Jorge Cabrera / Reuters photo at The New York Times. Caption: “A protest on Monday in Managua against police violence and Mr. Ortega’s government.”

(Even more here)

April 26, 2018


There’s a big gap between devising a perfect plan and actually implementing that plan

The case of Juan Pablo Rodríguez Barragán raises questions about diplomatic immunity and international justice

Lo que hemos logrado juntos, el Comando Sur y Colombia es algo de lo que todos podemos enorgullecernos

Colombia, Ecuador

La Fiscalía General del Estado ha iniciado una investigación previa urgente contra el expresidente de la República Rafael Correa, por los supuestos aportes económicos de las Farc a la campaña


El Gobierno ecuatoriano suscribió ayer, en la Comandancia de Policía, en Quito, un memorando de entendimiento con la Agencia Antidrogas (DEA) y el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de Estados Unidos (ICE)

El Salvador

The best way to diminish the gang’s appeal to vulnerable young men is to think of it as more of a social organization than a criminal enterprise


What happened to three cousins who disappeared after being detained by Mexican soldiers will be taken up by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights — the first case related to Mexico’s drug war to come before the court.

U.S. lawyers planned to lead clinics later this week on U.S. asylum law to tell them what to expect when they seek asylum


Tres jóvenes que participaban en las protestas autoconvocadas y un ciudadano que transitaba por una calle, ajeno a los incidentes, fueron ultimados a balazos por agentes de la Policía Nacional

A new country is emerging from the dried cocoon of Sandinista dictatorship. The process is just starting, but Nicaragua is changing

Nicaragua is undergoing its biggest uprising since the civil war ended in 1990

Western Hemisphere Regional

Democrats pressed McAleenan about whether he would prioritize construction of a border wall over the staffing shortages and improvements to the ports of entry