Adam Isacson

Defense, security, borders, migration, and human rights in Latin America and the United States. May not reflect my employer’s consensus view.


July 2020

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Bladimir Sánchez, Voces del Guayabero photo at La Liga Contra el Silencio (Colombia). Caption: “Campesinos en la vereda Tercer Milenio, de Vista Hermosa, explicando su protesta a las fuerzas militares antes de que comenzaran a dispersarla con violencia.”

(Even more here)

July 31, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

A worrying new trend of banning politicians from running

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on trans women deprived of liberty has been disproportionate in comparison with other groups, particularly because of the diverse intersectionalities affecting their lives

One source, a senior administration official, described being “afraid” about whom President Trump may tap to replace Albence, describing Albence as someone who knows the agency inside out and was a barrier between ICE and pressures from the White House


Los resultados del monitoreo para el final de 2019 muestran un 10% de incremento de la superficie con cultivos de coca con respecto al mismo periodo del 2018


Contra el uniformado figuran dos procesos activos a nivel penal: uno por peculado por apropiación y otro por tráfico de influencias. También tiene cuatro investigaciones disciplinarias en estudio preliminar

Palabras de Francisco de Roux durante la entrega, de parte del Ejército Nacional de Colombia, del informe ‘En surcos de dolores’

On the morning of July 6, many in Tasajera saw the fuel truck’s crash as an opportunity for some extra money

La campaña de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos que adelanta la Fuerza de Tarea Conjunta Omega en la región del río Guayabero deja heridos, hambre y miedo. Ninguna institución ha querido responder por esta violencia oficial

Líderes sociales expresan su preocupación por la facilidad con la que se mueven los grupos armados ilegales en veredas y corregimientos

Los uniformados de la policía antinarcóticos y un erradicador civil murieron al caer en un campo minado. Otros tres uniformados de la policía nacional resultaron heridos

Las tensiones al interior de la Comisión han aflorado públicamente a raíz de la filtración, este fin de semana, de una carta escrita por el comisionado y mayor retirado del Ejército Carlos Guillermo Ospina, calificando la cancelación de un evento de la Comisión el viernes pasado con militares como censura

La decisión se tomó luego de constatar la grave situación de vulneración a sus derechos fundamentales

Democrats in the House of Representatives are pushing back on President Trump’s escalation of the war on drugs and asking for an investigation into the use of U.S. funds in Colombia


Due to pressure from the administration and fear of U.S. sanctions, the French bank Crédit Mutuel halted services to Fincimex, a Cuban company that controls remittances and is linked to the military

El Salvador

Bukele ha fabricado una realidad alternativa según la cual él es el único defensor del pueblo frente lo que llama “los mismos de siempre”, una categoría en la que incluye a cualquiera que exprese una crítica o no se pliegue a sus deseos

The Kidd conducted a brief stop to refuel in port Acajulta, marking the first time in nearly three years that a U.S. Navy warship has visited El Salvador


Five Garífuna men were kidnapped on July 18 in Triunfo de la Cruz, Honduras. Miriam Miranda of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras says authorities are complacent toward rising violence against the Garífuna people


Andrew Selee, a longtime expert on Mexico at the Migration Policy Institute, said, “That’s incredible,” and added that they would “force us to rethink everything we thought we knew” about the recent anti-narcotics efforts in Mexico

Mexico has fallen behind in the amount of water it must send north from its dams under a 1944 treaty, but farmers in the northern state of Chihuahua want the water


La situación de hacinamiento, incertidumbre, hambre, frío, lluvia, sol y falta de condiciones mínimas en la que se encuentran los más de 500 nicas califica como maltrato gubernamental y una grave violación a los derechos humanos

U.S.-Mexico Border

Data from reveals that CBP has gone on a shopping spree as it looks to become a national police force

A teenage Guatemalan girl staying at a McAllen hotel was moved at midnight May 15 to another city hundreds of miles away

The river was hovering around the 19-foot-mark, but additional rains could easily send the river above the 21-foot mark, threatening the camp of about 1,200 asylum-seekers


El criminólogo Keymer Ávila indica que los sobornos o el matraqueo son algo predecible en el marco de la cuarenterna por discrecionalidad de los cuerpos armados

Gustavo Cárdenas and Jorge Toledo were released to house arrest on Thursday evening, days after a humanitarian visit to Caracas by former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and a team of nongovernment negotiators

Acting Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Michael Kozak told journalists in a call that the opening of the market shows this is like an alliance of “pariah” states

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Rafael Moreno / Cortes photo at El Espectador (Colombia). Caption: “El Ejército hace presencia en San José de Uré (Córdoba), lugar de la primera masacre.”

(Even more here)

July 30, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Entre los países que registraron el mayor número de asesinatos se encuentran Brasil, México, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela y Nicaragua


While Añez’s legitimacy is questionable at best—the New York Times refers to her as a “caretaker leader”—she will be in power until further notice


Espitia estuvo como jefe encargado del búnker durante un poco más de ocho meses, hasta que llegó al cargo el actual fiscal general Francisco Barbosa

Sin los votos de los partidos de oposición, la plenaria del Senado de la República, aprobó en la noche de éste miércoles los ascensos militares de seis altos oficiales, entre ellos el del comandante del Ejército

El presidente de la Comisión de la Verdad afirmó que su decisión de cancelar el evento que estaba organizando por el comisionado Carlos Ospina obedeció a que el coronel Hernán Mejía, condenado por “falsos positivos”, era ponente

The decision came after widespread national and international outcry

Sus riquezas naturales lo han convertido en un departamento disputado por varios grupos ilegales, especialmente dos derivados de las organizaciones paramilitares: los Caparros y las autodenominadas Autodefensas Gaitanistas

Hoy, el Ejército Nacional entrega 16 libros, seis casos y cuatro informes sobre lo que ocurrió en sus ocho divisiones durante el conflicto armado

The extrajudicial killing of my son burst the bubble I was living in. This pandemic is yet another test of our endurance and how big our hearts are to help those in need

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

Access to protection for migrants and refugees has been eviscerated and the United States has turned a blind eye towards corruption and human rights abuses in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador

U.S.-Mexico Border

Engineering experts said photos of damage from last weekend’s storms reinforce the idea that building and maintaining a border fence so close to the river poses serious challenges

“Tonk” (sometimes spelled “tonc”) is a slang CBP term for a migrant. It allegedly refers to the sound of hitting someone on the head with a flashlight

The hotel had entered into an agreement but was unaware that the room block, booked by the private contractor, would be used to house migrants in U.S. custody

On Wednesday at 2:15 p.m., engineers said the level of the river had risen to 19.37 feet at a downstream river gauge, prompting the camp past Puente Internacional to enter the “warning” phase of its evacuation plan

“We apprehend them, we give them a face mask and I ask them if they’re feeling any symptoms, ‘No I’m fine, this and that,’ and then we process them remotely without taking them to the station we’ll process them in a combined area, we process them in the field”


With Maduro still in power and in a position to manipulate the elections and their outcome there can be no free and fair election in Venezuela

Este taller, busca fomentar la difusión de la axiología militar, tan fundamental como el sentimiento patrio, nacionalismo, justicia, disciplina, responsabilidad, compromiso, humanismo, ética y moral

Venezuelan waters have been a recent stage for incidents between American and Bolivarian military forces. Could this all escalate into actual, frontal war?

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Luis Robayo / EFE photo at El Espectador (Colombia).

(Even more here)

July 29, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Leaders ranging from the center-right to the far left have used the crisis as justification to extend their time in office, weaken oversight of government actions and silence critics

An IDB headed by an American – any American – would undermine its fundamental mission in a new inter-American system

“There are important policy reasons that may warrant the full rescission of the DACA policy”

DREAMers are facing limbo yet again as Trump explores ending DACA for a second time


Many supporters of the ADPF lawsuit, who discussed it at a June 25 online panel, took in the news of Fachin’s order with caution given what they described as the justice system’s historic lack of control of police actions

The musician, 77, exiled to London under Brazil’s military dictatorship says he fears the president’s ‘ultra-reactionary bunch’ will not let go of power easily


Espina fue enfático en apoyar la labor de los militares y en indicar que las Fuerzas Armadas y de Orden no están desgastadas


Se da desde hace ya años la primera condición para una negociación de paz exitosa (el impase mutuamente doloroso), pero falta la segunda condición, la disponibilidad para una negociación efectiva, ante todo, por parte del Eln

Colombia was the deadliest country for land rights activists in 2019, as killings of environmental defenders soared in the Andean country, according to a report published by advocacy group Global Witness

Water, for her, is more important than any financial consideration — in fact, it was this mentality that pushed her to study environmental legislation


Una orden de captura, restricción de movilidad o seguir libre son las opciones

The criminal lawsuit, filed by Ramírez on June 2, accuses McDermott of damaging the “moral integrity, good name, dignity and honor” of the vice president in an article that alleged a connection between Ramírez’s husband, Álvaro Rincón, and a suspected drug trafficker

La lideresa caucana a quien le hicieron una detonación de explosivo en su vehículo en la madrugada de este martes en el municipio de Patía

La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito entregó un nuevo informe sobre la situación de los cultivos de uso ilícito en el país


Cuban authorities committed numerous rights violations in June 2020 against people organizing a protest over police violence, effectively suppressing the demonstration

El Salvador

The truce’s main legacy is that it allowed the gangs to deal directly with those in power. Upon demonstrating their ability to control homicide rates, the MS13 and Barrio 18 began to negotiate with politicians


The Guatemalan government enacted a state of siege allegedly to restore order in areas affected by organized crime, but these claims were so vague that they raised questions about what ulterior motives may be at play


El problema aquí es que el presidente sigue otorgándole espacios de poder a las fuerzas armadas que no tuvieron nunca; hay una militarización de áreas de Gobierno que históricamente estuvieron en manos civiles

Secretive leader of Jalisco New Generation cartel, who seeks treatment for kidney disease, currently seen as ‘public enemy No 1’


250 de 667 muertos fueron enterrados el mismo día de su deceso, la mayoría por complicaciones respiratorias


El presidente Martín Vizcarra anunció que las Fuerzas Armadas apoyarán a la PNP en la contención de los brotes criminalidad, pero no se ha dado detalles de la medida

U.S.-Mexico Border

“I would have to go to the border and assess, if confirmed, to make a rational judgment at this time,” he told Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., in response to a question about moving DoD counter-narcotic funding

The mural is being planned as part of a “Defund the Wall, Fund Our Future” campaign from the No Border Wall Coalition


Rubén González, secretario general del sindicato de Ferrominera Orinoco, lleva 20 meses preso en la cárcel de La Pica

The Venezuelan military has ignored Guaidó’s calls to mutiny and, despite some defections, continues to provide crucial support to Maduro. Anti-government protests have petered out

Professor Keymer Ávila of the Institute of Criminal Sciences at the Central University of Venezuela discusses lethal state violence. Venezuelan security forces kill thousands of racialized and impoverished young people every year

Analysts say the pandemic has helped suck away the opposition’s already flagging support

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Camille Cohen photo at Golden Gate Xpress. Caption: “Hwaa Kuahan, 10, begs his mother, Martha Rodriguez, every day to join in protesting the border wall. Rodriguez is one of the protest leaders and a teacher of cultural practices at Kumeyaay community college. According to Rodriguez, sheallows him to join when there will not be dynamite involved in the construction process and she deems the day’s activities as safe.”

(Even more here)

July 28, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

US policy towards Latin America should prioritize cooperation, rule of law and climate change, among other considerations, writes a former Biden advisor

Detained families might once again be faced with the “binary choice” of releasing children to a sponsor and facing indefinite separation, or staying together inside


It is only temporary—and poorly enforced—but the move does represent a first step in overcoming decades of brutality

An umbrella group of unions and social organizations representing more than 1 million Brazilian medical professionals have filed a complaint to the International Criminal Court in The Hague

Central America Regional, Nicaragua

Esto fue abordado en la reunión ordinaria del Consejo Superior de la Conferencia de las Fuerzas Armadas Centroamericanas (CFAC), realizada de forma virtual


Un detallado informe de la Fiscalía revela la atroz radiografía de este delito. El documento cobra relevancia hoy, a propósito de la postura de algunos líderes

Tres frentes de batalla tiene abiertos esa antigua guerrilla: contra el Estado, ‘Los Rastrojos’ y ‘Los Pelusos’

La FIP revela en este informe los vacíos regulatorios y las fallas en los mecanismos de control de un mercado que sigue siendo muy dinámico

Two amendments to the annual US defense-spending bill rein in the use of aerial fumigation to eradicate cocaine and require reporting on allegations of abuses by Colombia’s military

Se trata de Arley Antonio Úsuga Torres, alias “07”, quien también es sobrino del narcotraficante Dairo Antonio Úsuga alias “Otoniel”


La CNDH señaló a la Semar por la desaparición de 27 personas en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, en 2018. Las familias siguen sin tener pistas y no hay ni una sola persona acusada formalmente

Mexican policymakers can find ways for the country to benefit from migrants’ social and economic contributions by taking into account their target populations and tailoring legal pathways to their specific needs and skills

The U.N. refugee agency said Monday it is setting up 48 temporary pre-fab housing units for refugees and asylum seekers in Mexico

El inmueble se encuentra en la comunidad jalisciense de El Alcíhuatl; por órdenes del capo, la atención médica sólo es para él, su equipo de seguridad y los habitantes locales

U.S.-Mexico Border


The Kumeyaay people are organizing themselves and outside volunteers in order to slow construction until their demands for adequate cultural protections are met, including soil testing

Bortac, a quasi-militarised outfit equivalent to the Navy Seals, has been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan

A group of 17 unaccompanied children will be allowed to make their cases in the US instead of being quickly expelled like thousands of immigrants have under a coronavirus policy


Maduro allowed the entire “promocion” of 1987, the cohort of military officers which graduated from training that year, to retire

La Asamblea Nacional informó que los diputados Gilber Caro y Renzo Prieto son víctimas de tortura en la sede de las Fuerzas de Acciones Especiales (FAES) de la Policía Nacional en Caracas

Delegados noruegos valoran que la campaña electoral en Estados Unidos rezagará cualquier solución a la crisis política venezolana, dicen fuentes familiarizadas con la visita

The Senators’ letter follows a years-long campaign pushing President Trump to use his executive authorities to designate Venezuela for TPS

Some articles I found interesting this morning

(Even more here)

CC. FF. AA. photo at El Comercio (Peru). Caption: “Avioneta siniestrada con placa boliviana, encontrada en una pista clandestina de Ucayali”

July 27, 2020


An ongoing legal challenge against police violence in Rio’s favelas produced a number of critical decisions in Brazil’s Supreme Court

As the pandemic assails Brazil, the virus is taking an exceptionally high toll on the Amazon region


El Gobierno, en cabeza de la vicepresidenta Marta Lucía Ramírez, anunció la creación de una mesa de trabajo conjunto para revisar los casos de violencia contra la mujer en las Fuerzas Militares

Eso es pretender tapar el sol con las manos y les propina una cachetada a las víctimas

Hace meses que estoy en un doble confinamiento. Ahora protegiéndome del virus, pero antes andaba esquivando las amenazas de muerte y los atentados con que han intentado acallar mi voz

En El Salado fueron asesinadas 66 personas entre el 16 y el 21 de febrero del 2000. SEMANA reconstruye cómo se planeó y ejecutó la peor masacre cometida por los paramilitares

Hasta tanto no se realice un proceso de consulta previa con los representantes del resguardo Inda Sabaleta, en Tumaco, no se podrán ejecutar dichos operativos que en abril de este año ocasionaron la muerte en ese resguardo de un comunero indígena

La llegada del exjefe paramilitar Salvatore Mancuso a Colombia y su intención de confesar y colaborar con la justicia significarán otro gran golpe judicial a la familia del expresidente y senador Álvaro Uribe Vélez

El hombre, que lleva 30 años al margen de la ley, fue captruado en Maicao

El ex jefe de la guerrilla y actual líder político del Partido FARC respondió a la polémica creada por la negación de los líderes de esa colectividad del reclutamiento infantil

Este es el frente tras el que iba el Black Hawk que se precipitó a tierra en Guaviare el pasado miércoles, dejando un saldo de 11 militares fallecidos. Se trata del primero que se separó del proceso de paz y hoy es el cerebro de las operaciones de narcotráfico en el sur del país×0/

A toxic slate of leftist guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries and drug cartels are using the outbreak to consolidate control

Llevamos casi 20 años de apoyo de EE. UU. tratando de profesionalizar las instituciones de seguridad en Colombia y seguimos recibiendo reporte de que las mismas cosas que nos preocupaban hace dos décadas siguen pasando

En diálogo con El Espectador, James McGovern, representante demócrata, habló de su propuesta de que Colombia rinda cuentas sobre el uso de recursos de Estados Unidos en labores ilegales de inteligencia militar

Costa Rica, Nicaragua

Nicaragua sent a contingent of riot police to the Peñas Blancas border post, which it shares with Costa Rica, where, after being refused entry, a group of Nicaraguan migrants trying to return home blocked the passage of truck traffic


Unidades del Ejército localizaron hoy en horas de la madrugada, a 14 kilómetros del municipio de El Chal, Petén una aeronave abandonada y en llamas que transportaba ilícitos

Se consultó al MINTRAB sobre si existe una actualización del acuerdo y si hay guatemaltecos beneficiados por el mismo, pero al cierre de edición de esta nota aún no habían respondido a la solicitud realizada vía WhatsApp


La administración de recursos se opacaría, aseguran activistas y académicos


Existen más de 122 pistas de aterrizaje clandestinas entre destruidas y rehabilitadas, ubicadas en diversos puntos de la Selva Central

U.S.-Mexico Border

For a year and a half, correspondent John Holman walked with Central Americans, witnessing first-hand the cycle of hope and despair

“Not many tents have been destroyed, luckily. However, the rains continue, so that may not be the case, you know, after today”


El suceso ocurrió la tarde de este sábado, 25 de julio, cuando las personas en una cola por gasolina en Aragua de Barcelona, Anzoátegui, protestaron por razones que no han sido esclarecidas

Carlos Chaparro, 47, died of a shot allegedly fired by a member of the National Guard as a crowd decried the shortage of fuel at a service station in the town of Aragua de Barcelona

Eduardo Rivas salió de la nada para consagrarse como el zar de la explotación del oro, el último maná que permite obtener divisas para las arcas del Gobierno después del colapso de la industria petrolera

La acción de la guerrilla, los paramilitares y las bandas delincuenciales con alto poder de fuego, se acentuó en los estados fronterizos venezolanos entre abril y julio

Latin America-related Online Events This Week

Tuesday, July 28

Wednesday, July 29

  • 10:30–12:00 at Report Launch and Conversation on U.S.-Mexico Relations with Current and Former Ambassadors(RSVP required).
  • 11:00–12:00 at Rising Corruption and Undermining Rule of Law in Latin America (RSVP required).
  • 12:00 at Zoom: Pandemia y autoritarismo: retos de la libertad de prensa en el norte de Centroamérica (RSVP required).
  • 3:00–4:30 at Voices from the Border: Humanitarians and Missing Migrants (RSVP required).

Thursday, July 30

Friday, July 31

5 Links from the Past Week

  • Here’s Protect Colombia’s Peace, a thorough snapshot of the current moment in Colombia’s peace process, and a series of perfectly reasonable recommendations for U.S. policy toward Latin America’s third most-populous nation. I wrote bits of this collaboration between more than 20 organizations. (While I’m linking to things I wrote last week, don’t miss last Monday’s analysis of what the pandemic is doing to the region’s already precarious civil-military relations.)
  • Almost nobody in Laredo, Texas wants a border wall obstructing the city’s riverfront. At The Texas Observer, Gus Bova surveys a wide variety of residents’ views of this incredibly unpopular project.
  • A collaboration between Mexico’s SinEmbargo and DemocraciaAbierta seeks to put a human face on some of the 133 journalists murdered in the country so far this century.
  • Texas Public Radio, meanwhile, brings in reports from journalists in the Rio Grande Valley, El Paso, and Mexico City to detail the miserable human cost of the Trump administration’s assault on the right to asylum.
  • From Vanda Felbab-Brown at the Brookings Institution, a very clear-headed exploration of “policy options for responding to the supply of heroin and synthetic opioids from Mexico to the United States.”

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from Nicaragua Investiga (Nicaragua). Caption: “Desde septiembre de 2018, la Policía Nacional declaró como ilegales las manifestaciones opositoras y solo permite las manifestaciones del partido de gobierno”

(Even more here)

July 24, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Government officials are accused of exploiting the pandemic to award contracts to campaign donors and steal from public funds


El Tribunal Supremo Electoral determinó ayer que se moverán para el 18 de octubre


The U.S. State Department has cleared Chile to purchase modernization upgrades for its F-16 fleet, with a potential $634 million price tag


Habría varios miembros de la Fundación que estarían siendo perfilados por sectores de las Fuerzas Militares

Colombia has introduced the possibility of a lifetime jail sentence for the rape or murder of children, following shocking allegations of child sexual assault by members of the military

La Fiscalía anunció avances en la investigación que se adelanta por el homicidio del líder social Temístocles Machado, ocurrido el 27 de enero de 2018, en Buenaventura

Operations to forcibly eradicate coca crops in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are a death sentence for rural communities

Hasta tanto no se realice un proceso de consulta previa con los representantes del resguardo Inda Sabaleta, en Tumaco, no se podrán ejecutar dichos operativos que en abril de este año ocasionaron la muerte en ese resguardo de un comunero indígena

Con este incidente, la División de Aviación del Ejército ha perdido 8 aeronaves en los últimos 5 años, ya sea por accidentes o acción directa de un grupo armado ilegal

Este grupo armando ilegal controla el corredor sur del país entre los departamentos de Guaviare, Vaupés, Meta, Caquetá y Vichada. Su líder: Néstor Gregorio Vera, alias “Iván Mordisco”

Protect Colombia’s Peace, a report urging the U.S. government to adopt the full implementation of the peace accords as its principal diplomatic message for Colombia

El Latin America Working Group, junto con otras 23 organizaciones estadounidenses y colombianas, publicaron el informe “Protejan la paz en Colombia”

La versión de la senadora y excombatiente Sandra Ramírez sobre algunos crímenes de la guerrilla carece de lógica y es una afrenta más a las víctimas

Colombia, Venezuela

Pese al cierre de la frontera, una nueva ola migratoria de venezolanos está llegando a Colombia


El Gobierno ecuatoriano advirtió a China que hará respetar su soberanía marítima alrededor del Archipiélago de las Galápagos, a unos 1.000 kilómetros de la costa continental, ante la proximidad a esas aguas de una flota pesquera

El Salvador

El exministro de Defensa David Munguía Payés fue detenido el jueves luego de que el Ministerio Público de El Salvador girara una orden de captura por su participación en la tregua entre las pandillas


Chérizier has emerged as the mastermind of the “G9 an Fanmi,” (G9 and Family), an alliance brokered in June between at least nine gangs in Port-au-Prince


El senador Julen Rementería del Puerto precisó que el artículo 129 de la Constitución establece que en tiempos de paz “ninguna autoridad militar puede ejercer más funciones que las que tengan exacta conexión con la disciplina militar”

En su carta de renuncia como titular de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT), Javier Jiménez Espriú manifiesta su preocupación por la grave trascendencia de trasladar las funciones “eminentemente civiles” de los puertos “al ámbito militar”


Existe temor por la reacción que puedan tener fanáticos sandinistas que suelen estar armados y tomar acciones violentas

U.S.-Mexico Border

Border-hugging spring and its pond are sacred to Hia C-ed O’odham and the Tohono O’odham people

The rejection from House Democrats doesn’t stop DHS from reshuffling the money, and Roybal-Allard‘s letter doesn’t fully detail how DHS plans to spend the redirected $169 million

Udelsman said he went to the fourth floor of the hotel and was confronted by three large men who asked to see his and a fellow activist’s badges

Three reporters — from the Rio Grande Valley, El Paso and Mexico City — took a deep dive on how this CDC order affects the lives of asylum-seeking migrants by examining how it’s being implemented along the Texas-Mexico border


Aunque sin muchos datos de las operaciones, el Comando de la Defensa Aeroespacial Integral ha neutralizado nueve narcoaeronaves desde durante la cuarentena; una medida permitida al componente armado cuando exista la presunción de narcotráfico

Is opposition politics even possible in Venezuela in 2020?

Some articles I found interesting this morning

COFP photo at El Espectador (Colombia). Caption: “Cerca de 5.763 ejecuciones extrajudiciales ocurrieron entre 2002 y 2010.”

(Even more here)

July 23, 2020


Brazil’s quilombolas, the descendants of African slaves, worry more about his power to block their efforts to secure the rights to land they have inhabited for generations – something Bolsonaro has repeatedly said he wants to prevent

We asked every expert we spoke to for their score out of 10. (1 is the extremely poor and 10 is ideal.) It’s an extremely subjective measurement, but the average across all of them was 3


MST topics included review of upcoming scheduled warfighting operations and exercises over the next two years, and plans for education and training opportunities for Chilean personnel in the U.S., and U.S. personnel in Chile


Los casos de las mujeres víctimas del conflicto tienen un 98 % de impunidad, según el Centro Internacional de Justicia Transicional

Central America Regional, Mexico

El fideicomiso Fondo México, encargado de gestionar las ayudas de 30 millones de pesos a Centroamérica para implementar programas sociales, será extinguido sin que Honduras y El Salvador hayan recibido un peso


El cartel de Santa Rosa de Lima puso a Guanajuato en el escenario del crimen organizado. Hidalgo va en esa ruta, aunque todavía no hay un grupo único, las células locales se pelean la zona

Alternative livelihood efforts have the best chance to improve public safety and rule of law in Mexico, even if, like eradication, they displace poppy cultivation to other areas

The following article features 10 obituaries of journalists killed in Mexico in 2019. They are some of the 133 journalists who have been killed between 2000 and 2020

U.S.-Mexico Border

The Border Patrol has been allowed to wield power in a similar manner along the border for decades, with often deadly consequences for Latinos


It is time for the United States to stop being part of the problem and be part of an international effort to address ongoing humanitarian catastrophe

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Laiken Jordahl photo at Cronkite News. Caption: “Laiken Jordahl, who’s with the Center for Biological Diversity in Tucson, shared pictures of saguaros that have been felled at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument near Ajo.”

(Even more here)

July 22, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

The authoritarian tactics we’ve exported around the world in the name of national security are now being deployed in Portland

One was instructed to crank the AC to “freeze out” high-fever detainees who ICE wanted to deport


El Presidente destacó la labor de 60 mil hombres y mujeres en la lucha contra el coronavirus, en el marco de la denominada operación Manuel Belgrano. “Esto habla de las Fuerzas Armadas que nosotros queremos”, afirmó


Pueden presentarse repercusiones, como pérdida de beneficios, siempre y cuando Ejército o Gobierno no hagan correcciones necesarias y no exista justicia en casos relacionados con actividades ilegales

El exmandatario, férreo opositor a lo acordado en La Habana (Cuba), saludó la elección de la senadora como segunda vicepresidenta y destacó en ella su coherencia y una discusión argumentada

El Observatorio de Tierras de la Universidad Nacional y de la Universidad del Rosario documentó 95 incidentes entre la fuerza pública y campesinos entre diciembre de 2016 y julio de 2020

Autoridades insisten en que el derecho a la participación se puede dar a través de la virtualidad. Con este, van dos decisiones falladas a favor de las comunidades

Se dieron a conocer enmiendas en torno a la fumigación y el espionaje a civiles

Colombia, Venezuela

La presidenta de la subcomisión de asuntos fronterizos de la Asamblea Nacional (AN), Gabriela Arellano, denunció que entre 20.000 y 25.000 hombres armados se disputan el control de los recursos en territorio de los estados fronterizos, especialmente Bolívar

El Salvador

While certainly headline-grabbing and criminal, the details of the indictment do not justify the US government’s argument to charge the leader with terrorism


El Ministerio Público (MP) compartió en su cuenta oficial de Twitter una foto y un breve texto que despertaron preocupación dentro y fuera de Guatemala sobre las operaciones de inteligencia del Ejército

The new anti-corruption entity in Guatemala is likely to serve as a smokescreen, one that will only tie up and siphon resources away from prosecutors and judges already battered after years of fighting high-level graft


María Luisa Borjas was convicted of defamation and sentenced to nearly three years in prison for naming Camilo Atala, president of Ficohsa bank, as a suspected mastermind in the 2016 killing of environmental activist Berta Caceres


The commission also said marines engaged in “illegal searches and arbitrary detentions.” The commission issued non-binding recommendation that criminal investigations be opened

El año pasado recibió poco más del promedio de la década reciente, y en el actual se le concedió una ampliación (de 27 a 47 millones de pesos), pero muy por debajo de lo requerido, del orden de 124 millones

El CJNG debiera ser prioridad para el gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador. En esta organización criminal recae buena parte de la violencia que se genera en México

Since 2000, 133 journalists have been murdered in Mexico. 10 of them in 2019. Meanwhile, impunity wins in 99% of cases

A un mes de la masacre de 15 indígenas Ikoots en Huazantlán del Río, no hay justicia y los asesinos andan libres

Recuérdese que en México dos terceras partes de los asesinatos se cometen con armas de fuego


El hallazgo de campamentos confirma que las operaciones mineras ilícitas continúan en las zonas protegidas de Madre de Dios

U.S.-Mexico Border

The border wall construction continues despite multiple legal challenges from conservation groups who claim biodiversity is being altered and environmental laws ignored to fast-track construction

Undertrained, unaccountable, and emboldened: a powder keg waiting to explode

The Trump administration is detaining immigrant children as young as 1 in hotels, sometimes for weeks, before deporting them to their home countries under policies that have effectively shut down the nation’s asylum system


Hay un total de 364 detenidos del sexo masculino y 30 del sexo femenino. Si se observa la ficha, pero desde el punto de vista de civiles y militares, se puede apreciar que hay 268 civiles y 126 presos que están relacionados con el mundo militar

The cases we have recorded show how the pandemic has been used as a mechanism for social, political and economic control during quarantine

When the police kill young men in Venezuela, often their mothers are the only ones who seek justice. Institutional barriers to accountability have increased during the pandemic

El embajador de EE.UU. ante la OEA, Carlos Trujillo, aludió al Tratado de Río para recordar de que todos los países que forman parte de ese pacto han señalado que el gobierno en disputa de Nicolás Maduro supone una amenaza para la paz y la estabilidad

In Latin America, COVID-19 Risks Permanently Disturbing Civil-Military Relations

“Across Latin America, the COVID-19 pandemic is embedding the armed forces more deeply into citizens’ daily lives,” reads an analysis from me that was just posted to WOLA’s website. “At a time when it’s more important than ever to rethink the role of policing and the accountability of public security forces to the people they protect, this militarization of public security is greatly concerning because it will be difficult to reverse.”

In many Latin American democracies that have spent decades trying to leave military dictatorships behind, COVID-19 has put soldiers back on the streets playing roles ranging from handing out food to enforcing curfews. Once this is over, will the region be able to put this toothpaste back into the tube? Read on.

In the meantime, here’s a text box that appears in the piece that I think even non-Latin Americanists will find useful.

Key differences between militaries and police forces

Though exceptions exist, with several listed below, some of the characteristics that distinguish military and police forces include the following.

Police seek to de-escalate situations, using force—especially lethal force—only as a last resort. Combat demands that militaries escalate quickly and use overwhelming force to defeat an enemy.

Police tend to carry much lighter weaponry than military forces.

Police tend to live among the population, and constant interaction with them is central to their work. Military personnel tend to live in barracks and bases or otherwise separate from society as a whole. In countries that maintain a sharp division between military and police roles, citizens rarely come across armed, uniformed soldiers.

Police are expected to respond quickly to citizens’ calls for assistance, often through emergency call centers. Armed forces may respond to some calls for help, but do not maintain this response capacity.

Police forces include detectives and other specialists in investigating crimes after the fact, and all are trained in preserving crime scenes, respecting rules of evidence, and otherwise coordinating with the criminal justice system. Military forces have little or no criminal investigative capacity.

Police who commit human rights abuses tend to be tried in the regular criminal justice system. Military personnel who commit international humanitarian law violations tend to be tried in a separate military justice system. In countries that employ militaries for public security, how to investigate and prosecute military personnel who violate fellow citizens’ rights is nearly always a controversial topic.

Police tend to operate at or near capacity, immersed in daily duties with little opportunity or capacity for planning. When not at war, militaries maintain much excess capacity, with soldiers trained and equipment maintained to a state of “readiness” while officers draw up contingency plans.

Exceptions to these distinctions exist, and many of them have emerged or evolved in the past 50 or 60 years. Many of them blur the lines dangerously between military and policing missions. They include:

  • Military police, peacekeeping, or national guard units that, while military, keep order in emergencies or in overseas territorial occupations.
  • Special Operations Forces, or military personnel who may be trained to relate to populations or “win hearts and minds” while seeking to stabilize territory or carry out “operations other than war.”
  • Police Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) or commando units that use escalated force and heavy weapons against lawbreakers believed to be heavily armed.
  • Gendarmeries, constabularies, or border guards that tend to be more mobile, more heavily armed, and more hierarchically organized than police, and are often expected to operate in sparsely populated and lightly governed rural areas.

For more, see WOLA’s 2010 report Preach What You Practice: The Separation of Police and Military Roles in the Americas.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Ash Ponders photo at National Geographic. Caption: “Contractors with Southwest Valley Constructors work on the concrete base of the border wall near Lukeville, Arizona, in September 2019. Customs and Border Patrol previously estimated construction in this area used up to 710,000 gallons per mile of fence. More may be necessary now.”

(Even more here)

July 21, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Almagro’s statements suggest continuation of the relatively narrow focus of his first term – heavy on driving political change in leftist countries that coincide with policy priorities of the United States and right-leaning governments in the hemisphere


El ministro de Defensa, Luis Fernando López, instó este lunes a la apertura de una “tregua política” ante la difícil situación que atraviesa el país frente a la pandemia del Covid-19

El Ejecutivo dio cumplimiento a su decreto sin esperar el trámite en el Legislativo. Se procedió a la imposición de grados y a la entrega de bastones de mando, sables y espadas

Duque then adopted a litigator’s bearing, listing specific clauses of the agreement that his administration fulfilled in 24 months in office, and that Santos’ had not advanced on in 20 months since signing the accords

Esta masacre ocurrió el pasado sábado 18 de julio, ese mismo día y en esa misma zona dos soldados murieron y otros ocho resultaron heridos en un ataque que fue atribuido al Ejército de Liberación Nacional

La masacre que cometieron estos últimos el sábado pasado, deja hasta ahora siete personas muertas y 400 desplazadas. Según testimonios de la zona, los hombres iban dotados de armas largas

Colombia, Venezuela

Miguel Ceballos, alto comisionado para la Paz del Gobierno colombiano, calificó como grave y preocupante el video en el que un emisario de la guerrilla del Eln le jura lealtad a Nicolás Maduro


OACNUDH considera importante que las autoridades incluyan dentro de sus líneas de investigación la labor de defensores de derechos humanos que las cuatro personas desempeñan en su comunidad


El hecho de que estas cosas se repitan una y otra vez son una muestra de la debilidad estructural del Estado mexicano. Eso es lo que deberíamos de estar discutiendo

Poco a poco se desmonta la mentira histórica de la cual fueron cómplices Jesús Murillo Karam, Tomás Zerón, la PGR, Enrique Peña Nieto. Poco a poco se reivindican los informes del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes

Esta mañana, durante su conferencia de prensa, el Mandatario se lanzó contra la prensa y periodistas que compararon a la caravana con un ejército, dado que era cerca de 75 personas armadas a bordo de los tanques y vehículos tipo militar

Aunque la Guardia Nacional fue fundada en marzo de 2019, hasta el mes pasado se inició con la capacitación de sus mandos

New government figures show the number of homicides in Mexico has grown during the new coronavirus pandemic, including a 9.2% spike in killings of women

“I respect President Trump’s point of view,” López Obrador told reporters during a daily press conference

Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border

Patients did eventually come from Mexico to U.S. border states, but they weren’t rushing an insecure border — they crossed legally seeking treatment


Sin mencionar el coronavirus, el caudillo responsabilizó a los ciudadanos de las muertes por neumonía y problemas respiratorios

Orozco resume los hallazgos principales de la encuesta en la fuerte caída de popularidad de Ortega y el FSLN, con un desplome por debajo del 20%

U.S.-Mexico Border

The terrain along this stretch of Arizona’s border with Sonora is far more challenging than other border wall projects in the state, most of which have taken place on relatively flat terrain

A border wall is headed for Laredo—and the only thing likely to stop it is time

Water flow is at an all-time low at Quitobaquito Springs, a culturally vital oasis home to two endangered species next to the U.S.-Mexico border


El comisionado para los derechos humanos, designado por Juan Guaidó, Humberto Prado, presentó este lunes 20 de julio su informe de DDHH 2019

La oposición debe hacer un esfuerzo realista para reformular el conflicto

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from El Espectador (Colombia). Caption: “Los siete soldados permanecen recluidos en una guarnición militar.”

(Even more here)

July 20, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

An internal memo, obtained exclusively by The Nation, details a coordinated program of domestic counterinsurgency

Half of the transfers Reuters identified involved detainees who were either moved from centers with COVID-19 cases to centers with no known cases, or from centers with no cases to those where the virus had spread

Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay

One marine was killed in a fierce shootout between smugglers and the Paraguayan military last week, in an episode which then allegedly led to the detention and torture of 35 civilians


The pandemic and ensuing restrictions have had a debilitating effect on one of Latin America’s poorest and most politically fragile countries


As the virus tears through big city favelas and remote rainforest communities at the official rate of a quarter-million people per week, Brazil is providing 80% fewer tests per capita than the United States


Los magistrados de la Sección Primera le acaban de dar una estocada mortal a la norma impulsada por el Gobierno Duque. Desde ahora, la Policía sólo podrá decomisar cuando sea verificable que la droga será usada para venta

La vía que comunica a Cúcuta con Tibú, que también es una de las principales entradas para la región de Catatumbo, ya tiene un historial de ataques del Eln contra la Fuerza Pública

Es claro que la protección de las comunidades a través de la militarización se ha convertido en realidad en un riesgo altísimo para la integridad sexual de las mujeres, niñas y adolescentes, y en especial para las indígenas y afros

Todavía no se sabe qué sucedió en San Vicente de Caguán en la noche del pasado martes 14 de julio. Aunque la investigación judicial está en curso, observadores descartan la hipótesis del suicidio de Mario

Ocho muertos y 120 desplazados es el saldo preliminar de la tragedia. La Defensoría del Pueblo confirmó los hechos

Hombres armados asesinaron en Algeciras a un niño, dos jóvenes y a una mujer. Su ‘pecado’: ser familiares y vecinos de Nencer Becerra, un desmovilizado de las Farc que hoy trabaja en la UNP

Militares y civiles dicen que, para que sus casos no queden en el olvido y la impunidad, deberían ser reconocidos ante la justicia transicional. Además, proponen que excombatientes de las Farc contribuyan a desminar

En el pueblo se habla de un plan contra los exguerrilleros, sus familias y campesinos que colaboraron con la otrora columna “Teófilo Forero”


El fiscal Juan Francisco Sandoval, jefe de la FECI, confirmó a The Associated Press las acusaciones por presuntamente influir indebidamente en el proceso de selección de los jueces para la Corte Suprema y las Cortes de Apelaciones


La orden presidencial implicará que las tropas mexicanas se hagan cargo de al menos 49 recintos aduanales en tierra firme, aunados a 116 aduanas marítimas que desde 2017 comenzó a controlar paulatinamente la Marina

El Presidente defendió que la Secretaría de Marina debe enfocarse en el cuidado de los litorales y los puertos de México

AMLO confía en ellos y en sí mismo, solo espero que esté consciente que un día ya no estará él al centro del timón. Ellos sí

Despite seeing themselves as free agents who decided to work in the drug trade, the men I interviewed also see themselves as disposable. They shared feelings of social exclusion and a lack of a life purpose

El secretario afirmó que no existe un grupo criminal que tenga capacidad para desafiar a las fuerzas de seguridad


El desafío político es no solamente desalojar del poder a Ortega-Murillo, sino desmantelar las estructuras dictatoriales

The haphazard, politicized response to the pandemic by the country’s leaders has put the government’s own officials and supporters at particular risk

U.S.-Mexico Border

CBP did not conduct an Analysis of Alternatives to assess and select the most effective, appropriate, and affordable solutions to obtain operational control of the southern border as directed

How immigration enforcement and policing became entwined


El coordinador de la Asociación Civil Ecológica Chunikai, Jorge Padrón, advierte que con la explotación indiscriminada del Arco Minero se está afectando el 80% de las reservas de aguas dulces, así como el sistema hidroeléctrico del Guri

The 57-year-old authoritarian wasn’t worried about the Colombian army. Rather, he was targeting his own people

El Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social (OVCS) realizó un balance sobre los primeros seis meses de 2020 en el que revela que en nuestra nación se han llevado a cabo hasta el momento un total de 4.414 manifestaciones

5 links from the past week

  • Two New York Times reporters and a photographer traveled 1,000 miles across Colombia to find out how badly people are hurting as the pandemic approaches (but hasn’t yet reached) it’s height. People are hurting really f***ing badly, they found.
  • Colombia’s La Silla Vacía ran an interesting interview with psychologist Sandra Trujillo, whose work has focused on the mindset of military personnel and other combatants. What explains the lack of empathy, of humanity, that has been evident from Colombia to Minneapolis to the U.S.-Mexico border? A few clues here.
  • Brookings’s Vanda Felbab-Brown examines eight occasions since 1990 when Latin American governments negotiated with violent criminal (not insurgent, not political) groups. She highlights several preliminary findings, much of them reasons why this is a lot more difficult than a political negotiation.
  • Spain’s El País accompanies one of very few mothers in Mexico whose missing son’s remains are identified and handed over to her. To me, anyway, her story says so much about daily life for the majority in Mexico today.
  • Colombia’s Semana magazine reveals something that many of us suspected: teams carrying out (often U.S.-backed) coca eradication systematically inflate their numbers. It’s hard to blame them, given the conditions under which they work.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

David Adams photo at Univision. Caption: “The Presidential Palace in Guatemala City.”

(Even more here)

July 17, 2020


El Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS), con mayoría parlamentaria, que por meses dilató ese trámite, condenó la medida a la que calificó de anticonstitucional


Nearly 3,000 square miles of trees lost in 11 months as military deployments fail to slow illegal logging


Las hojas de ruta encargadas por el Gobierno a la firma Deloitte para poner en marcha esos programas tendrán que ser concertadas con las comunidades

With more than 80,000 official cases, Colombia has more disappeared people than the rest of the region put together, at least until Mexico began to spiral out of control

Alberto Brunori se despide como representante en Colombia de la oficina de la Alta Comisionada ONU


Events unfolding now in Guatemala’s Supreme Court are a colorful illustration of how systemic corruption is baked into the system and cripples efforts to strengthen the rule of law, ensure accountability in government, and fight corruption


The two leaders face a major challenge in Jalisco, which is the home base of the cartel of Jalisco New Generation

Para combatir a la delincuencia en Jalisco se cuenta con 16 mil 399 elementos estatales y 13 mil 579 municipales para dar un total de 29 mil 918


El Jefe del Ejército de Nicaragua Julio César Avilés se refirió por primera vez a las sanciones que le impuso Estados Unidos el pasado 22 de mayo de 2020

U.S.-Mexico Border

Wolf’s announcement was largely expected. It came two days after Mexico’s Foreign Ministry proposed extending restrictions on non-essential travel at their shared border for an additional 30 days


Personas que entran al país por vías irregulares sin pasar controles sanitario fronterizos, y anunció que les aplicarán la Ley Orgánica contra la Delincuencia Organizada y Financiamiento al Terrorismo

Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said he met with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Thursday but was unable to win the release of several Americans jailed in the South American nation

Reiteró que si «cruzan la línea roja», habrá una respuesta «contundente» por parte de la Fuerza Armada Nacional

El embajador reitera a El Universal que se mantienen contactos con funcionarios del Ejecutivo y del grupo liderado por Guaidó en procura de un “diálogo abierto que lleve a la transición”

Some articles I found interesting this morning

@SembrandoComun1 photo at Animal Político (Mexico).

(Even more here)

July 16, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

In its public comment on the proposed regulation, the union representing federal asylum officers said it would effectively deny most migrants pursuing protection the right to have their claims of fear or persecution assessed

Hundreds of immigrant families in US Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody may have to decide by the end of this week whether they’ll separate from their children or stay in detention together


El ministro de Defensa comunicó la aprobación de la disposición para que los uniformados castrenses suban de rango de forma inmediata. Se denuncia que la Asamblea castiga a esa institución


The village’s entire population of 94 people loaded their belongings onto trucks and boarded double-decker buses to move to the banana-growing region of Uraba

Este es el primero de los 24 Etcr del país que se traslada con la coordinación del Gobierno Nacional y el partido Farc; y la razón principal es el riesgo que corren

En lo corrido del 2020 al día de hoy han sido asesinados 166 líderes sociales y/o defensores de DD.HH. y 36 excombatientes de Farc-Ep firmantes del Acuerdo de Paz

En el primer semestre de 2020 el Gobierno Nacional tiene confirmados el asesinato de 37 líderes sociales en el país, un 33 % menos de los que se confirmaron en el primer semestre del año anterior, sin embargo, la Oficina de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos sigue verificando otros 49 hechos

El Espectador conoció las 1.800 páginas de la condena a exintegrantes del frente Héctor Julio Peinado, en la cual se detalla de qué manera los paramilitares se ensañaron contra las mujeres y la población LGBTI

The bombing in Bolivar was part of a larger plan by the Colombian government to militarise five conflict regions dubbed “future zones”


The U.S. and Ecuadorian navies set the stage for a successful IPC and future engagements with a passing exercise (PASSEX) with the Ecuadorian Navy designed to strengthen maritime partnerships, July 11


Death threats have driven two anti-corruption prosecutors from the country in the past year, and their unit’s leader has a protective order from a regional human rights commission


Traffickers often erect their own radio antennas in rural areas. They also install so-called parasite antennas on existing cell towers

Familiares dicen que si en la agenda de trabajo está asistir a un cuartel de la Guardia Nacional, también puede escuchar a las madres de las víctimas


La última aparición pública de Ortega fue el pasado 10 de junio, cuando participó en una conferencia virtual del grupo ALBA sobre la economía tras la pandemia

U.S.-Mexico Border

Felipe Gomez Alonzo, 8, and Jakelin Caal, 7, both from Guatemala, died from the flu and sepsis respectively while in U.S. Border Patrol custody shortly after crossing into the U.S. with their fathers in December 2018

Our Jane Doe had apparently fallen from the border wall, which stretches to a height of 18 feet at that point along the U.S.-Mexico border, just west of El Paso where Anapra, Mexico, and Sunland Park, New Mexico, meet

CBP developed health screening policies and received emergency funds to enhance detainees’ medical care. But CBP hasn’t consistently overseen these policies, so some children were not given health screenings as intended


El gobernante Nicolás Maduro llenó el tablero de las ocho Regiones Estratégicas de Defensa Integral (REDI) con militares resteados y leales. Varios de los estos oficiales están alineados con el ministro de la Defensa

Defensores de derechos humanos alertan que estas expresiones forman parte de una campaña de odio contra los venezolanos retornados a quienes se les responsabiliza por el aumento del número de contagios de COVID-19

The U.S. Navy previously contested Venezuela’s excessive claim June 23, when the USS Nitze (DDG 94) lawfully and peacefully completed a similar operation in international waters outside of Venezuela’s 12 nautical-mile territorial sea

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Colprensa photo at El Colombiano (Medellín, Colombia). Caption: “Erradicación forzosa por parte de la Policía Nacional.”

(Even more here)

July 15, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Whether and how to negotiate amnesty and accountability questions with unconventional armed actors, including violent organised crime groups such as mafia, gang networks and drug cartels

Over two-thirds of migrants locked up at a private ICE facility tested positive for COVID-19. “You don’t treat humans like this. You don’t treat dogs like this,” one detainee said


Mr. Neto is not normally one to comment on politics. He usually sticks to entertaining his 38 million followers on YouTube with his comedic takes on pop culture. But as the death toll mounts, he’s become more outspoken

Haaland is preparing a floor amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would revoke Brazil’s designation as a major non-NATO ally.


Después de años de esperar una solución desde el Gobierno a esta tragedia, organizaciones de líderes están ofreciendo la suya: que Duque cumpla con el Acuerdo de Paz

Las metas impuestas por el Gobierno generan un riesgo inmenso de que las cifras de resultados se conviertan en “falsos positivos” de erradicación

La forma irresponsable que escogió el exministro Juan Carlos Pinzón para criticar a la Comisión de la Verdad es violenta y tiene connotaciones graves

The armed groups have imposed brutal “punishments,” including killings, on people for allegedly failing to comply

Un fallo de tutela le ordenó al presidente Iván Duque suspender la misión militar del comando sur del Ejército estadounidense en Colombia, pues nunca tuvo el visto bueno del Senado, como ordena la Constitución

“I encourage all parties to redouble measures to improve protection and security for women, including women former combatants, social leaders and human rights defenders,” he said

Sin duda, la violencia contra quienes dejaron las armas en el contexto del Acuerdo, y contra quienes defienden los derechos humanos y los derechos de las comunidades devastadas por el conflicto, sigue siendo la amenaza más grave para la consolidación de paz

Colombia, Venezuela

Gutierrez said she wants to return home to Venezuela just as 81,000 other Venezuelans had done by the end of June, according to Colombia’s border control agency

Venezuela’s economic tailspin has caused megabandas to abandon longtime strongholds and change their activities


Castro, who was a member of a network of environmental defense groups in southern Honduras, had last week expressed fears for his life to the National Protection System

As evidence of wrongdoing has mounted against Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, US officials have only embraced him tighter


EL PAÍS acompaña a una madre durante el proceso de identificación genética y entrega de los restos de su hijo, desaparecido en 2017 en Nayarit

Ocultó la participación directa en los hechos de elementos del Ejército Mexicano, presuntamente corrompidos por el cártel Guerreros Unidos

La división dentro de la estructura criminal del Cártel de Sinaloa entre “Los Chapitos”, como se conoce a los hijos de Joaquín Guzmán Loera y Jesús Alexander Sánchez Félix , alias “El Ruso”, lugarteniente de Ismael “Mayo” Zambada, se intensificó

El Gobierno federal y el de Guanajuato han polarizado desde la liberación de la madre de “El Marro”, en junio pasado


People working in the Arco Minero del Orinoco region in Venezuela are caught up in a context of labour exploitation and high levels of violence by criminal groups that control the mines in the area

Durante la gestión de Maduro, Provea registra un total de 34.135 violaciones a la integridad personal con torturas, heridas, tratos crueles e inhumanos, amenazas, hostigamientos contra trabajadores y dirigentes políticos, pero con una cifra récord de torturas el año pasado

The United States and other nations that strongly backed Mr. Guaidó are facing the unmitigated failure of their efforts to remove the regime through sanctions or negotiations

Two opposition leaders close to Guaidó (who asked not to be identified because they’re not authorized to speak for him) told WLRN the idea of an armed insurgency has regularly been discussed

The day ahead: July 15, 2020

I may be hard to reach today. (How to contact me)

It was nice having a few days with a lighter schedule. I caught up some website features at that were very difficult to work on when by broken wrist was at its worst last month (check out the embedded video library and other pages; I’m still working on the timeline). I’m slowly working with an intern to build up a similar, but less ambitious, resource about the border (very much under construction here).

Today I have two internal meetings and a Colombia coalition meeting, and I need to put together a talk about Colombia security for an official audience (non-public unfortunately) on Friday. As a result, I’ll probably be slow in responding today.

I also want to do something explaining the excellent narrative report that the House Appropriators put together on the Homeland Security bill. That, plus continuing website updates and writing a report on Putumayo, Colombia, will have me engaged through the rest of the week.

Also, expect WOLA to publish a big analysis of militaries in Latin America in a day or two.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from Provea (Venezuela).

(Even more here)

July 14, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

El candidato de Estados Unidos, Mauricio Claver-Carone, levanta ampollas en la institución, donde se le ve como ganador tras el apoyo de la mitad de los Gobiernos americanos

More than 930 employees of private contractors running U.S. immigration detention centers have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to congressional testimony given by company executives


Se puede ver a uno de los policías apoyando su pie izquierdo sobre el cuello de la mujer, de 51 años, tendida boca abajo en el suelo, que había entrado en escena para defender a un amigo que estaba siendo atacado por los agentes


El abuso se concentra contra personas de menos recursos económicos, que participan en protestas o manifestaciones, e integrantes del pueblo mapuche


The Covid-19 pandemic is devastating the entire Amazon basin, just as one of Colombia’s most ambitious redress programs for indigenous victims in this remote rainforest region is poised to kick off

During COVID-19 these leaders continue to empower women and defend their rights

“We are advancing, we have taken all the steps demanded by the Constitutional Court and we are meeting the requirements of the authorities,” Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo said

Se ha mantenido en el centro del debate pu?blico, entre otras cosas por las decisiones sobre las solicitudes de Salvatore Mancuso y Samuel Moreno, asi? como por los debates en el Congreso sobre posibles modificaciones a esta jurisdiccio?n

Colombia, Venezuela

His government has limited the number of Venezuelans allowed entry into their own country to approximately 1,000 per week


Trabajadores de esta fábrica de explosivos, que está bajo la admistración del Ministerio de Defensa, denunciaron que al iniciar una convocatoria a una huelga, personal militar resguarda los alrededores

El Salvador

Crisis Group has documented a concerted effort from both Bukele’s supporters and his opponents to shape the online narrative around his more controversial policies, in part through artificial means


Lo preocupante del caso DRM no es el monto de lo robado, sino la actitud permisiva del gobierno

Tú dinos cómo quieres que vayamos avanzando. Tú no vas a ser la excepción, tú no te la pongas difícil –dice Tomás Zerón al interrogado

Activists suspect murders of 15 Indigenous community members are linked to their opposition to a proposed megaproject

Rather than the numbers, though, it is the sheer brazenness of these attacks which stands out

Last year, the first under President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, saw the second-most disappearances on record

Los resultados preliminares de una auditoría oficial que encontró inconsistencias graves y manipulación de las estadísticas delictivas en varios estados del país, con el fin de aparentar una reducción de algunos delitos, fueron clasificados


Once a dictator, he returned as a populist, but fell in the face of the pandemic and an economic crisis

U.S.-Mexico Border

In a sign of fraying relations between the Department of Defense and Capitol Hill, the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee ? chaired by Indiana Democratic Rep. Pete Visclosky ? “condemned” the Pentagon’s past approvals of nearly $10 billion over two years toward the border wall

The Army Corps of Engineers has said Fisher won the federal contract to build a segment of the border fence in Arizona because it was the lowest bid

The U.S., in separate agreements with Mexico and Canada, will make a formal announcement before July 21 that non-essential travel will be restricted for at least another 30 days

The baby’s father and 9-year-old brother had been sent back to Mexico days earlier without knowing where the mother was


Se cumplen cinco años del lanzamiento oficial del “Operativo de Liberación del Pueblo” (OLP), una operación policial-militar anunciada como el plan gubernamental N° 23 para combatir la inseguridad, que rápidamente se convirtió en una carta en blanco

The day ahead: July 14, 2020

I should be available much of the day, except mid-day. (How to contact me)

I’m making a lot of website updates, working on a report about Colombia, and planning a new border-related project. I should be reachable much of the day.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from Semana (Colombia).

(Even more here)

July 13, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

With the help of the heroes here at SOUTHCOM — Coast Guard CBP, DEA, and law enforcement — we’ll work relentlessly to seize illegal drugs, arrest vile traffickers — the traffickers are truly vile; they’re terrible, terrible people


Desde el Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) criticaron el nombramiento de Luis Fernando López. El expresidente Evo Morales denunció su falta de formación para ocupar el cargo

El ministro de Gobierno de Bolivia envió una misiva en la que cuestiona la posición expresada por el senador Bernard Sanders y otros siete congresistas de ese país que denunciaron supuestas vulneraciones a los DDHH del gobierno de Áñez


Señalado por reivindicar públicamente la dictadura brasileña (algunos nostálgicos quieren que vuelva), el presidente Jair Bolsonaro enfila a su país hacia la ruta del totalitarismo


Un estudio del Grupo de investigación en Salud Mental de la Universidad de Antioquia que lidera la psicóloga Sandra Trujillo, arroja luces sobre un problema de fondo: la baja empatía que desarrollan aquellos que están metidos en la lógica de la guerra

De los 199 casos que investiga la Fiscalía, existen 20 sentencias en donde los condenados, en su mayoría, son los sicarios

Colombia, Cuba

  • Rodrigo Uprimny, Honrar la Palabra (DeJusticia, El Espectador (Colombia), July 13, 2020).

El gobierno Duque debería reconocer que su exigencia a Cuba de que extradite a los negociadores del Eln no solo viola compromisos internacionales de Colombia, sino que es políticamente inconveniente


SEMANA obtuvo testimonios y pruebas de funcionarios y contratistas del Estado que demostrarían que las cifras de la erradicación manual forzada de coca son exageradas hasta en un 30 por ciento

Los casos de abuso sexual contra niñas indígenas por parte de militares conmovieron -brevemente- al país. Aunque se capturó a los implicados, hay quienes solicitan que sean entregados a la justicia indígena

Colombia, Venezuela

La pandemia ha sido una oportunidad para el Norte de Santander porque el Cártel de los Soles en Venezuela la compra (la pasta de coca) y no tienen ningún tipo de restricción de transporte y controles en los que se puedan realizar incautación


Over the past two decades, inequality in Latin America had fallen to the lowest point in its recorded history. The pandemic threatens to reverse that. We traveled 1,000 miles across Colombia to document this critical moment

Documento de la Fiscalía dice que los motivos para escuchar conversaciones de Leyva Durán eran “espurios” y la interceptación la hizo la Dijín de la Policía

El Salvador

Un reciente informe advierte que las duras políticas carcelarias violan los derechos humanos y “no hay una correlación directa” entre los planes del gobierno y la reducción de los homicidios


A raíz de la proliferación de la Covid-19 por el territorio hondureño, la institución castrense ha aparecido con una notable expresión protagónica concentrando múltiples tareas al frente de la respuesta gubernamental en la crisis sanitaria

El presidente de Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, pretende utilizar la pandemia para prolongar el confinamiento, suspender el proceso electoral y mantenerse en el poder, denuncian figuras de la oposición hondureña


La violencia que se vive en Guanajuato por la guerra entre cárteles del crimen organizado podría incrementarse en el próximo proceso electoral

De acuerdo con las cifras de la Sedena, en el primer año de la Guardia Nacional se logró la detención de 15 mil delincuentes

U.S.-Mexico Border

Tommy Fisher, CEO of Fisher Industries, said Sunday that he thought the president “just got some misinformation on this stuff” and that he had “complete respect” for Trump


“Las violaciones de derechos humanos son sistemáticas y no hay justificación para que en el informe del 15 de julio esto no se mencione, debe señalar cada uno de los hechos denunciados y remitirlos a la CPI”

Cuba, Venezuela

President Donald Trump portrayed himself as tough on drugs and a champion of Venezuelans, at a time when U.S. policy towards the troubled South American nation has not yielded the expected results


Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson plans to travel this week to Venezuela to urge President Nicolás Maduro to free several jailed Americans as a goodwill gesture

Venezuela, Western Hemisphere Regional

He touted new, better and additional equipment to fight “the sinister criminal cartels” trying to bring narcotics to the United States


Several companies that certify vessels are seaworthy and ship insurers have withdrawn services to tankers involved in the Venezuelan oil trade as the United States targets the maritime industry

The day ahead: July 13, 2020

I’m most reachable mid-day and late afternoon. (How to contact me)

It was a restful and somewhat productive weekend. Today I’ve got 2-3 hours of internal meetings, some urgent emails to answer, and then I’m going to continue doing a bunch of website updates, mainly at

5 links from the past week

  • The Washington Post’s Kevin Sieff published a photo-heavy look at how drug traffickers, often flying and abandoning expensive jets from Venezuela, have penetrated an ecologically fragile national park in Guatemala’s Petén region.
  • The Cruel Road North” is the result of a collaboration among numerous media outlets in several countries, under the umbrella of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. The multi-part, multimedia presentation explores the journey of extra-continental migrants across Latin America to the United States, and the attendant criminal, smuggling, and corruption networks.
  • Another multi-part, multimedia presentation comes from the Colombian Commission of Jurists and the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective. “The Silence of the Flutes” lays bare the Colombian military’s responsibility for historically brutal paramilitary massacres that took place in the northern Montes de María region in 2000 and 2001.
  • The International Crisis Group looks at El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele’s curious success in curbing gang violence. “While the public celebrates” the authoritarian-trending leader’s “well-known ‘iron fist’ policies, the reasons for success might lie in quiet, informal understandings between gangs and the government.”
  • Back to Guatemala: at Boston Review, Kirsten Weld tells the story of the police archive that became a crucial source of information about human rights abuses committed during the country’s 36-year civil war. Amid a hardline backlash and the Trump administration’s silence, access to the archive is now impossible.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from El Universo (Guayaquil, Ecuador). Caption: “Militares realizan patrullajes con armas neumáticas que disparan municiones de pintura con talco.”

(Even more here)

July 10, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Migrants travelling through Latin America usually start their journey in the region’s largest economy, Brazil, whose relatively loose refugee laws and visa requirements, as well as good flight connections, make it a natural landing place

OCCRP and our Latin American partner Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP), along with 16 media outlets in 14 countries, worked together on the largest ever journalistic investigation into these little-known routes

Immigrant advocates said the government’s filing sets up a potential separation of children from their parents in ICE custody

Even as lockdowns and other measures have been taken around the world to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, ICE has continued to detain people, move them from state to state and deport them


Opposition demands answers after death of key witness in high-profile corruption inquiry


Las Fuerzas Armadas han demandado a la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional que apruebe los ascensos de la gestión 2020, que se hallan paralizados desde el mes de enero del presente año

Ms. Añez is the second Latin America leader this week, after President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, to disclose an infection


Rodrigo Londoño, leader of what was Latin America’s biggest guerrilla army, claims to enjoy his new life as a father and politician

A través de un trino, el exministro de Defensa Juan Carlos Pinzón, los acusó de estar relacionados con grupos armados y de tener una visión sesgada

Desde el 25 de junio, un grupo de líderes indígenas, afrodescendientes, campesinos y excombatientes partió desde Popayán con destino a la capital del país para denunciar la grave situación de seguridad del Cauca

Efforts to implement the agreements, including initiatives to address the root causes of the conflict by fulfilling the needs of historically marginalized communities, have stalled in part because leaders of these communities have faced unprecedented levels of threats and violence

Agentes estatales de la Brigada Primera de Infantería de Marina (BRIPRIMA), bajo la comandancia del entonces Contraalmirante Rodrigo Quiñones Cárdenas, actuaron conjuntamente o con aquiescencia y complicidad, bajo la expresión de una política de Estado de apoyo a la consolidación del paramilitarismo

Dos recientes allanamientos en Bogotá pusieron al descubierto cuáles son los lazos de su poder en la capital. Algunos de los pactos criminales son los mismos que tuvieron los bloques Capital y Centauros de las Auc.

Lo que dicen es que ellos no sabían que la tierra estaba manchada de sangre y, por ende, son inocentes

En el primer semestre del año se registró un aumento del 55%, en el número de muertes por violencia política frente al mismo periodo de 2019, al pasar de 60 a 93

Dominican Republic

Mr Abinader’s victory unseats the Dominican Liberation Party (pld), which has ruled for 20 of the past 24 years. Although power transfers in the country are rare, they do not necessarily bring change


Militares realizan patrullajes con armas neumáticas que disparan municiones de pintura con talco

El Salvador

Testimonios revelaron una conspiración para encubrir el crimen en la que habrían participado el diputado Rodolfo Parker y agentes del gobierno de Estados Unidos


Fifteen years old this week, Guatemala’s National Police archive has helped prosecute numerous officials for their roles in the country’s civil war. Now shuttered by a Trump-backed government, its dramatic history illustrates the crucial role of state archives in protecting democracy


“In 2019, we conducted 1,882 intelligence exchanges with strategic partners, including the Drug Enforcement Administration and Joint Interagency Task Force South, both from the United States”


Whenever Trump has mentioned amlo, he has tended to speak favorably of him, and amlo has gone out of his way to thank Trump for his kind words

U.S.-Mexico Border

The American Civil Liberties Union said the incident raises questions about the Border Patrol’s commitment to thorough investigations and transparency

U.S. border authorities made 32,512 arrests and detentions along the southern border in June, double the number recorded in April


President Nicolas Maduro said on state television Cabello would need several days of treatment and recovery, but that “he is already resting, he is fine”

El jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense, Mike Pompeo dijo que el gobierno de Trump continuará haciendo “todo lo que podamos hacer” para propiciar la salida del poder de Nicolás Maduro

Official June data from the border: single adults are migrating in the desert heat

U.S. Customs and Border Protection did its monthly data dump yesterday, reporting on how many people the agency, which includes Border Patrol, apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border last month. As the Washington Post noted, the most notable trend was a 40% increase, over May, in the number of undocumented migrants that Border Patrol encountered—even as the border is mostly shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A year ago, the big story at the border was children and families from Central America seeking asylum. The Trump administration has illegally ended asylum at the border for nearly everyone, so numbers of kids and parents have dropped sharply.

Instead, graphing the data out shows that all of the increase is in single adults, mainly from Mexico. Adults are blue in the charts below.

Keep in mind that adults are less likely to be seeking asylum. This means they’re probably trying to avoid being apprehended by Border Patrol. That in turn means many are probably migrating through some of the remotest, most treacherous parts of the border—at the very height of summer, when the desert heat is at its worst. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, there may be a spike in migrant deaths on U.S. soil, from dehydration and exposure, as a result of the COVID-19 border crackdown. Already, official Border Patrol Twitter feeds are full of accounts of rescues.

These graphics, and a few dozen others, are always available as a big PDF file at Also of interest there are the ones showing a pretty big June jump in drug seizures, again “despite the pandemic.”

The day ahead: July 10, 2020

I’m most reachable in the morning and early afternoon. (How to contact me)

I’ve got a couple of border-related calls in the afternoon, but am otherwise at my desk researching, writing, and updating websites.

Latest Table of Aid to Colombia

(Cross-posted from

Click to enlarge. If you’d prefer this as a spreadsheet for easier copying-and-pasting, go here.

The House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee finished work on the 2021 State Department and Foreign Operations bill on July 9. In addition to offering some language very supportive of peace accord implementation, the narrative report accompanying the bill provides a table explaining how the House appropriators (or at least, their strong Democratic Party majority) would require that this money be spent.

The table above shows how the House would spend the 2021 aid money, and how it fits in with what the Trump White House requested, and what aid has looked like since 2016, the year before before the outgoing Obama administration’s “Peace Colombia” aid package went into effect.

If the House were to get its way, less than $200 million of the $458 million in 2021 U.S. aid to Colombia would go to the country’s police and military forces. However, the bill must still go through the Republican-majority Senate, whose bill may reflect somewhat more “drug war” priorities. A final bill is unlikely to pass both houses of Congress until after Election Day.

Sources for most of these numbers:

Not reflected here is assistance to Colombia to manage flows of Venezuelan refugees.

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