.S. Immigration Policy: The Impact of Families (RSVP required).
2:00-3:00 at atlanticcouncil.org: Going local: City collaboration following the Summit of the Americas (RSVP required).
2:00-3:30 at thedialogue.org: International Aid in Haiti – Disappointing Outcomes (RSVP required).
Thursday, July 14
11:00 at CEJIL Facebook and Zoom: Informe de la CIDH y Deterioro de la Justicia en Guatemala. (RSVP required).
12:00-1:00 at wilsoncenter.org: Going Digital: The High Cost of Latin American Remittances and Cross-Border Payments (RSVP required).
3:00-6:00 at wilsoncenter.org: Documenting Evidence of Femicide: Film Discussion of the “Caníbal, indignación total” Docuseries (RSVP required).
Friday, July 15
11:00-12:30 at USIP and online: The Final Report of the Truth Commission from Colombia’s 2016 FARC Peace Accord (RSVP required).
12:00 at YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: []Transmisión Virtual del Acto Público de Presentación del Informe Final de la Comisión de la Verdad](https://twitter.com/ComisionVerdadC/status/1537140383175438337).
12:30-2:00 at thedialogue.org: Low-Carbon Hydrogen in LAC – Prospects and Pathways (RSVP required).
10:00 at Zoom: Fake news in LatAm elections: Brazil, Chile, Colombia (RSVP required).
11:00-12:00 at thedialogue.org: Findings of Task Force on Climate Adaptation in the Northern Triangle (RSVP required).
11:00 at migrationpolicy.org: Promising Alternatives to Irregular Migration: Expanding Temporary Worker Programs in Canada, Mexico, and Costa Rica (RSVP required).
Wednesday, June 15
9:00-11:30 at wilsoncenter.org: The Impact of Violence Against Women on Central American Migration (RSVP required).
4:30-7:00 at migrationpolicy.org and in Los Angeles: A Path to Self-Sufficiency: Advancing Venezuelan Refugee Integration in the Americas (RSVP required).
8:00-9:30 on Zoom and in Los Angeles: From Deterrence To Integration: Civil Society Voices On Migration Policy Challenges and Good Practices In The Americas (RSVP required).
8:00 on Facebook and YouTube and in Los Angeles: Peaceful Demonstrations in Latin America: Reflections on Cuba one year after #11J (RSVP required).
Wednesday, June 8
10:00-11:00 at csis.org: Trust: The Key to Social Cohesion and Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (RSVP required).
12:30-5:30 at Zoom and in Los Angeles: Safeguarding Democracy in the Americas: How to Strengthen the Inter-American Democratic Charter (RSVP required).
7:00pm at Facebook and YouTube and in Los Angeles: Jailed for what? People imprisoned for political reasons in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela (RSVP required).
Friday, June 10
1:00-3:30 at Zoom and in Los Angeles: The State of Democracy in Latin America and the World (RSVP required).
10:00PM in Los Angeles and at atlanticcouncil.org: The joint future of the Caribbean working with Latin America (RSVP required).
9:00 in 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building and foreign.senate.gov: Hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues on Ninth Summit of The Americas.
11:00-12:30 at csis.org: USAID MujerProspera / WomanProsper Winners Announcement Event: “Advancing Gender Equality in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras” (RSVP required).
4:00-5:00 at Refugees International: Experiences of Haitian Migrants in Mexico and at the U.S. Border (RSVP required).
10:00-12:00 at thedialogue.org: Recovering Schooling and Learning After Covid-19 in LAC Series #2 & #3: Learning Assessment and Remedial Strategies (RSVP required).
2:00-3:30 at atlanticcouncil.org: Biometrics at the border: Balancing security, convenience, and civil liberties (RSVP required).
4:00-5:30 at wilsoncenter.org: Cuba: An American History (RSVP required).
6:00-7:30 at Zoom: Public Launch of the Washington Brazil Office (RSVP required).
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
2:00-5:00 at wilsoncenter.org: Tenth Annual U.S.-Mexico Security Conference Part 2 (RSVP required).
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
2:00-3:30 at csis.org: Cybersecurity, Supply Chains, and the Development of Mexico’s ICT Sector (RSVP required).
Thursday, February 3, 2022
10:00 at foreignaffairs.house.gov: Hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on “Overview of U.S. Priorities in the Western Hemisphere: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Path Ahead” (no online event announcement).
3:00 at american.edu: China’s Relations with Latin America (RSVP required).
9:00pm at aclu.zoom.us: Intersectionality of Police Practices & Racial Justice in the Borderlands (RSVP required).
11:00 at lse.zoom.us: Inequality and Trade Diversification: How Can Income Inequality in Latin America be reduced beyond Commodity Booms? (RSVP required).
11:00 at migrationpolicy.org: Biden at One: Assessing the Administration’s Immigration Record (RSVP required).
5:00-6:30 at ips-dc.org: Just Transition for Latin America / Una transición justa para América latina (RSVP required).
Thursday, January 20
9:00-10:00 at usip.org: 30 Years Later: El Salvador’s Peace Accords (RSVP required).
At oas.org: 182nd Regular Period of Sessions, Inter-American Human Rights Commission (RSVP required).
Monday, December 13
2:00-4:00 at usip.org: Bolivia’s Search for Justice and Reconciliation (RSVP required).
6:30pm at thedialogue.org: América Latina en la transición de poder mundial y la era poscovid (RSVP required).
Tuesday, December 14
9:00-7:00 at thedialogue.org: América Latina en la transición de poder mundial y la era poscovid (RSVP required).
2:00-3:30 at thedialogue.org: Recovering Schooling and Learning After Covid-19 in LAC Series #1 – Early Warning Systems (RSVP required).
3:00-4:00 at csis.org: The Road to the 2022 Summit of the Americas: Vaccine Diplomacy and Engagement (RSVP required).
Thursday, December 16
8:00-9:30am at thedialogue.org: Toward Pandemic Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean—Exploring New Dimensions of Japan-US-LAC Interregional Cooperation (RSVP required).
4:00-5:00 at refugeesinternational.org: Voices from the Border: “It’s very hard to have rights”: Refugee and Migrant Communities in Tijuana During the Pandemic (RSVP required).
Friday, December 17
1:30 at atlanticcouncil.org: Looking to 2022: CARICOM Chair, Prime Minister Gaston Browne on US-Caribbean relations (RSVP required).
3:00-4:30 at wola.org: Revisiting Rapprochement 7 Years Later: Engagement on Pause (RSVP required).
8:00–10:00 at wilsoncenter.org: Mayors Delivering Democracy Daily (RSVP required).
10:00–11:00 at heritage.org: Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei on Strengthening Relations with Our Partners in the Western Hemisphere (RSVP required).
10:00–11:30 at brookings.edu: Combating corruption to drive democratic renewal A kickoff event for the Summit for Democracy (RSVP required).
10:00–11:30 at csis.org: Advocates for Democracy in Closed Spaces (RSVP required).
10:00-11:30 at brookings.edu: Mexico’s midterm elections: The future of the López Obrador presidency and US-Mexico relations (RSVP required).
1:00 at atlanticcouncil.org: A studio conversation with Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia Marta Lucía Ramírez (RSVP required).
11:00 at Zoom: Debt, Austerity and Human Rights in Latin America (RSVP required).
12:00-2:00 at thedialogue.org: Evaluating the Socioemotional Competencies of Students During the Pandemic and School Reopening (RSVP required).
Tuesday, May 18
11:00-12:30 at USIP Zoom: Understanding the Crisis in Colombia: Perspectives from Cali on Dialogue, Justice, and Healing (RSVP required).
11:00-12:30 at canninghouse.org: Life, Livelihoods and Liberty (RSVP required).
1:00 at Zoom: Lynching, Extralegal Justice, and Authoritarianism in Unrevolutionary Mexico: A Book Talk with Paul Gillingham and Gema Kloppe-Santamaría (RSVP required).
3:00-4:30 at thedialogue.org: The Decisions of Facebook’s Oversight Board – Implications for the Global South, particularly in Latin America (RSVP required).
Wednesday, May 19
9:30-10:30 at atlanticcouncil.org: What is the road ahead for Colombia? (RSVP required).
10:00 at semanajusticiafiscal.com: La política fiscal como clave para avanzar hacia la justicia ambiental y climática en América Latina (RSVP required).
10:00 at Zoom: Pandemia, vacunas y derechos humanos en las Américas (RSVP required).
2:00-3:30 at wilsoncenter.org: Latin America’s Digital Divide: Overcoming Persistent Gaps (RSVP required).
Tuesday, May 11
10:30 at migrationpolicy.org: From a Humanitarian Exodus to Long-Term Growth: Latin America’s Journey Responding to the Venezuelan Exodus (RSVP required).
7:00pm at eventbrite: Canada’s Toxic Legacy: Pan American Silver and Mining Billionaire Ross Beaty in Latin America (RSVP required).
Wednesday, May 12
9:00 at IREE: The Future of Brazil – U.S. Relations under the Biden Administration (RSVP required).
9:00-10:00 at csis.org: Colombia Reacts to New Tax Reform: A Conversation with Colombia’s Minister of the Interior, Daniel Palacios Martínez (RSVP required).
9:00-10:00 at atlanticcouncil.org:What might the year 2035 bring for China’s trade with Latin America? (RSVP required).
Thursday, May 13
8:00-9:00 at atlanticcouncil.org: Combatting corruption in the Northern Triangle: Prioritizing a whole-of-society approach (RSVP required).
2:00-4:00 at thedialogue.org: How Do We Support Students and Their Teachers in the Reopening of Schools? The Role of Diagnostic Learning Evaluations (RSVP required).
5:00-6:00 at atlanticcouncil.org: Beyond the headlines: Central American migrant’s human journey (RSVP required).
Wednesday, April 28
10:00-11:30 at Fundación Ideas para la Paz Facebook: ¿Cómo contribuye el sector empresarial al respeto de los DDHH de la población migrante? (RSVP required).
3:00-4:30 at wilsoncenter.org: Peru and Ecuador: Elections and Democracy in the Andes (RSVP required).
Tuesday, April 20
11:00-12:00 at thedialogue.org: Is Latin America Maximizing (or Missing Out on) China’s International Development Strategy? (RSVP required).
11:00-1:00 at institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de: Protección en Colectivo – Defensores y defensoras indígenas de Derechos Humanos en Colombia (RSVP required).
8:00pm at amnistia.org.pe: Lanzamiento Virtual del Informe Anual de Amnistía Internacional en Perú (RSVP required).
Wednesday, April 21
9:15-10:30 at thedialogue.org: Addressing the Root Causes of Migration from Central America (RSVP required).
You may have seen that Colombia’s transitional justice tribunal recently found that the country’s armed forces likely killed a shocking 6,402 civilians between 2002 and 2008. WOLA is putting on an event today at 4:00 Eastern to talk about it, and I’ll be presenting. Here’s the text of the announcement at WOLA’s website, where you can RSVP:
**Due to emergency security concerns, Sergeant Mora will not present during this panel**
The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) cordially invites you to our webinar:
Afro-Colombian Sergeant Carlos Eduardo Mora of Colombia’s 15th Mobile Brigade of Ocaña observed inconsistencies in the combat deaths that members of his battalion were reporting in their counterinsurgency statistics. In 2008, Mora denounced his colleagues for killing civilians and later passing them as enemy combats. These extrajudicial killings were widespread throughout the country and became nationally known—and erroneously termed as “false positives”—when a scandal involving 19 murdered young men from the southwestern Bogotá neighborhood of Soacha was undercovered.
Mora has suffered greatly for his role as a whistleblower, having faced multiple types of retaliation like public humiliation and death threats. His security situation became so serious that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued a resolution in 2013 urging the Colombian state to protect Mora and his family.
In February, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, JEP)—Colombia’s transitional justice tribunal devised in the 2016 peace accord—revealed that the Colombian armed forces committed at least 6,402 extrajudicial killings between 2002 and 2008. In light of these disturbing revelations, WOLA’s Director for the Andes Gimena Sánchez-Garzoli will moderate a panel to discuss the role of individuals like Sergeant Mora and hear from two human rights and U.S. military aid experts. Alberto Yepes, Coordinator for the Human Rights Observatory of the Colombia-Europe-United States Coordination (Coordinación Colombia-Europa-Estados Unidos, CCEU) coalition, will discuss the implications of the JEP’s recent order on extrajudicial killings. Adam Isacson, WOLA’s Director for Defense Oversight, will discuss U.S. funding to Colombia’s armed forces and what actions can be taken to guarantee justice in these horrific cases.
10:30-11:30 at CLIP: Corriendo la cortina de las relaciones China – Venezuela (RSVP required).
1:00 at Noria Research Zoom: Opium & the War on Drugs: Mexico into International Perspective (RSVP required).
5:00 at atlanticcouncil.org: COVID-19 recovery: A partnership strategy for the Biden administration in Latin America and the Caribbean (RSVP required).
7:00 at centroprodh.org.mx: Militarización y derechos de las mujeres (RSVP required).
2:00-3:30 at refugeesinternational.org: From Displacement to Development: Challenges and Opportunities to the Economic Inclusion of Venezuelans in Perú (RSVP required).
3:30 at Zoom: Indigenous rights and Canadian mining in Mexico (RSVP required).
Friday, March 12
11:00 at atlanticcouncil.org: International trade and Mercosur on its 30th anniversary: A foreign minister conversation (RSVP required).
Many thanks to our longtime friends and colleagues at the International Crisis group for joining us at this event. Though the topic is complex and often frustrating to teach, everybody explained well what they’ve been learning in the field, and the points that they wanted to get across. The moderation, interpretation, and technical aspects were all spot-on. We had well over 150 live viewers—I was glad to see the number not dropping as we passed the one-hour mark—and at least 200 more since then.
And don’t miss the February 26 ICG report on coca in Colombia, “Deeply Rooted,” on which this discussion centers.