(Even more here)

July 6, 2017


Si el PNIS no funciona, el costo será muy alto no solo en recursos económicos sino en la relación del Estado con las comunidades

Si bien la atención se ha concentrado en la liberación del funcionario de la ONU, no es la única vez en la que la población civil ha quedado en medio del conflicto

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico

After Mexico received 3,424 applications for refugee status in 2015, that rose to 8,794 the following year and applications are already outpacing that this year with 5,464 just from January to May


Assault on daughter of environmentalist Berta Cáceres, who leads indigenous rights group, heightens fears of violence against campaigners in Honduras


President Peña Nieto wanted to ‘change the narrative’ of the fight against traffickers. It didn’t work

Felix Gonzalez, a spokesman for Chihuahua state prosecutors, told local media the initial confrontation pitted members the La Linea gang, based in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, against a faction of the Sinaloa cartel

A meeting between Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday at the G20 summit in Germany will last about 30 minutes and probably not lead to any major agreements


Nicaragua taught me that hard-fought democratic gains can get rolled back overnight, and that political rights can be erased with a single pen-stroke


Yo no lo creo. El gobierno de PPK carece de norte. Su horizonte político es el focus group de ayer


The brazen attack on one of the symbols of Venezuela’s already limping democracy drew widespread international rebuke

Venezuelan lawmakers who oppose President Nicolás Maduro were beaten and bloodied in the halls of congress Wednesday as a pro-government mob stormed the building

The melee, which injured seven opposition politicians, was another worrying flashpoint in a traumatic last three months