I’ll be intermittently reachable, mostly in the morning. (How to contact me)
I had hoped to attend the Wilson Center’s annual Mexico security conference this morning, but my schedule might not allow it. I have to do more preparation for a trip to El Paso and Juárez next week with a group of supporters (we leave Monday). I also hope to post a commentary about the border wall to WOLA’s website. I may end up working at home in the morning to get that done, or I could surreptitiously try to do all of that while sitting in the audience at the Wilson Center event.
I’m having lunch with a longtime colleague who’s worked in Colombia, and have a mid-afternoon meeting to go over plans for next week’s trip. Tomorrow and Friday will be given over to long WOLA planning meetings, and interviews for a new assistant. So I’ll be hard to reach, really, until I get back from El Paso at the end of next weekk.