Pedro Rios / American Friends Service Committee photo at KPBS (San Diego California). Caption: “A San Diego resident breaks a piñata of one of the border wall prototypes during a State of the Union watch party, Jan. 30, 2018.”

(Even more here)

January 31, 2018


  • Kyle Johnson, ¿Que Pasa Con el Eln? (International Crisis Group, La Silla Vacia (Colombia), January 31, 2018).

Todo por ahora depende de la respuesta del ELN, y si internamente se puede poner de acuerdo

While carrying out operations against the National Liberation Army (ELN), the Colombian Security Forces bombed near the Wounaan Indigenous reservation of Chagpien Tordó, in the municipality of Litoral de San Juán in Chocó, injuring a minor

El pronunciamiento se dio después de una serie de denuncias presentadas esta martes, por un bombardeo que posiblemente afectó el resguardo indígena Chagpien Tordó

El Salvador

The combined effects of Trump’s war on immigrants and street gangs will create communities that are even more alienated from law enforcement and more isolated from the institutions that can protect


The donation consisted of 41 J8 Jeeps, 32 Polaris Rangers, 12 9.5-ton and eight 12-ton trucks, and 12 trailers. In addition, the Guatemalan Army received two transport buses and one minibus


El gobierno federal reforzará los operativos de seguridad en la frontera sur y, en breve, inaugurará un cuartel militar en Chicomuselo, Chiapas

“I don’t agree with it. I take it as if we’re bad neighbors,” she added. “I see it as a bad thing, because it’s like we’re discriminating against the other country”

Some San Diego residents were happy about Trump’s mention of the wall, particularly in East County’s rural areas, where much of the illegal cross-border traffic was pushed

El funcionario admitió que hoy Veracruz no se encuentra en “estado óptimo de seguridad”

Faster and more inclusive economic growth will remain out of reach until the nation can enforce basic legal rules

“We write to urge you to raise the importance of strong, independent electoral systems in Mexico and Latin America more broadly,” write Senators Marco Rubio, R-Florida, and Senator Bob Menendez, D-New Jersey

So far, those partnerships have not fundamentally changed, current and former officials said

Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela

Their industry all but destroyed, former fishermen now run guns one way, diapers another

Western Hemisphere Regional

The overwhelming sense is that the Americas at present are experiencing a geopolitical lull – free from major battles for regional influence, perhaps, but also devoid of any vision