Adam Isacson

Defense, security, borders, migration, and human rights in Latin America and the United States. May not reflect my employer’s consensus view.


January 2024

Five Latin America Security Long-Reads from January

Steven Dudley, ‘Operation Polanco’: How the Dea Investigated Amlo’s 2006-Presidential Campaign (InsightCrime, Tuesday, January 30, 2024).
Tim Golden, Did Drug Traffickers Funnel Millions of Dollars to Mexican President Lopez Obrador’s First Campaign? (ProPublica, Tuesday, January 30, 2024).

Investigations from ProPublica and InsightCrime, citing DEA information, allege that Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s unsuccessful 2006 campaign took money from narcotraffickers in exchange for assurances that, if elected, López Obrador would not impede their illicit business.

Jonathan Blitzer, “Do I Have to Come Here Injured or Dead?” (The New Yorker, Sunday, January 28, 2024).

In an excerpt from his upcoming book, New Yorker staff writer Jonathan Blitzer tells the story of Keldy Mabel Gonzáles Brebe de Zúniga, a Honduran migrant mother whom Border Patrol separated from her sons in 2017, when the Trump administration was still just piloting its family separation policy. “The cruelty she suffered in the United States was matched only by what she was forced to flee in Honduras.”

Maria Jose Longo Bautista, Lo Que Dejo la Fiebre de la Amapola en San Marcos (Agencia Ocote (Guatemala), Monday, January 22, 2024).

In Guatemala’s southwestern department of San Marcos, “poppy crops left more Mexico border trade and better living conditions. But also violence, weapons, and displaced people.”

Jhoan Sebastian Cote, Caqueta en Epoca de Paz Total: Refugio de Disidentes y Ruta de Marihuana (El Espectador (Colombia), Monday, January 22, 2024).

A graphics-heavy survey of the drug trade, violence, and politics in Colombia’s south-central department of Caquetá, much of which is under the influence of a FARC dissident network currently negotiating with the Petro government.

New Report Calls for Major Investments and Reforms to Build a U.S. Border Control System That Can Address Present and Future Challenges (Migration Policy Institute, Thursday, January 11, 2024).

This Migration Policy Institute report is a goldmine of data and hard-to-find information about border infrastructure, processing capacity, and other needs at a time of record arrivals of protection-seeking migrants.

At WOLA: Five Questions and Answers About the Senate Border Deal

Last October, the Biden administration asked Congress for a package of funding for Ukraine, Israel, border security, and other priorities. In the Democratic-majority Senate, where it takes 60 votes to move legislation forward, Republicans refused to support this request unless it included changes to U.S. law that would restrict the right to asylum, and perhaps other migration pathways, at the U.S.-Mexico border.

A small group of senators has been negotiating those changes since November. A bill may now be forthcoming.

At WOLA’s website, we’ve just posted a quick (less than 1,200 word) explainer looking at:

  1. What do we know about what’s in the deal?
  2. What is the human cost of this bill’s provisions?
  3. Would this actually deter migration?
  4. Republican hard-liners are opposing this agreement, saying it doesn’t go far enough to restrict migration. What do they want?
  5. What would a better policy look like?

Read it here.

Daily Border Links: January 31, 2024

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After more than two months of talks and an agreement nearly finished, prospects are dimming for a Senate deal that might restrict the right to seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, a Republican demand for allowing a package of Ukraine, Israel, border, and other spending to go forward.

The leadership of the House of Representatives Republican majority continues to dig in against it because they feel it doesn’t go far enough and because Donald Trump is attacking it.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) tweeted yesterday a new Republican talking point: that President Biden could limit migration through executive action, using existing legal authorities like detaining all asylum seekers (for which no budget exists), or issuing highly controversial blanket bans on classes of people, like Donald Trump’s 2017 “Muslim Ban” executive order (which do not supersede the right to seek asylum at the border).

Many Senate Republicans, too, are either attacking the deal or appearing to back away. A senior Republican, John Cornyn (Texas), told Politico that “it certainly doesn’t seem like” the deal can pass the Senate. “There are a number of our members who say, ‘Well, I’ll join a majority of the Republicans but if it doesn’t enjoy that sort of support, then count me out.’”

The “decision as to whether to proceed to a floor vote, which would involve releasing the [deal’s] text, is largely a decision being made by Republicans,” said lead Democratic negotiator Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut).

Following a nearly 15-hour hearing, the Republican majority on the House Homeland Security Committee voted 18-15, on strict party lines, to advance the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

“Republicans have not yet offered clear evidence that Mayorkas committed any high crimes and misdemeanors,” a Washington Post analysis noted. It is not clear whether Republicans have enough votes in their caucus to gain the majority of the full House necessary to send the impeachment to the Democratic-majority Senate, where Mayorkas’s acquittal is certain.

“I assure you that your false accusations do not rattle me,” Mayorkas wrote in a letter to Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Mark Green (R-Tennessee).

Mayorkas met virtually with relevant officials from Guatemala’s new government to discuss cooperation on countering migration and drug trafficking.

While the Mayorkas impeachment proceeded, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), one of the House’s foremost border hardliners and a defender of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) state-led crackdown, held a hearing about state versus federal jurisdiction in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, which he chairs.

As the Biden administration moves to reinstate sanctions on Venezuela—a response to the Caracas regime’s disqualification of the main opposition candidate in elections scheduled this year—the country’s vice president announced that Venezuela would prohibit U.S. flights deporting Venezuelan migrants as of February 13.

Between the October 5, 2023 reinstatement of deportation flights and January 21, 2024, ICE had sent 14 deportation planes to Venezuela.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) contract plane flew deported Mexican migrants to Mexico’s central Pacific state of Michoacán yesterday. It was the first “interior removal” flight of Mexican citizens since May 2022.

Colombia’s migration authority released its first-ever estimate of migration through the treacherous Darién Gap region in 2023: 539,949 people. This is slightly higher than Panama’s estimate of 520,085, which the Panamanian government updates monthly.

Analyses and Feature Stories

Three New York Times reporters examined the evolution of President Biden’s border policies since 2021, portraying it as a turn toward favoring harder-line measures as migration at the border increased.

By moving to the right on border and migration as the 2024 campaign gets underway, President Biden “is trying to strip Republicans of one of their most effective wedge issues,” reads a USA Today analysis.

Centrist strategist Ruy Teixeira told New York Times columnist Thomas Edsall that he doubted Biden has “the stomach to turn a ‘red meat’ conservative stance on immigration into a wedge issue.”

Tonatiuh Guillén, a migration expert who headed the Mexican government’s immigration authority during the first months of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s presidency, accused the López Obrador of apparent “passivity” in the face of a possible new U.S. authority to expel migrants, which would require Mexico’s cooperation.

Similarly, a Current History article by the New School’s Alexandra Delano Alonso found that the López Obrador government is mirroring the U.S. focus on deterrence, abandoning a more humane migration policy.

USA Today, Washington Post, and Slate reporters visited Eagle Pass, the epicenter of Gov. Abbott’s standoff with the federal government, placing local residents’ views at the center of their reporting.

As a convoy of right-wing protesters heads to Eagle Pass this weekend, Wired found much confusion and paranoia within the group’s exchanges on the Telegram platform.

At CalMatters, Wendy Fry examined Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) plans to construct more high-tech surveillance towers along California’s southern border.

At his Americas Migration Brief newsletter, Jordi Amaral expected Ecuador’s organized-crime violence to trigger an even greater outflow of migration. (Ecuador was the number-seven nationality of migrants encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2023.)

On the Right

Expelling Migrants From the Border Doesn’t Reduce Migration at the Border

Data table

A Senate deal on Ukraine, Israel, and border funding might include new restrictions on the right to seek asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, satisfying Republican legislators’ demand. Of what we know, the most radical of these would be a new legal authority shutting the border to asylum seekers when the daily average of migrant apprehensions exceeds 5,000.

That would trigger a new “Title 42” authority expelling people out of the United States (if Mexico agrees to take them), regardless of protection needs.

On January 27, President Biden described this as an “emergency authority to shut down the border until it can get back under control.” He added, “If that bill were the law today, I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly.

We keep hearing this notion that more expelled asylum seekers equals fewer migrants at the border. But that’s not what happened during the Title 42 period (March 2020 to May 2023).

True, there was a decline in arrivals of would-be asylum-seekers from nationalities whose expulsions Mexico would accept. But the number of people from other countries, and of all people seeking to evade Border Patrol, grew sharply.

Migration ballooned during the Title 42 “expulsions” period. Title 42 was in place:

  • In the last 9 full months of the Trump administration, when migrant encounters shot upward, from 17,106 in April 2020 (the pandemic lockdown’s first full month) to 73,994 in December 2020.
  • in early 2021, when south Texas Border Patrol processing facilities were overwhelmed with child and family arrivals;
  • in September 2021, when more than 10,000 Haitian asylum seekers came to Del Rio, Texas all at once;
  • in September-December 2022, when more than 200,000 people—more than half of them from Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela—crossed into Border Patrol’s El Paso Sector.

This was not a time when the border was “fixed.”

If the Senate deal results in a new expulsion authority, it might bring the numbers down at the border for a few months, as all “get-tough” strategies against migration tend to do. But as we saw in 2020-2023, migration will recover despite the expulsions, after a period of adjustment—perhaps by Election Day.

Daily Border Links: January 30, 2024

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With Congress back in session today, we continue to await legislative language from Senate negotiators who have been working since November on a deal that might restrict access to asylum at the border, a Republican demand for allowing a package of Ukraine aid and other spending priorities to move forward.

Prospects for the deal’s passage in the Republican-majority House of Representatives remain poor. “Any border ‘shutdown’ authority that ALLOWS even one illegal crossing is a non-starter. Thousands each day is outrageous. The number must be ZERO,” tweeted Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana). (The number has never been close to zero.)

“Thousands each day” refers to an apparent agreement among Senate negotiators to start expelling asylum seekers if the daily average of migrant apprehensions at the border rises above 5,000.

The Oklahoma Republican Party issued a statement clarifying that it did not, in fact, vote to censure Senate Republicans’ chief negotiator, Sen. James Lankford, for his talks with Democrats, as was reported over the weekend.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador responded to President Joe Biden’s January 27 pledge to “shut down the border right now” (an apparent reference to a Title 42-style expulsion authority that is part of the Senate agreement), calling it “a very demagogic position.”

The House Homeland Security Committee will meet today to mark up articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) said that his state is putting up concertina wire “everywhere we can… If they cut it, we will replace it.” The Hill reported, “Patrick threatened a ‘confrontation’ with state authorities if the Biden administration sent Border Patrol to remove barriers.”

Twenty-six Republican state attorneys-general, including those from “purple” states like New Hampshire and Virginia, signed a statement backing Texas’s border security efforts and confrontation with federal authorities, citing the state’s “duty to defend against invasion.”

A state records request revealed that Texas’s state government paid $135,000, or $1,100 per passenger, to fly 120 migrants on a chartered plane from El Paso to Chicago in December.

A migrant “caravan” that started near the Mexico-Guatemala border with about 6,000 people at Christmas is now 400 people, walking through Mexico’s southern state of Veracruz.

A Republican House Foreign Affairs Committee aide who had accompanied a recent four-person delegation to Mexico “said Mexican officials were ‘very keen’ about touting their work removing Venezuelans,” the Washington Examiner reported.

Analyses and Feature Stories

“Perhaps it’s chaos, not immigration per se, that upsets voters, and Mr. Biden can curb the chaos by letting more immigrants come to the United States legally,” wrote the Cato Institute’s David Bier at the New York Times. In the increasingly likely event that Congress fails to reach a border deal, Bier suggests that Biden expand use of humanitarian parole authority.

U.S. media have published a series of analyses from legal scholars about the “extremely dangerous” constitutional implications of Texas’s challenge to federal authority to enforce immigration policy at the border, especially its exclusion of Border Patrol from part of the border in Eagle Pass.

Honduran authorities registered 545,043 citizens of other countries (not counting neighboring Nicaragua) transiting its territory irregularly in 2023. UNHCR estimated “that more than 850,000 people transited Honduras” last year when including those whom the government did not count.

On the Right

Email Update is Out

Here’s a new “weekly” e-mail about stuff I’ve been working on, for those who’ve signed up to receive them.

This week’s edition is as jam-packed as you’d expect from someone working on border and migration policy at this moment. There’s a weekly Border Update, a podcast, nine charts explaining December migration data, links about organized crime-tied corruption in the Americas, and a Spanish podcast about the U.S. elections. And of course, upcoming events and some recommended readings.

If you visit this site a lot, you probably don’t need an e-mail, too. But if you’d like to get more-or-less regular e-mail updates, scroll to the bottom of this page or click here.

Daily Border Links: January 29, 2024

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This appears to be the week in which Senate negotiators will issue compromise legislation that provides new funding for Ukraine, Israel, the border, and other priorities—while meeting Republican demands that it change U.S. law to restrict asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We do have a bipartisan deal. We’re finishing the text right now,” lead Democratic negotiator Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) told CNN. “We are sort of finalizing the last pieces of text right now. This bill could be ready to be on the floor of the United States Senate next week.”

Media accounts say that the negotiators have agreed to:

  • Automatic Title 42-style expulsions of would-be asylum seekers, a “shutdown of the border,” when a day’s migrant apprehensions between ports of entry exceed a seven-day average of 5,000 or 8,500 on a single day, as often happens; there would be discretionary authority to suspend asylum when the average hits 4,000. Once that threshold is crossed, “migrants would be expelled indefinitely until crossings dipped below 3,750 per day, which would end the expulsion authority period,” the Washington Post explained.

    As with Title 42, exceptions would only be for people who can prove fear of torture if returned, under the Convention Against Torture. There is no word on whether Mexico would agree to accept expelled individuals.
  • A higher “credible fear” standard that asylum seekers would have to meet in screening interviews with asylum officers, if they are among the segment of migrants placed in expedited removal proceedings (roughly 25,000 per month in recent months, but likely to increase).
  • Those who pass these screenings would have greater access to work permits inside the United States.
  • Unspecified changes to the asylum process “with the goal of reducing the average time for an asylum claim to be resolved from several years to 6 months,” according to the Washington Post—a goal that would require either drastic curbs on due process or significant new investment in the asylum system.
  • According to CBS News, the deal includes Democratic priorities like “50,000 new family and employment-based immigrant visas, offer[ing] permanent residency to tens of thousands of Afghans brought to the U.S. following the fall of Kabul in 2021, and provid[ing] immigration status to the children of H-1B visa holders.”

The agreement does not appear to include Republican demands for limits on the presidential authority to grant humanitarian parole to migrants at the border. The agreement would not touch the CBP One program allowing 1,450 asylum seekers per day to make appointments at ports of entry.

In a White House statement and in remarks given in South Carolina, President Joe Biden voiced enthusiasm for the Senate deal. Of the Title 42-style expulsion authority, he said “If that bill were the law today, I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly.”

“There’s just one thing” about the Senate’s legislative deal, wrote Stef Kight at Axios: “Their plan is all but dead.” The House of Representatives’ Republican majority, prodded by Donald Trump, is lining up to oppose the deal because they claim it doesn’t go far enough to restrict migration. Trump called it a “horrible open borders betrayal of America” and said he’d be happy to take the blame if it fails.

Even before the language is public, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) has called the Senate’s bill “dead on arrival” in his chamber. “According to reports, the Senate’s pending proposal would expressly allow as many as 150,000 illegal crossings each month (1.8 million per year) before any new ‘shutdown’ authority could be used. At that point, America will have already been surrendered,” Johnson said.

Oklahoma’s Republican party voted Saturday to censure the Senate Republicans’ chief negotiator, James Lankford (R-Oklahoma).

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) updated its dataset of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border through December, showing a record 302,034 migrant encounters border-wide in December. 52,249 encounters took place at ports of entry, and 249,785 people ended up in Border Patrol custody after crossing between ports of entry. The top nationalities were Mexico (23%), Venezuela (19%), Guatemala (12%), Honduras (7%) and Colombia (6%). WOLA’s Adam Isacson posted nine charts illustrating the data.

During January, migrant arrivals have dropped to about half of December’s rate.

The House Homeland Security Committee’s Republican majority is moving ahead with the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on two counts, the second-ever impeachment of a Cabinet official and the first since 1876. House Republicans accuse Mayorkas of willfully refusing to secure the border and control migration.

The Committee is to meet on Tuesday to launch impeachment proceedings; while they certainly lack the votes to remove Mayorkas in the Democratic-majority Senate, it is not even clear whether they have the necessary bare majority in the House.

A Wall Street Journal column by Michael Chertoff, George W. Bush’s second Homeland Security secretary, urged House Republicans not to pursue impeachment.

About 8,000 people migrating through Mexico each month pay smugglers up to $40,000 for an “amparo package” that promises that they can cross the country, and reach the U.S. border, with “free transit” and no concern about deportation—a guarantee that relies on a green light from corrupt migration officials.

A right-wing “Take Our Border Back” truck convoy plans to gather in Eagle Pass, Texas, on February 3.

Analyses and Feature Stories

The New Yorker published an excerpt from an upcoming book about migration from reporter Jonathan Blitzer, telling the story of a Honduran woman whom the Trump administration separated from her sons in 2017, when agents in Border Patrol’s El Paso Sector were carrying out family separations on a trial basis.

University of Texas law professor Steve Vladeck explained to CNN that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is not defying the Supreme Court’s January 22 decision requiring him to allow Border Patrol agents to cut through concertina wire that state officials have laid along the Rio Grande. However, Abbott “is interfering with federal authority to a degree we haven’t seen from state officials since the desegregation cases of the 1950s and 1960s.”

Texas is seeking to have today’s more conservative Supreme Court undo earlier rulings giving the federal government control over immigration policy, wrote Ian Millhiser at Vox.

Amid the state-federal dispute in Texas, “Republicans and conservative media have alluded to the prospect of the situation forcing soldiers to choose between loyalty to their state and loyalty to their country—even proposing that matters could turn confrontational and violent. Some have invoked another civil war,” noted Aaron Blake at the Washington Post.

The ACLU voiced concern that the Biden administration’s request for additional border spending would expand ICE’s Family Expedited Removal Management (FERM) program, a high-tech alternative-to-detention program applied to asylum-seeking families placed in a fast track adjudication process. FERM “normalizes 24-hour suspicionless surveillance,” the organization contended.

Organized Crime-Tied Corruption in the Americas: Some Links from the Past Month

A key detonating factor in Ecuador‘s January outbreak of violence was “Operation Metastasis,” a December 2023 campaign by the national prosecutor’s office targeting government and judicial officials tied to the country’s organized crime groups. Among 30 people charged, the New York Times reported, “were judges accused of granting gang leaders favorable rulings, police officials who were said to have altered evidence and delivered weapons to prisons, and the former director of the prison authority himself.”

This corruption worsened after a 2018 shakeup and reduction of the central government’s security administration, forced by economic austerity measures, that reduced some agencies and eliminated others.

“The state and law enforcement entities cannot control the situation of criminality and violence,” Felipe Botero of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime told Vox, because “they are involved with organized crime in the country.”

Recent attacks on members of Tijuana‘s municipal police, following an alleged November theft of drugs from a Sinaloa Cartel structure, “arise from the need of drug traffickers to buy police officers in order to remain in power” and this is because “the judiciary is rotten,” said Jesús Alejandro Ruiz Uribe, the Mexican federal government’s delegate for the state of Baja California. “The judicial power is currently a revolving door, the good police put the criminals in jail and the bad judges take them out again.”

To the east of Tijuana, surveillance videos taken on January 12 showed Mexican soldiers allegedly assisting a theft of synthetic drugs from a Sinaloa Cartel-run laboratory on a ranch in Tecate, Baja California, not far from the U.S. border.

SinEmbargo columnist Adela Navarro Bello wrote about this case, concluding, “Although these cases are isolated, they are increasingly frequent. Elements of the Mexican Army, the Armed Forces, and the National Guard collaborate with organized crime and drug trafficking cells in different parts of the country.”

In south-central Chiapas, near Mexico’s border with Guatemala, rural communities are forcibly displacing after confronting Mexican Army soldiers who they say were working with the Jalisco Cartel. Violence has flared up in parts of Chiapas in the past year as Jalisco and Sinaloa have entered into a bitter fight over trafficking routes, aggressively pushing out rural residents.

Hugo Aguilar, the governor of Santander, Colombia‘s fifth-most-populous department, from 2004 to 2007, admitted that he received support from the United Self Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) paramilitary group during his election campaign. Aguilar, a former police colonel who commanded the unit that killed Pablo Escobar in 1993, told the post-conflict transitional justice system (the Special Jurisdiction for Peace or JEP) that he did not receive money from the AUC. “They told the people that they should vote for Colonel Aguilar” in the zones they controlled, he said.

Colombia‘s Supreme Court has opened an investigation of the president of Colombia’s Senate, Green Party Senator Iván Name Vásquez. A former head of Los Rastrojos Costeños, a splinter group of Colombia’s North Valle Cartel active in the 1990s and early 2000s, alleged that Sen. Name was linked to his group.

“Alliances between criminal networks and individuals who hold positions within state institutions have even created hybrid economies, such as scrap metal trafficking or fuel smuggling, where legal and illegal business intersect,” reported InsightCrime’s Venezuela Investigative Unit. “With corrupt state elements continuing to profit from informal mining,” the security forces’ raids on illicit precious-metals mines “may work to guarantee those elements a more favorable share of those profits, rather than stamping out the practice.”

“Organized crime can’t grow without state protection, and Latin American mafias have long made it a mission to capture parts of the state,” wrote the Council on Foreign Relations’ Will Freeman at the Los Angeles Times. “They have had at least as much success amassing political power as any of the region’s political parties.”

Charts: Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border through December 2023

Late on Friday the 26th, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) updated its dataset of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border through December. Here are some highlights, expressed as nine charts.

Migrants apprehended by Border Patrol (in border areas between ports of entry)

Between ports of entry, CBP’s Border Patrol component apprehended 249,785 people last month. That is probably a monthly record. It is at least the largest amount measured since October 1999, the earliest month for which Border Patrol makes monthly data available.

Monthly U.S.-Mexico Border Patrol Apprehensions by Sector

	Tucson Sector	Rio Grande Valley Sector	San Diego Sector	El Paso Sector	Del Rio Sector	Yuma Sector	Laredo Sector	El Centro Sector	Big Bend Sector
Oct-99	32384	8416	9046	6386	8161	5403	6962	13761	891
Nov-99	25767	7371	7620	5203	6812	5219	6058	11035	1111
Dec-99	30182	5808	5978	4651	5118	4964	4477	8882	1192
Jan-00	70632	15443	15363	14914	20354	12462	13794	21924	1093
Feb-00	73506	16814	20204	15049	24706	13557	14745	31072	1675
Mar-00	76245	17995	18279	16018	24416	16663	15549	33301	1597
Apr-00	65213	15005	16751	12883	18145	13073	11174	26534	1272
May-00	62555	12390	16615	10645	13443	12327	9707	27460	1154
Jun-00	44341	7764	13186	7637	7820	6953	6436	20071	885
Jul-00	46849	9842	10630	7533	9373	6228	6760	15820	921
Aug-00	47905	9073	9356	8106	10132	6753	6971	15018	998
Sep-00	40767	7322	8653	6671	8698	5145	6340	13248	900
Oct-00	30009	6634	8002	6095	7648	4534	5154	13712	844
Nov-00	25889	5975	5556	5401	5344	5039	3652	9979	874
Dec-00	20907	4280	5270	4683	3756	4348	2762	8299	776
1-Jan	43972	10102	11558	10862	11218	9632	8228	18672	846
1-Feb	54913	12298	12085	12369	16447	11003	10656	21412	1046
1-Mar	64779	12890	13510	15311	16833	11411	12604	21815	1427
1-Apr	52949	11366	12597	12738	11444	9843	9928	20699	1249
1-May	44573	11204	11270	11343	9005	7990	9216	17203	1123
1-Jun	33602	8152	8467	8035	7048	4798	6586	11385	1058
1-Jul	29550	9191	7580	8607	6069	3848	6475	11175	1107
1-Aug	28028	9426	8297	9945	6038	3705	7338	10965	906
1-Sep	20504	6326	5883	7468	4025	2234	4469	7536	831
1-Oct	11124	4784	4530	4441	2938	1582	3431	4069	913
1-Nov	10523	3744	3178	3483	2367	2134	2949	3318	810
1-Dec	9208	3843	3183	3784	2104	2175	2608	3720	876
2-Jan	25182	8035	7716	8185	8384	4084	7711	9670	826
2-Feb	32264	8438	9172	9393	10087	3584	10628	11118	1040
2-Mar	46094	10153	12832	11309	12068	5409	12270	15673	1184
2-Apr	47712	10310	11712	11783	8540	5569	10709	14274	1312
2-May	36333	9473	11222	9972	5404	4581	7861	11415	1163
2-Jun	30898	8109	9251	6931	3787	3562	6545	8870	702
2-Jul	30212	7523	9340	8044	3301	3766	5830	7897	748
2-Aug	30078	8762	10115	9018	4297	3414	6376	9557	940
2-Sep	24020	6753	8430	7811	3708	2794	5177	8692	878
2-Oct	21352	6024	7339	6545	3037	3698	4644	8399	754
2-Nov	17206	4218	5379	5303	1942	2697	4157	6107	722
2-Dec	11481	3814	4280	4008	2083	2723	3991	4572	872
3-Jan	26826	7630	10177	9255	6546	5816	7444	12369	862
3-Feb	33854	7905	10958	10000	7127	5155	7603	13293	974
3-Mar	37055	7498	11158	8883	6579	6694	7803	11632	1097
3-Apr	29099	6560	9082	7359	5020	5273	5990	6116	860
3-May	37847	7095	10680	8120	4973	5665	6683	6528	1099
3-Jun	32532	6153	9271	6998	2857	6085	5165	5791	678
3-Jul	34201	7042	10207	7618	2993	4752	5570	6128	773
3-Aug	36639	7737	11217	7538	3700	4341	6371	6076	867
3-Sep	29171	6073	11767	7189	3288	3739	5100	5088	761
3-Oct	26530	5414	10426	6451	2913	3033	4479	5438	707
3-Nov	24890	5053	7996	5244	2372	3160	4670	3799	710
3-Dec	17349	4636	5849	4030	2307	2246	3571	2802	824
4-Jan	34913	8102	13405	8768	5044	7227	6540	7826	696
4-Feb	45312	8732	13252	10584	6561	8847	8057	8417	907
4-Mar	72095	10149	17532	13483	7983	12188	9686	10761	1104
4-Apr	64563	9618	15962	12632	4960	11344	7069	8327	993
4-May	53132	8916	14976	10343	5177	10222	7421	7616	923
4-Jun	42013	7423	11548	8432	3709	8820	6149	5611	885
4-Jul	39114	8826	9530	8654	4242	10774	5376	4581	1068
4-Aug	38740	8542	9716	8321	4573	10768	6570	5086	930
4-Sep	33120	7536	8416	7457	3953	9431	5118	4203	783
4-Oct	31940	7813	6702	7472	3856	8872	4691	3723	844
4-Nov	27673	7512	5428	5801	2795	8418	3997	2798	713
4-Dec	17631	7214	4632	4464	2768	5836	3367	1772	722
5-Jan	35873	9136	9390	9898	6120	10507	6331	4963	802
5-Feb	45875	10147	10864	13033	7248	12039	7530	5926	1113
5-Mar	64096	13176	12750	13249	7935	15734	8112	6632	1364
5-Apr	52644	14635	16534	15274	7584	17062	9043	6010	1276
5-May	40764	14796	15114	11041	6270	14051	7569	5352	866
5-Jun	31694	13109	10921	8445	4947	11522	5699	3829	620
5-Jul	32390	12208	10010	11568	5873	11809	6623	3712	761
5-Aug	29178	12713	11798	12099	6498	11988	6635	5047	777
5-Sep	29321	11727	12761	10335	6612	10600	5749	5958	678
5-Oct	27316	10060	10145	11027	4840	9428	5014	5072	655
5-Nov	24270	9111	7730	8191	4016	8913	4323	3831	590
5-Dec	16447	7128	6531	5668	2910	6884	3544	2998	563
6-Jan	33229	9533	13959	11941	4839	13743	7415	5797	739
6-Feb	43153	10444	17160	14457	5854	17117	9554	6399	908
6-Mar	63583	13080	18361	18668	5636	21231	10179	9048	910
6-Apr	51588	11264	14736	15238	4555	13034	8530	6847	746
6-May	40190	11649	13888	12239	2633	11087	6866	6187	711
6-Jun	25049	7516	10597	7664	2106	6029	4815	4112	478
6-Jul	21187	7109	8683	6970	1947	5446	4667	3240	392
6-Aug	23256	7020	10009	5027	1683	3123	5525	3705	403
6-Sep	22806	6614	10305	5166	1617	2514	4408	4229	425
6-Oct	25135	5772	9494	6183	1618	3478	4286	4379	368
6-Nov	21323	4549	7764	5098	1701	3240	3810	3667	442
6-Dec	16136	3649	6591	4189	1051	2601	2890	3037	383
7-Jan	29459	5798	12489	6570	2044	5357	4678	4983	556
7-Feb	34148	6172	12997	7482	2421	4474	5855	5187	532
7-Mar	52692	8431	18044	10537	3314	5571	7673	7198	677
7-Apr	49044	7645	17999	8957	2699	4108	6428	6983	602
7-May	41789	7736	16136	6741	1858	3162	4928	5747	407
7-Jun	34103	5791	13283	5632	1579	2151	4595	3842	362
7-Jul	30373	6225	12941	5109	1862	1660	4338	3835	439
7-Aug	24388	6331	13312	4969	1440	1305	3858	3789	403
7-Sep	19649	5331	11410	3997	1333	885	3375	3236	365
7-Oct	21730	5989	9801	3605	1679	1094	3825	3230	386
7-Nov	18231	4695	9163	2648	1059	955	2658	2412	388
7-Dec	11721	3974	7773	2015	945	954	1969	2000	451
8-Jan	26347	5216	12877	3470	1961	1061	3907	3839	350
8-Feb	34309	6880	15091	3944	2462	1089	5001	4095	612
8-Mar	45239	8543	18869	3129	2667	751	5355	4604	613
8-Apr	45442	9417	20569	2808	2286	523	4904	5090	527
8-May	32845	7967	16015	2035	1745	447	3733	3860	586
8-Jun	24289	6308	12395	1811	1708	381	3432	3161	369
8-Jul	21093	5562	13127	1634	1482	366	3066	2726	416
8-Aug	18406	6103	13734	1615	1618	345	3310	2995	415
8-Sep	18044	4819	12976	1598	1149	397	2498	2949	278
8-Oct	18814	5092	10036	1469	1321	339	2709	2619	539
8-Nov	12844	4259	7954	1153	1064	406	2465	2176	459
8-Dec	9862	3341	6552	866	872	359	1932	1691	472
9-Jan	18649	4575	10246	1344	1604	612	3970	2969	533
9-Feb	20941	5207	11678	1435	1908	731	3718	2904	689
9-Mar	31432	5479	16472	1508	2231	951	4538	4141	590
9-Apr	28072	6107	12618	1344	1619	793	4168	3314	458
9-May	24083	5293	11000	1238	1426	656	3722	2955	511
9-Jun	20842	5094	10278	1208	1304	655	3283	2811	569
9-Jul	20146	5509	8655	1160	1383	545	3512	2449	484
9-Aug	20810	6025	6743	1181	1321	429	3671	2767	575
9-Sep	15178	5008	6489	1093	1029	475	2881	2725	481
9-Oct	23197	4236	5017	1007	1119	582	2613	2589	530
9-Nov	16986	3688	4738	894	897	649	2130	2412	421
9-Dec	10907	2987	4636	725	697	711	1802	2196	373
10-Jan	16122	3658	6413	1124	1234	586	2526	2688	433
10-Feb	21266	4845	6982	1140	1245	819	3173	2836	484
10-Mar	31197	7141	9061	1528	1874	1059	4433	4408	660
10-Apr	28579	7139	7115	1359	1791	732	4528	3419	575
10-May	22572	7477	5858	1380	1718	608	3813	3126	493
10-Jun	13160	5595	5092	1005	1326	447	3475	2440	415
10-Jul	10303	3832	5113	725	767	401	1857	2331	280
10-Aug	9280	5329	4528	732	1095	262	2819	2075	295
10-Sep	8633	3839	4012	632	931	260	2118	2042	329
10-Oct	11165	3628	4344	732	1043	391	2286	2201	375
10-Nov	9097	3625	3480	660	837	391	2174	1851	290
10-Dec	7354	3349	3233	622	704	354	1797	1734	282
11-Jan	10131	3485	3379	779	899	501	2285	2135	332
11-Feb	11790	4233	3977	911	1399	664	2943	2569	300
11-Mar	17056	6806	4811	1354	2132	940	4686	3772	457
11-Apr	13816	6502	4031	1380	1977	579	3891	3563	512
11-May	12088	5953	3474	904	1499	522	3168	3278	350
11-Jun	9585	5409	3109	816	1525	317	3205	2904	296
11-Jul	6923	5276	3016	794	1386	402	2913	2225	235
11-Aug	7270	5973	2863	711	1356	346	3262	2074	311
11-Sep	7010	5004	2730	682	1387	426	3443	1885	296
11-Oct	9306	6201	2439	647	1364	590	2835	1946	284
11-Nov	8361	5513	2185	662	1289	497	2846	1698	317
11-Dec	7100	4285	2136	534	871	515	1853	1401	288
12-Jan	10209	5514	2185	625	1204	819	3180	1655	323
12-Feb	12836	6709	2439	812	1788	676	3855	2041	423
12-Mar	16559	9622	3064	1151	2375	986	5154	2857	450
12-Apr	14095	11160	2879	888	2791	517	5100	2805	393
12-May	11343	11583	2787	823	2480	546	4478	2622	304
12-Jun	8636	10112	2170	840	2123	362	4019	2107	300
12-Jul	6856	9023	2165	793	1942	330	3670	1896	303
12-Aug	7116	9295	2020	984	1770	332	4306	1411	333
12-Sep	7583	8745	1992	919	1723	330	3576	1477	246
12-Oct	9224	8869	1922	977	1792	433	3829	1527	356
12-Nov	9185	8352	1924	860	1715	417	3537	1408	238
12-Dec	8481	6587	1795	629	1135	467	2835	1101	213
13-Jan	9871	7190	2150	776	1617	594	3280	1103	340
13-Feb	11831	10828	2227	1030	2223	535	4628	1340	400
13-Mar	14990	16115	3062	1176	2771	762	5903	2098	416
13-Apr	14051	18455	2833	1217	2778	812	5621	1972	473
13-May	12119	17522	2854	1163	2332	674	5338	1513	341
13-Jun	9357	14275	2324	857	1695	445	4029	1222	232
13-Jul	7014	15217	2313	852	2039	329	4212	1035	219
13-Aug	7278	16253	2069	852	1817	310	3944	1056	218
13-Sep	7538	14790	2023	765	1596	328	3593	931	238
13-Oct	9785	15192	2218	885	1587	498	3638	1193	316
13-Nov	8334	14170	2153	845	1586	445	3026	1077	260
13-Dec	7629	13540	2091	738	1360	375	2567	987	241
14-Jan	6825	12255	2548	813	1514	553	2756	1126	278
14-Feb	7566	16808	2469	1060	2133	642	3838	1365	522
14-Mar	8925	25398	3378	1278	2823	760	5087	1502	445
14-Apr	8473	28624	3035	1244	2616	549	5117	1441	403
14-May	8407	37510	2863	1371	3432	636	4737	1353	374
14-Jun	6867	38446	2438	1221	2857	470	3946	1203	414
14-Jul	5019	24938	2497	939	1830	348	3546	1250	341
14-Aug	5105	17273	2132	948	1279	294	2960	1095	302
14-Sep	4980	12239	2089	997	1238	332	2831	919	200
14-Oct	5261	12031	2133	904	1246	403	3276	894	302
14-Nov	5303	11466	1924	924	985	425	2540	842	232
14-Dec	5610	11035	2280	921	1051	439	2367	980	336
15-Jan	4869	8425	2111	874	985	339	2776	902	233
15-Feb	5553	9557	2466	859	1291	465	2864	991	330
15-Mar	6256	11817	2876	1455	1718	768	3093	1355	453
15-Apr	5543	12602	2284	1516	2100	526	3497	1244	438
15-May	6105	14103	2308	1335	2083	653	3127	1295	567
15-Jun	5081	13750	2081	1410	1928	659	2958	1063	373
15-Jul	4071	13719	1985	1417	1752	834	3110	1072	428
15-Aug	4733	14750	1883	1436	1918	789	3072	1058	600
15-Sep	5012	14002	1959	1444	1956	842	3208	1124	739
15-Oct	5899	15036	2081	1639	1873	1101	3146	1214	735
15-Nov	5791	15297	2022	1679	1798	1126	3249	1239	637
15-Dec	6263	17736	2196	2187	2185	1509	2995	1253	690
16-Jan	4572	9398	2525	1148	1531	681	2454	1061	388
16-Feb	5245	9660	2504	1399	1780	789	2895	1342	458
16-Mar	6142	13325	3108	2158	2022	974	3196	1775	616
16-Apr	5784	16688	3329	2408	2224	1166	3654	2097	739
16-May	6574	18291	3118	2481	2588	1391	3403	2000	491
16-Jun	5427	15972	2522	2369	1918	1325	2906	1719	292
16-Jul	4364	16519	2555	2503	1833	1289	2647	1669	344
16-Aug	4303	19155	2748	2708	1445	1428	2888	2047	326
16-Sep	4527	19753	3183	2955	1881	1391	3129	2032	650
16-Oct	5924	22642	2934	3973	2106	2117	3350	2441	697
16-Nov	5912	24686	2947	4105	1880	2034	3194	1850	603
16-Dec	4303	23418	3099	3948	1817	1859	2460	1870	477
17-Jan	3357	15580	2927	2779	1243	1156	2265	1796	473
17-Feb	2589	7855	1808	1575	1104	534	1710	1196	383
17-Mar	2148	4147	1356	978	746	336	1256	871	357
17-Apr	1487	3942	1392	906	589	245	1304	849	413
17-May	2199	4882	1724	1032	740	534	1722	1134	552
17-Jun	2632	5817	1652	1180	761	548	1839	1280	378
17-Jul	2177	7107	1764	1395	760	894	2120	1478	492
17-Aug	2913	8650	2241	1782	798	1318	2143	1880	563
17-Sep	3016	8836	2242	1540	932	1272	2097	1988	614
17-Oct	3854	9722	2377	1489	1046	1536	2451	2194	819
17-Nov	4562	11726	2760	1647	1186	1970	2283	2123	828
17-Dec	4400	11668	2764	1713	1113	2443	1982	2110	802
18-Jan	3925	9484	3171	1607	1083	1814	2296	2052	543
18-Feb	3824	9611	3107	1737	1306	1618	2671	1954	838
18-Mar	5785	14140	4101	2782	1466	2064	3652	2697	703
18-Apr	5012	15993	3644	2671	1451	2504	3370	2790	808
18-May	4760	17491	3418	3510	1486	3038	3210	2683	743
18-Jun	4146	14703	3014	3560	1462	1916	2586	2327	375
18-Jul	3241	13238	3098	2890	1365	1880	2600	2531	456
18-Aug	3627	16744	3507	3585	1506	2364	2785	2821	585
18-Sep	5036	17742	3630	4370	1363	3097	2755	2948	545
18-Oct	5828	20755	4227	7334	2002	3614	3448	3242	555
18-Nov	5062	20713	4577	8867	2088	4244	2669	3189	448
18-Dec	4912	18372	5816	9450	2024	4779	2059	2718	621
19-Jan	4096	17713	4122	9137	2524	4706	2632	2461	588
19-Feb	4911	25366	5448	14171	4013	5687	3123	3319	845
19-Mar	7257	33763	6881	22224	5563	8450	4192	3561	942
19-Apr	5921	36727	6197	27073	5848	9205	3975	3386	941
19-May	6875	49821	5882	38637	8563	13924	4115	3482	1557
19-Jun	5517	43207	4684	18882	8085	7195	3819	2885	628
19-Jul	4129	36854	3458	11594	6686	3558	2686	2214	799
19-Aug	4080	22355	3321	8078	5297	1883	2421	2327	922
19-Sep	4902	13489	3436	6696	4576	1024	3239	2354	791
19-Oct	6335	9740	3640	5234	3198	793	3811	1998	653
19-Nov	6514	8557	3679	5086	3119	778	3354	1911	526
19-Dec	6647	7825	4097	5099	3003	759	3125	1755	543
20-Jan	5158	6479	4209	4394	2348	696	3618	1699	604
20-Feb	5184	6703	4672	3366	2622	1002	3946	2020	562
20-Mar	5106	7208	4704	3414	2619	576	4024	2063	675
20-Apr	2615	3459	2268	1759	2027	298	1991	1258	507
20-May	3070	3698	3311	2617	2289	745	3355	1880	628
20-Jun	4703	5414	4951	3876	3471	948	4040	2773	660
20-Jul	5605	7571	5556	5091	4163	790	5445	3569	746
20-Aug	6766	10243	6032	6560	5129	684	7242	3507	1120
20-Sep	8373	13309	6163	7900	6354	735	7474	3059	1404
20-Oct	11469	17617	6953	8777	8446	787	9373	4089	1521
20-Nov	12189	17305	7722	8748	8714	990	8244	3636	1621
20-Dec	11146	17214	8510	11028	9196	1203	7746	3118	1980
21-Jan	10749	17056	9880	10617	11142	1624	8633	2946	2669
21-Feb	14750	28403	9725	13184	11094	5128	8486	3777	3096
21-Mar	19870	62685	13380	19456	20052	11882	11180	6211	4500
21-Apr	20283	60874	14680	19797	21779	13734	10925	7039	4588
21-May	19908	51146	14602	22219	27932	12180	12092	7525	5050
21-Jun	18405	59521	15119	21507	30707	12432	10272	6132	4554
21-Jul	17983	81006	15550	20550	33600	14846	8518	5172	3433
21-Aug	16721	81178	13599	20220	33062	17244	8167	4643	1680
21-Sep	17759	55072	12739	17815	43570	22438	8605	4943	2574
21-Oct	19189	45382	14339	14001	28213	21897	7444	5042	3606
21-Nov	21515	47999	13448	15538	30226	23062	8030	3889	3308
21-Dec	15758	43848	13624	19470	33260	29787	7305	4140	3410
22-Jan	17716	30232	12294	18039	31154	23858	7375	4830	2379
22-Feb	21208	33847	13517	20618	30815	20968	9501	5689	3007
22-Mar	27239	44072	16662	25618	41631	30927	13800	7567	3665
22-Apr	25281	41922	14616	29865	40931	28681	12577	6248	3383
22-May	25939	46011	17113	34643	44735	34371	11682	6996	2880
22-Jun	21270	44663	14037	26242	45610	22362	9886	6305	2024
22-Jul	16623	35189	15991	25024	49618	24460	6603	6707	1619
22-Aug	18506	27286	14751	29756	52735	24226	6299	6815	1400
22-Sep	21740	27673	15898	49030	52003	25495	6341	8150	1267
22-Oct	22938	28290	17875	53318	42767	25314	6012	7316	1304
22-Nov	23411	27832	16850	53529	48196	25006	4309	7024	1523
22-Dec	22131	28189	18952	55769	51701	30974	3353	9759	1190
23-Jan	20261	14913	15440	30038	28425	11537	3257	4563	1079
23-Feb	23560	14981	17030	32911	22939	10510	4114	3495	981
23-Mar	33898	17956	23286	40103	23904	13667	5210	4448	1200
23-Apr	33960	37881	25123	42552	20809	13672	5394	3349	1181
23-May	30139	38032	22858	26172	29971	15284	3464	4041	1421
23-Jun	24359	11435	12901	13231	24632	8969	1919	1680	412
23-Jul	39215	26527	15032	16466	24505	6599	2436	1458	404
23-Aug	48752	46537	18985	25234	29689	6734	3097	1458	568
23-Sep	51001	45764	26609	38148	45688	5935	3079	1979	560
23-Oct	55226	32110	29903	22107	38207	5870	2827	2049	479
23-Nov	64637	18774	31164	22404	42950	6159	2810	1787	427
23-Dec	80185	18208	34372	33970	71095	7145	2267	2222	321

Data table

Border Patrol’s migrant apprehensions jumped 31 percent from November (191,112). Increased migration from Venezuela, which more than doubled, accounted for 41 percent of the border-wide month-to-month increase.

December also saw big increases in migration between ports of entry from the other three nationalities (in addition to Venezuela) whose citizens the Biden administration allows to apply for its humanitarian parole program: Cuba (+192 percent from November to December), Haiti (+1,266 percent), and Nicaragua (+91 percent). This may mean that the humanitarian parole program is saturated by demand and insufficient supply.

It was the first month since May 2022 that more than 1,000 Haitian citizens crossed between the ports of entry and ended up in Border Patrol custody.

Border Patrol Apprehensions by Country at the U.S.-Mexico Border

December 2023: Mexico 23%, Venezuela 19%, Guatemala 14%, Honduras 8%, Colombia 7.2%, Ecuador 6.8%, Nicaragua 3%, All Others <3% 

Since October 2020: Mexico 32%, Guatemala 12%, Honduras 11%, Venezuela 8%, Cuba 6%, Colombia 5%, All Others <5%

	Mexico	Guatemala	Honduras	Venezuela	Cuba	Colombia	Nicaragua	Ecuador	El Salvador	Other Countries
20-Oct	44137	9225	7330	134	1661	23	253	2195	2985	1089
20-Nov	41541	10279	8146	171	1583	59	385	2712	3607	686
20-Dec	36900	12394	10296	192	2041	70	636	3619	3882	1111
21-Jan	38122	13082	11162	284	1876	51	533	3568	3533	3105
21-Feb	41344	19029	20102	892	3810	65	700	3409	5562	2730
21-Mar	59347	33921	41989	2356	5658	147	1925	5553	9423	8897
21-Apr	62170	29782	37738	5850	3258	200	3049	8047	10843	12762
21-May	66237	25846	30624	7386	2625	379	4378	11655	10051	13473
21-Jun	59469	29423	32620	7467	2971	440	7388	12758	11055	15058
21-Jul	52995	35674	42594	6018	3451	707	13426	17260	12157	16376
21-Aug	49609	36216	39532	6211	4406	1493	9888	17577	11974	19608
21-Sep	56166	24162	26798	10791	4799	2204	7280	7339	10858	35118
21-Oct	62898	19301	21779	13396	5877	2983	9251	747	9759	13122
21-Nov	59153	20379	19917	20349	6582	3322	13578	552	9586	13597
21-Dec	46902	20908	17856	24764	7960	4049	15280	664	8757	23462
22-Jan	55697	13746	11726	22748	9702	3875	11547	594	5702	12540
22-Feb	67185	18081	13689	3065	16538	9555	13276	680	6997	10104
22-Mar	82797	21245	15709	4031	32104	15309	16004	873	8250	14859
22-Apr	76851	19453	14261	4075	34817	13076	12556	1617	7739	19059
22-May	70606	21076	17999	5064	25458	19273	18996	3040	8371	34487
22-Jun	60574	24219	22712	13141	16026	12539	11158	3214	8724	20092
22-Jul	48347	19810	18123	17602	20079	13404	12035	2931	7540	21963
22-Aug	52398	15092	13218	25302	19022	13405	11706	3659	6048	21924
22-Sep	55372	14910	12197	33749	26156	13750	18165	5373	5723	22202
22-Oct	56847	14250	10655	21845	28817	17304	20899	7001	5373	22143
22-Nov	49016	13965	10153	6803	34675	15713	34202	11953	4845	26355
22-Dec	36768	14246	10329	6205	42617	17572	35355	16151	4157	38618
23-Jan	52468	11531	8982	2348	6217	9260	3336	9347	3351	22673
23-Feb	59482	14016	10098	1457	176	12682	399	7292	4502	20417
23-Mar	72043	14884	11524	3326	117	16705	230	6929	5364	32550
23-Apr	59668	14311	12112	29731	322	17514	372	6197	4389	39305
23-May	43612	14151	17810	28054	941	17625	463	6269	4574	37883
23-Jun	33958	9548	10659	12549	351	3915	179	4706	2040	21633
23-Jul	36003	21490	23090	11427	632	5194	272	9581	3062	21891
23-Aug	39508	37205	31742	22090	756	8040	603	13239	5063	22808
23-Sep	39773	33669	23505	54833	877	12553	1447	15148	6628	30330
23-Oct	48998	23015	18043	29635	1213	12843	3032	11730	6345	33924
23-Nov	50970	25522	16593	23010	1703	14116	4293	13147	6704	35054
23-Dec	56236	34708	18991	46937	4968	17874	8180	16958	5817	39116

Data table

CBP encounters with migrants at ports of entry

At the official border crossings, CBP’s Office of Field Operations encountered 52,249 migrants. This is a record—though not by a wide margin, as CBP tightly controls who gets to step on U.S. soil and approach its ports of entry. Since July 2023, port-of-entry encounters have been within a narrow band: between 50,837 and 52,249. Of December’s encounters, CBP’s release indicates, 45,770 (88 percent, 1,476 per day) had made appointments using the CBP One smartphone app.

CBP Port of Entry Migrant Encounters by Country at the U.S.-Mexico Border

December 2023: Mexico 25%, Cuba 24%, Venezuela 21%, Haiti 15%, Honduras 3.7%, Russia 3.6%, All Others <2% 

Since October 2020: Mexico 36%, Haiti 14%, Venezuela 12%, Honduras 8%, Cuba 7.6%, Russia 7.3%, Ukraine 3%, All Others <3%

	Mexico	Haiti	Venezuela	Honduras	Cuba	Russia	Ukraine	El Salvador	Guatemala	Other Countries
20-Oct	2649	1	9	40	18	7	6	29	67	71
20-Nov	2623	3	13	53	7	58	3	43	44	97
20-Dec	2470	1	14	62	26	50	6	39	60	125
21-Jan	2671	1	11	70	23	75	4	47	55	141
21-Feb	2913	4	21	78	38	66	19	37	125	155
21-Mar	3157	7	210	127	42	101	6	52	139	220
21-Apr	3427	5	198	467	30	185	31	200	271	282
21-May	4637	103	113	1507	39	177	55	411	606	295
21-Jun	5439	211	116	2413	101	321	35	527	823	399
21-Jul	6964	531	108	2703	108	603	97	562	794	465
21-Aug	6788	812	90	2593	90	656	129	718	892	558
21-Sep	3819	44	23	280	13	1295	243	95	126	548
21-Oct	3151	1	20	82	19	1497	181	42	73	658
21-Nov	4693	13	39	188	23	1605	223	78	90	878
21-Dec	4573	36	37	285	26	1875	329	117	101	1272
22-Jan	4644	99	31	285	19	772	188	108	110	741
22-Feb	4665	160	8	386	19	553	184	149	134	582
22-Mar	5335	268	22	504	49	976	3155	153	147	784
22-Apr	5717	1277	32	1473	22	1465	20102	616	457	1120
22-May	6847	2752	24	1731	185	2401	265	609	392	1560
22-Jun	6156	3924	58	1465	146	1264	67	399	429	1527
22-Jul	7345	5027	45	2217	19	1119	45	412	402	1697
22-Aug	8374	6372	59	3001	38	1117	17	627	589	2119
22-Sep	8059	4977	55	2220	22	1922	23	524	421	1727
22-Oct	9430	6592	215	3445	34	3210	14	696	593	2166
22-Nov	10332	5433	1210	2990	35	4325	5	687	545	1931
22-Dec	11622	5107	1982	2947	37	4989	15	703	639	2256
23-Jan	9797	3127	6754	2048	245	3504	6	428	439	1497
23-Feb	5789	7406	4108	837	577	4465	12	217	204	2494
23-Mar	9264	4252	4994	1831	1199	3652	26	401	409	3549
23-Apr	7423	7041	4902	1106	1286	2318	13	288	273	3421
23-May	11793	4786	4679	3225	1863	2811	21	775	666	4689
23-Jun	15304	7331	7904	4434	2330	1242	15	1142	814	4502
23-Jul	17925	10669	7531	2933	3036	1736	15	891	637	5464
23-Aug	15985	8687	9373	3426	5423	2014	15	1017	732	5237
23-Sep	13523	4587	11751	3805	9789	1554	14	922	868	4159
23-Oct	13998	4653	11223	3775	11282	1755	13	905	837	3762
23-Nov	13839	5500	11054	2276	12798	1259	10	685	777	3097
23-Dec	12806	7666	10932	1956	12600	1870	23	579	658	3159

Data Table

All encounters

Combine the Border Patrol and port-of-entry totals, and U.S. border authorities encountered 302,034 people at the U.S.-Mexico border last month. That is a record.

All CBP (Border Patrol Plus Port of Entry) Migrant Encounters
by Country at the U.S.-Mexico Border

November 2023: Mexico 23%, Venezuela 19%, Guatemala 12%, Honduras 7%, Colombia 6.2%, Cuba 5.8%, Ecuador 5.7%, All Others <3%

Since October 2020: Mexico 32%, Guatemala 12%, Honduras 11%, Venezuela 8%, Cuba 6%, Colombia 4.96%, Nicaragua 4.89%, All Others <5%

	Mexico	Guatemala	Honduras	Venezuela	Cuba	Colombia	Nicaragua	Ecuador	El Salvador	Other Countries
20-Oct	44137	9225	7330	134	1661	23	253	2195	2985	1089
20-Nov	41541	10279	8146	171	1583	59	385	2712	3607	686
20-Dec	36900	12394	10296	192	2041	70	636	3619	3882	1111
21-Jan	38122	13082	11162	284	1876	51	533	3568	3533	3105
21-Feb	41344	19029	20102	892	3810	65	700	3409	5562	2730
21-Mar	59347	33921	41989	2356	5658	147	1925	5553	9423	8897
21-Apr	62170	29782	37738	5850	3258	200	3049	8047	10843	12762
21-May	66237	25846	30624	7386	2625	379	4378	11655	10051	13473
21-Jun	59469	29423	32620	7467	2971	440	7388	12758	11055	15058
21-Jul	52995	35674	42594	6018	3451	707	13426	17260	12157	16376
21-Aug	49609	36216	39532	6211	4406	1493	9888	17577	11974	19608
21-Sep	56166	24162	26798	10791	4799	2204	7280	7339	10858	35118
21-Oct	62898	19301	21779	13396	5877	2983	9251	747	9759	13122
21-Nov	59153	20379	19917	20349	6582	3322	13578	552	9586	13597
21-Dec	46902	20908	17856	24764	7960	4049	15280	664	8757	23462
22-Jan	55697	13746	11726	22748	9702	3875	11547	594	5702	12540
22-Feb	67185	18081	13689	3065	16538	9555	13276	680	6997	10104
22-Mar	82797	21245	15709	4031	32104	15309	16004	873	8250	14859
22-Apr	76851	19453	14261	4075	34817	13076	12556	1617	7739	19059
22-May	70606	21076	17999	5064	25458	19273	18996	3040	8371	34487
22-Jun	60574	24219	22712	13141	16026	12539	11158	3214	8724	20092
22-Jul	48347	19810	18123	17602	20079	13404	12035	2931	7540	21963
22-Aug	52398	15092	13218	25302	19022	13405	11706	3659	6048	21924
22-Sep	55372	14910	12197	33749	26156	13750	18165	5373	5723	22202
22-Oct	56847	14250	10655	21845	28817	17304	20899	7001	5373	22143
22-Nov	49016	13965	10153	6803	34675	15713	34202	11953	4845	26355
22-Dec	36768	14246	10329	6205	42617	17572	35355	16151	4157	38618
23-Jan	52468	11531	8982	2348	6217	9260	3336	9347	3351	22673
23-Feb	59482	14016	10098	1457	176	12682	399	7292	4502	20417
23-Mar	72043	14884	11524	3326	117	16705	230	6929	5364	32550
23-Apr	59668	14311	12112	29731	322	17514	372	6197	4389	39305
23-May	43612	14151	17810	28054	941	17625	463	6269	4574	37883
23-Jun	33958	9548	10659	12549	351	3915	179	4706	2040	21633
23-Jul	36003	21490	23090	11427	632	5194	272	9581	3062	21891
23-Aug	39508	37205	31742	22090	756	8040	603	13239	5063	22808
23-Sep	39773	33669	23505	54833	877	12553	1447	15148	6628	30330
23-Oct	62996	23852	21818	40858	12495	13773	3306	12156	7250	42477
23-Nov	64809	26299	18869	34064	14501	15021	4440	13483	7389	43532
23-Dec	69042	35366	20947	57869	17568	18690	8286	17242	6396	50628

Data table

Border Patrol apprehensions of unaccompanied children, or parents and children

46 percent of migrants apprehended by Border Patrol between ports of entry in December were members of family units (41 percent) or minors who arrived unaccompanied (5 percent). That is the 24th-highest child-and-family share of Border Patrol’s last 147 months, and probably ever: high, but nowhere near a record.

The overall number of children and families (114,192), however, was the second-most ever, nearly matching the record set in September 2023.

Unaccompanied Children and Families Encountered at the U.S. Border (Border Patrol)

	Unaccompanied Children	Family Unit Members
Oct-11	1465	896
Nov-11	1446	848
Dec-11	1259	732
Jan-12	1635	1026
Feb-12	2077	936
Mar-12	2755	1227
Apr-12	2703	1208
May-12	2541	925
Jun-12	2071	791
Jul-12	2118	898
Aug-12	2289	918
Sep-12	2044	711
Oct-12	2333	799
Nov-12	2392	776
Dec-12	2218	746
Jan-13	2260	847
Feb-13	2986	923
Mar-13	4120	1310
Apr-13	4206	1384
May-13	3985	1315
Jun-13	3384	1250
Jul-13	3607	1651
Aug-13	3718	1907
Sep-13	3550	1947
Oct-13	4181	2414
Nov-13	4344	2786
Dec-13	4327	3311
Jan-14	3706	2286
Feb-14	4845	3281
Mar-14	7176	5752
Apr-14	7701	6511
May-14	10578	12772
Jun-14	10620	16330
Jul-14	5499	7405
Aug-14	3138	3296
Sep-14	2426	2301
Oct-14	2519	2162
Nov-14	2610	2415
Dec-14	2858	2891
Jan-15	2118	1622
Feb-15	2385	2041
Mar-15	3126	2782
Apr-15	3273	3087
May-15	2943	3861
Jun-15	3833	4042
Jul-15	4182	4503
Aug-15	4638	5159
Sep-15	4485	5273
Oct-15	4943	6025
Nov-15	5604	6471
Dec-15	6757	8973
Jan-16	3089	3143
Feb-16	3092	3050
Mar-16	4209	4451
Apr-16	5162	5620
May-16	5594	6783
Jun-16	4750	6627
Jul-16	5026	7569
Aug-16	5767	9353
Sep-16	5699	9609
Oct-16	6704	13115
Nov-16	7346	15588
Dec-16	7187	16139
Jan-17	4405	9300
Feb-17	1910	3123
Mar-17	1041	1126
Apr-17	997	1118
May-17	1473	1580
Jun-17	1949	2322
Jul-17	2475	3389
Aug-17	2987	4631
Sep-17	2961	4191
Oct-17	3153	4836
Nov-17	3973	7016
Dec-17	4063	8119
Jan-18	3202	5654
Feb-18	3115	5475
Mar-18	4141	8873
Apr-18	4287	9648
May-18	6388	9485
Jun-18	5115	9449
Jul-18	3938	9258
Aug-18	4393	12760
Sep-18	4360	16658
Oct-18	4964	23116
Nov-18	5257	25164
Dec-18	4753	27507
Jan-19	5105	24188
Feb-19	6817	36530
Mar-19	8956	53204
Apr-19	8880	58713
May-19	11475	84486
Jun-19	7372	57358
Jul-19	5554	42543
Aug-19	3722	25049
Sep-19	3165	15824
Oct-19	2841	9721
Nov-19	3308	9006
Dec-19	3223	8595
Jan-20	2680	5161
Feb-20	3070	4610
Mar-20	2974	3455
Apr-20	712	716
May-20	966	979
Jun-20	1603	1581
Jul-20	2426	1989
Aug-20	2998	2609
Sep-20	3756	3808
Oct-20	4687	4634
Nov-20	4475	4172
Dec-20	4852	4248
Jan-21	5688	7066
Feb-21	9263	19289
Mar-21	18716	53411
Apr-21	16900	48297
May-21	13878	40816
Jun-21	15022	50106
Jul-21	18681	76572
Aug-21	18492	79899
Sep-21	14180	62577
Oct-21	12625	41556
Nov-21	13745	43279
Dec-21	11704	49437
Jan-22	8607	30419
Feb-22	11779	25165
Mar-22	13892	34052
Apr-22	11857	37082
May-22	14420	51166
Jun-22	14929	44071
Jul-22	13003	42851
Aug-22	10993	39305
Sep-22	11539	44579
Oct-22	11654	46745
Nov-22	12780	49827
Dec-22	11829	60843
Jan-23	9034	25829
Feb-23	10418	25643
Mar-23	11852	33269
Apr-23	11062	46555
May-23	9442	45026
Jun-23	6732	31271
Jul-23	10035	60165
Aug-23	13527	93111
Sep-23	13154	103027
Oct-23	10706	84404
Nov-23	11945	82689
Dec-23	12467	101725

Data table

CBP encounters with family units (parents with children)

Combining Border Patrol apprehensions with port-of-entry encounters, December 2023 saw the second-highest-ever monthly total of family unit-member encounters: 123,512, just short of September 2023’s record total of 123,815.

Family-unit encounters rose 19 percent from November to December. Citizens of Venezuela arriving as families accounted for 38 percent of the month-to-month increase, and citizens of Mexico accounted for 28 percent.

Family Unit Member / Accompanied Minor CBP (Border Patrol Plus Port of Entry)
Migrant Encounters by Country at the U.S.-Mexico Border

December 2023: Mexico 30%, Venezuela 18%, Guatemala 11%, Honduras 9%, Colombia 7%, Ecuador 6%, All Others <5%

Since October 2020: Honduras 16%, Mexico 15%, Venezuela 11.34%, Guatemala 11.32%, Colombia 7%, Ecuador 6%, All Others <6%

	Honduras	Mexico	Venezuela	Guatemala	Colombia	Ecuador	Cuba	Brazil	El Salvador	Other Countries
20-Oct	1133	1343	83	826	2	201	119	29	529	594
20-Nov	927	1339	89	898	16	242	163	22	419	276
20-Dec	1222	879	109	759	3	239	256	43	452	531
21-Jan	1971	1086	148	979	15	264	290	169	508	1971
21-Feb	9104	1440	462	3822	13	380	699	646	1850	1319
21-Mar	24965	2346	1194	11725	53	1679	1152	2365	4137	4675
21-Apr	19773	2665	2697	8527	95	2936	678	4462	4395	4000
21-May	13711	3356	3217	5521	185	3610	635	5409	3479	5779
21-Jun	16713	3940	3346	8519	214	4903	720	5764	4390	7556
21-Jul	26034	5029	2912	16092	348	9505	747	7711	5988	9438
21-Aug	25540	5191	2873	18018	806	9977	966	8022	6549	9112
21-Sep	14056	2502	5192	7262	1057	2530	1129	9153	4829	16903
21-Oct	10453	2221	6201	4150	1510	150	1448	6766	4115	5971
21-Nov	8713	2715	9283	3615	1632	247	1828	5734	3873	7724
21-Dec	7198	2639	11527	3146	2186	248	1815	6857	3002	13434
22-Jan	3826	2096	9196	1687	1833	218	2049	2294	1363	7680
22-Feb	3878	2237	1129	2226	4444	240	3512	1071	1606	6608
22-Mar	4031	2752	1322	2367	6239	321	7337	966	1915	10923
22-Apr	4357	3454	1342	2172	6088	727	7928	2360	2054	24937
22-May	7001	4598	1626	3119	9478	1659	5096	3836	2649	20729
22-Jun	9973	3837	3565	5979	6191	1757	3588	2586	2905	11593
22-Jul	7238	4584	5344	3943	6485	1702	4843	3526	2189	12470
22-Aug	4907	5598	7078	1935	6659	2232	4933	3820	1660	13246
22-Sep	3706	5551	8756	1692	6716	3384	7279	1163	1517	14502
22-Oct	4411	7293	7196	1791	8531	4715	7878	670	1584	16067
22-Nov	3698	8398	3487	1764	7872	7367	9597	571	1424	19517
22-Dec	4338	9832	3866	2194	8605	10035	12555	856	1378	23949
23-Jan	2500	8827	3441	1223	4095	5328	1976	651	795	9824
23-Feb	1345	7337	1739	1554	5646	4072	117	877	595	10517
23-Mar	2532	12216	3009	1962	7842	3505	384	1367	777	12996
23-Apr	2304	10356	14098	3199	8329	2962	435	1832	819	14354
23-May	7656	12962	8837	4548	7949	2930	694	1771	1427	12871
23-Jun	7641	16471	9499	4315	2342	2494	713	1657	1212	9716
23-Jul	17624	21812	8955	13984	2822	5517	1047	1846	1936	10815
23-Aug	25309	21176	15161	26596	4264	7339	1677	1798	3659	9907
23-Sep	18240	22949	26385	24109	6183	7709	3002	1325	4966	9079
23-Oct	13463	29755	17337	15194	5829	5586	3705	1092	4905	9539
23-Nov	10708	32035	15449	13986	6383	5829	4430	1128	4811	9513
23-Dec	11016	37405	22841	14184	8101	7372	5498	1206	3585	12444

Data table

CBP encounters with unaccompanied minors

Combining Border Patrol apprehensions with port-of-entry encounters, December 2023 saw 12,467 children arrive at the border unaccompanied. That was the 17th-highest monthly total ever, and a 5 percent increase over November 2023.

The nationalities that contributed most to the increase in unaccompanied child arrivals were Haiti, Mexico, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. Arrivals from El Salvador and Honduras both declined.

Unaccompanied Child CBP (Border Patrol Plus Port of Entry) Migrant Encounters
by Country at the U.S.-Mexico Border

December 2023: Guatemala 34%, Mexico 25%, Honduras 15%, El Salvador 6%, Venezuela 5%, Haiti 4%, All Others <4%

Since October 2020: Guatemala 38%, Honduras 25%, Mexico 19%, El Salvador 9%, Ecuador 2%, All Others <2%

	Guatemala	Honduras	Mexico	El Salvador	Ecuador	Nicaragua	Venezuela	Colombia	Cuba	Other Countries
20-Oct	1080	769	2471	337	117	16	1	1	1	17
20-Nov	1359	655	2033	349	166	19	1	0	1	8
20-Dec	1663	946	1754	356	188	35	1	0	2	20
21-Jan	2074	1149	1882	391	251	16	3	0	2	52
21-Feb	3910	2562	1869	770	178	57	4	1	0	51
21-Mar	8373	5947	2380	1580	311	171	11	6	5	86
21-Apr	6626	5209	2365	2094	378	224	34	3	3	131
21-May	5252	3821	2480	1670	394	263	47	2	1	122
21-Jun	6179	4204	2238	1846	358	276	46	3	3	77
21-Jul	8011	5624	2067	2114	589	388	48	14	3	96
21-Aug	8268	5341	2039	2115	570	268	41	20	6	138
21-Sep	5983	3677	2119	1907	194	192	78	36	5	167
21-Oct	5076	3147	2419	1672	20	226	85	29	8	101
21-Nov	6003	3373	2182	1733	27	322	123	20	14	132
21-Dec	5289	2599	1893	1346	26	305	155	36	15	214
22-Jan	3066	1950	2159	950	14	241	167	29	25	147
22-Feb	4866	2776	2626	1139	42	229	15	64	54	168
22-Mar	5488	3403	3019	1480	30	269	14	72	111	251
22-Apr	4731	2622	2700	1283	72	207	14	73	134	333
22-May	5850	3763	2460	1616	129	332	33	115	98	279
22-Jun	6313	4422	2148	1583	142	214	78	93	73	184
22-Jul	5293	3830	1890	1323	146	251	111	83	130	211
22-Aug	4345	2712	2194	1151	163	244	146	94	124	168
22-Sep	4460	2777	2304	1155	219	318	198	108	180	181
22-Oct	4455	2675	2429	1095	246	397	157	125	226	211
22-Nov	5198	2977	2113	1160	292	578	102	111	357	232
22-Dec	4851	2633	1875	899	459	569	82	167	451	291
23-Jan	3273	2013	2419	704	374	98	71	87	100	241
23-Feb	4094	2537	2619	825	316	24	86	88	12	235
23-Mar	4281	3130	3056	917	305	22	94	138	12	397
23-Apr	3806	2865	2512	935	231	11	386	153	6	545
23-May	3145	2602	2132	844	271	19	276	166	25	447
23-Jun	2092	1966	1833	456	215	16	304	62	14	316
23-Jul	3604	3159	2294	569	301	25	251	56	28	348
23-Aug	5404	3992	2605	812	439	54	460	80	45	346
23-Sep	5260	3221	2441	944	438	66	718	157	83	443
23-Oct	3794	2274	2716	858	324	151	476	155	118	645
23-Nov	4522	2073	3173	962	352	176	450	189	131	775
23-Dec	4555	1975	3344	753	426	321	610	232	165	1094

Data table

Border Patrol apprehensions of single adults

When the pandemic-area Title 42 expulsions policy was in effect, Border Patrol apprehensions of single adults skyrocketed. The reasoning was that (a) a large portion of adult migrants were seeking to evade apprehension, not turn themselves in to seek asylum; and (b) when Title 42 caused them to be expelled to Mexico after a very brief time in Border Patrol custody, many attempted to migrate again, leading to many more repeat apprehensions.

That was borne out in the months after Title 42 ended, when single adult apprehensions dropped sharply. However, even without a quick expulsions policy in place, Border Patrol’s apprehensions of single adult migrants between the ports of entry jumped 41 percent from November to December, from 96,478 to 135,593. This was the 8th largest monthly total of single adult migrant apprehensions of the past 147 months.

Single Adult Migrant Encounters and Apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico Border (Border Patrol)

Demographic Category	Single Adults
11-Oct	23,251
11-Nov	21,074
11-Dec	16,992
12-Jan	23,053
12-Feb	28,566
12-Mar	38,236
12-Apr	36,717
12-May	33,500
12-Jun	27,807
12-Jul	23,962
12-Aug	24,360
12-Sep	23,836
12-Oct	25,797
12-Nov	24,468
12-Dec	20,279
13-Jan	23,814
13-Feb	31,133
13-Mar	41,863
13-Apr	42,622
13-May	38,556
13-Jun	29,802
13-Jul	28,072
13-Aug	28,172
13-Sep	26,305
13-Oct	28,717
13-Nov	24,766
13-Dec	21,890
14-Jan	22,676
14-Feb	28,277
14-Mar	36,668
14-Apr	37,290
14-May	37,333
14-Jun	30,912
14-Jul	27,804
14-Aug	24,954
14-Sep	21,098
14-Oct	21,769
14-Nov	19,616
14-Dec	19,270
15-Jan	17,774
15-Feb	19,950
15-Mar	23,883
15-Apr	23,390
15-May	24,772
15-Jun	21,428
15-Jul	19,703
15-Aug	20,442
15-Sep	20,528
15-Oct	21,756
15-Nov	20,763
15-Dec	21,284
16-Jan	17,526
16-Feb	19,930
16-Mar	24,656
16-Apr	27,307
16-May	27,960
16-Jun	23,073
16-Jul	21,128
16-Aug	21,928
16-Sep	24,193
16-Oct	26,365
16-Nov	24,277
16-Dec	19,925
17-Jan	17,871
17-Feb	13,721
17-Mar	10,028
17-Apr	9,012
17-May	11,466
17-Jun	11,816
17-Jul	12,323
17-Aug	14,670
17-Sep	15,385
17-Oct	17,495
17-Nov	18,097
17-Dec	16,815
18-Jan	17,122
18-Feb	18,076
18-Mar	24,375
18-Apr	24,302
18-May	24,465
18-Jun	19,550
18-Jul	18,107
18-Aug	20,371
18-Sep	20,468
18-Oct	22,925
18-Nov	21,436
18-Dec	18,491
19-Jan	18,686
19-Feb	23,536
19-Mar	30,673
19-Apr	31,680
19-May	36,895
19-Jun	30,172
19-Jul	23,881
19-Aug	21,913
19-Sep	21,518
19-Oct	22,840
19-Nov	21,210
19-Dec	21,035
20-Jan	21,364
20-Feb	22,397
20-Mar	23,960
20-Apr	14,754
20-May	19,648
20-Jun	27,652
20-Jul	34,121
20-Aug	41,676
20-Sep	47,207
20-Oct	59,711
20-Nov	60,522
20-Dec	62,041
21-Jan	62,562
21-Feb	69,091
21-Mar	97,089
21-Apr	108,502
21-May	117,960
21-Jun	113,521
21-Jul	105,405
21-Aug	98,123
21-Sep	108,758
21-Oct	104,932
21-Nov	109,991
21-Dec	109,461
22-Jan	108,851
22-Feb	122,226
22-Mar	163,237
22-Apr	154,565
22-May	158,784
22-Jun	133,399
22-Jul	125,980
22-Aug	131,476
22-Sep	151,479
23-Oct	146,735
23-Nov	145,073
23-Dec	149,346
23-Jan	94,650
23-Feb	94,460
23-Mar	118,551
23-Apr	126,304
23-May	116,914
23-Jun	61,535
23-Jul	62,442
23-Aug	74,416
23-Sep	102,582
23-Oct	93,668
23-Nov	96,478
23-Dec	135,593

Data table

CBP encounters with single adults

Combining Border Patrol apprehensions with port-of-entry encounters, December 2023 saw 164,907 migrants arrive as single adults, a 32 percent increase over November (125,332). Single adult migrants from Venezuela and Guatemala accounted for nearly two-thirds of the increase, while citizens of Mexico declined slightly.

Single Adult CBP (Border Patrol Plus Port of Entry) Migrant Encounters
by Country at the U.S.-Mexico Border

December 2023: Venezuela 21%, Mexico 17%, Guatemala 10%, Cuba 7%, Colombia 6.3%, Ecuador 5.7%, Honduras 5%, All Others <5%

Since October 2020: Mexico 42%, Guatemala 8.3%, Venezuela 8.1%, Cuba 7.04%, Honduras 6.96%, Nicaragua 5%, All Others <4%

	Mexico	Guatemala	Venezuela	Cuba	Honduras	Nicaragua	Colombia	Ecuador	El Salvador	Other Countries
20-Oct	42972	7386	59	1559	5468	214	23	1902	2148	529
20-Nov	40792	8066	94	1426	6617	334	53	2357	2882	510
20-Dec	36737	10032	96	1809	8190	514	70	3249	3113	726
21-Jan	37825	10084	144	1607	8112	484	54	3083	2681	1119
21-Feb	40948	11422	447	3149	8514	457	62	2882	2979	1102
21-Mar	57778	13962	1361	4543	11204	788	120	3589	3758	3013
21-Apr	60567	14900	3317	2607	13223	1246	162	4765	4554	6159
21-May	65038	15679	4235	2028	14599	2138	221	7687	5313	4705
21-Jun	58730	15548	4191	2349	14116	4160	264	7542	5346	5493
21-Jul	52863	12365	3166	2809	13639	8216	389	7241	4617	5530
21-Aug	49167	10822	3387	3524	11244	6266	736	7064	4028	7742
21-Sep	55364	11043	5544	3678	9345	4587	1155	4629	4217	13468
21-Oct	61409	10148	7130	4440	8261	6590	1476	578	4014	5023
21-Nov	58949	10851	10982	4763	8019	9661	1716	282	4058	6271
21-Dec	46943	12574	13119	6156	8344	11644	1872	399	4526	9746
22-Jan	56086	9103	13416	7647	6235	9140	2049	370	3497	6341
22-Feb	66987	11123	1929	12991	7421	10836	5100	401	4401	5891
22-Mar	82361	13537	2717	24705	8779	13086	9062	526	5008	10483
22-Apr	76414	13007	2751	26777	8755	10259	6967	837	5018	17412
22-May	70395	12499	3429	20449	8966	15625	9727	1258	4715	19607
22-Jun	60745	12356	9556	12511	9782	9272	6313	1332	4635	14108
22-Jul	49218	10976	12192	15125	9272	9965	6886	1100	4440	15396
22-Aug	52980	9401	18137	14003	8600	9822	6744	1286	3864	15841
22-Sep	55576	9179	24850	18719	7934	14909	6983	1776	3575	17880
22-Oct	56555	8597	14707	20747	7014	16922	8706	2069	3390	20670
22-Nov	48837	7548	4424	24756	6468	27434	7863	4340	2948	23740
22-Dec	36683	7840	4239	29648	6305	28691	8959	5712	2583	31770
23-Jan	51019	7474	5590	4386	6517	2644	5289	3714	2280	20405
23-Feb	55315	8572	3740	624	7053	508	7117	2984	3299	22783
23-Mar	66035	9050	5217	920	7693	337	9075	3333	4071	28576
23-Apr	54223	7579	20149	1167	8049	310	9361	3203	2923	34890
23-May	40311	7124	23620	2085	10777	509	10015	3273	3078	34326
23-Jun	30958	3955	10650	1954	5486	261	2301	2396	1514	21747
23-Jul	29822	4539	9752	2593	5240	286	3073	4094	1448	25639
23-Aug	31712	5937	15842	4457	5867	514	4604	5853	1609	25445
23-Sep	27906	5168	39481	7581	5849	1285	7303	7398	1640	28406
23-Oct	30525	4864	23045	8672	6081	2733	7789	6246	1487	31623
23-Nov	29601	7791	18165	9940	6088	3641	8449	7302	1616	32739
23-Dec	28293	16627	34418	11905	7956	7094	10357	9444	2058	36755

Data table

Latin America-Related Events in Washington and Online This Week

(Events that I know of, anyway. All times are U.S. Eastern.)

Monday, January 29, 2024

  • 10:00-11:00 at El Salvador’s 2024 Elections: Voting in a One-Party State? (RSVP required).
  • 3:00-4:00 at the Atlantic Council and Industry Minister Víctor Bisonó on the Dominican Republic’s economic growth and resilience (RSVP required).
  • 5:30-7:00 at Georgetown University and YouTube: Religious and Academic Freedom in Nicaragua (RSVP required).

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Thursday, February 1, 2024

  • 12:15 at the Atlantic Council and Unlocking opportunities for the US-Suriname relationship (RSVP required).

Podcast: ¿Dejará De Ser Una Democracia Estados Unidos Si Donald Trump Gana Las Elecciones?

I joined Colombian journalist María Jimena Duzán and former U.S. ambassador to Panama John Feeley on the latest episode of Duzán’s popular Spanish-language podcast.

The episode was a scene-setter for the 2024 U.S. election campaign. Neither John nor I get called on to do a lot of this “election horserace” sort of punditry, but that may have made this a more engaging attempt to explain the current U.S. political moment to a non-U.S. audience.

Hitting bottom

A January 2018 Washington Post feature on “The Golden Age of Conservative Magazines” hailed The American Conservative as “an unheeded voice in the face of indifferent or hostile elite opinion.” In 2012, New York Times columnist David Brooks called the publication “one of the more dynamic spots on the political Web.”

And now? Today, The American Conservative carried a piece just flat-out calling for sinking boats carrying refugees.

Contrary to consensus wisdom, mass migration can actually be easily deterred.

The powers that be should be willing to sink the boats in the Mediterranean, target the human traffickers and cartels in both North Africa and Latin America, target the financing and processing of migrants by NGOs and other entities willing to aid and abet mass migration, and mass-deport the millions who came illegally after 2015. It can be done. 

It is not done for two reasons. One, the post-1945 refugee convention and human rights laws, a relic of a different time, handicaps governments to take drastic actions. Two, the powers that be are ideologically aligned to promote mass-migration. To reverse that, there must be an overhaul of any post-1945 human rights framework and refugee conventions that opposes any deportation or martial action to deter migration. And there must be those willing to take action.

There’s even more, but you get the idea. The American right is on a hell of a journey.

Weekly U.S.-Mexico Border Update: January 26, 2024

With this series of weekly updates, WOLA seeks to cover the most important developments at the U.S.-Mexico border. See past weekly updates here.

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Republicans’ efforts to tie migration restrictions to Ukraine aid are sputtering in the Senate, as former president and likely Republican nominee Donald Trump has been calling conservative Republican senators and urging them to reject a deal. This is happening even after Democrats appear to have agreed to major curbs on asylum access, and after negotiators were voicing cautious optimism that legislative text might appear this week.

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration and granted the federal Border Patrol permission to cut through razor-sharp concertina wire that Texas’s Republican-led state government has placed along the Rio Grande. The decision is limited in scope, not compelling Texas to do more than allow agents to cut or move wire. However, the state’s governor and some Republican legislators have invoked “invasion” rhetoric and even counseled ignoring the Supreme Court’s order.

Border Patrol appears to be apprehending 3,000 to 4,000 migrants per day border-wide, a sharp drop from an average of more than 8,000 per day in December. However, sector chiefs in Tucson and San Diego have reported increases following post-holiday lows. Migration levels in Honduras and Panama remain at their lowest in several months.


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Daily Border Links: January 26, 2024

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Ex-president and likely Republican nominee Donald Trump is opposing a possible Senate deal that might restrict the right to asylum and other migration pathways in exchange for Republican assent to a package of spending for Ukraine aid and other priorities. Trump says the senators’ agreed migration restrictions—which remain undisclosed—are “another Gift to the Radical Left Democrats” because they don’t go far enough, and that he would handle the border after his election.

While this casts a cloud over their prospects of passing a deal, Senate negotiators and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) are pledging to forge ahead with negotiations despite Trump’s objections. As has been the case in several past weeks, they say that legislative language may emerge “next week.”

That language may include a new Title 42-style authority to expel asylum seekers from the United States when daily migrant encounters exceed a number, along with a higher standard that asylum seekers would have to meet to pass credible-fear screening interviews.

Negotiators don’t seem to have agreed on Republican demands to limit the presidential humanitarian parole authority. Camilo Montoya-Galvez of CBS News tweeted that proposals under discussion “have included numerical caps on parole grants, barring migrants with parole status from asylum and limiting the use of the authority at land borders.”

On January 24 McConnell had made comments casting doubt about whether, given Trump’s opposition, it made sense to keep pushing for the migration-restrictions deal. Yesterday, the Minority Leader—who has a poor relationship with Trump—adjusted his tone and threw support behind his party’s chief negotiator, Sen. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma).

“Trump’s push to kill the border deal to deny President Biden a legislative win is upsetting members on both sides of the aisle as negotiators hope to wrap up work on an agreement within days,” The Hill noted. Its reporting adds, though: “A senior aide to House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) told a group of Senate Republican chiefs of staff Thursday that the Senate border security pact has no chance of passing the House,” where the Republican majority may, like Trump, insist on harder-line migration restrictions.

Lead Democratic negotiator Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) said Republicans are “going to make a decision in the next 24 hours as to whether they actually want to get something done, or whether they want to leave the border a mess for political reasons.”

“Giving up on a border security bill would be a self-inflicted GOP wound,” read an editorial from the Wall Street Journal’s very conservative editorial board. “President Biden would claim, with cause, that Republicans want border chaos as an election issue rather than solving the problem. Voter anger may over time move from Mr. Biden to the GOP, and the public will have a point.”

The Senate is out of session until Tuesday; negotiators expect to meet through the weekend.

Doctors without Borders, which operates two humanitarian facilities in the part of Panama where migrants emerge from the treacherous Darién Gap migration route, revealed that it “treated 676 survivors” of sexual violence in 2023—214 of them alone in December. “One act of sexual violence every three and a half hours in the Darién jungle” perpetrated by criminals against migrants in this lawless zone.

In Mexico’s southern-border city of Tapachula, about 1,500 migrants from Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Venezuela and other countries formed a new “caravan.” No caravan has succeeded in reaching the U.S. border since late 2018: the mass marches are now attempts to pressure the Mexican government to provide documentation. A much larger caravan that departed Tapachula over Christmas is much reduced and moving slowly through Mexico’s southern state of Oaxaca.

“We are trying to seek the possibility of people staying in the southern part of Mexico, because the travel is dangerous,” Mexico’s foreign minister, Alicia Bárcena, told PBS NewsHour.

A Honduran migrant who had arrived in Chihuahua city by train told Raíchali that “the National Guard asked them to ‘get off by force.’ When they refused, the agents climbed into the train cars and beat them to make them get off the train.”

25 Republican governors signed a statement backing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) in his dispute with the Biden administration over Border Patrol agents’ access to border sites, cutting of state forces’ concertina wire, and other state efforts to block and arrest migrants and asylum seekers.

Representatives of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Panama met on January 24 and signed a “Panama City Declaration” committing to improved cooperation on protecting migrants in 2024.

Analyses and Feature Stories

At ICE’s detention centers, the DHS Inspector-General looked at 6 cases of hysterectomies performed on detained migrant women—and found that 2 of the hysterectomies were medically unnecessary, according to a new report.

A survey of recent humanitarian parole recipients shows that nearly all are participating in the U.S. economy and “an extremely low share (3%)” is depending on private or government assistance.

A report from the Migration Policy Institute “examines the history of the federal government’s efforts to improve southwest border security in the modern era” and concludes that the response includes better interagency coordination and international partnerships.

“Far from developing a climate refugee status (not mentioned in the DHS plan), U.S. border policy for climate migrants is to deter people with walls, armed agents, technological surveillance, arrests, detention, deportation, and mind-boggling, slow-moving bureaucracy,” wrote Todd Miller at the Border Chronicle.

On the Right

Daily Border Links: January 25, 2024

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In the Senate, Republican efforts to tie migration restrictions to Ukraine aid are sputtering, as former president and likely Republican nominee Donald Trump has been calling conservative Republican Senators and urging them to reject a deal.

The Biden administration has asked Congress for a $110.5 billion package of Ukraine and Israel aid, border spending, and other priorities. Republicans have refused to support the spending measure unless Democrats agree to include stricter border and migration measures; a small group of senators has been negotiating these demands since November.

Rights defenders and some Democratic legislators have sounded alarms about concessions that the negotiators may have already agreed on, including a new Title 42-like authority to expel asylum seekers on days of heavy migration (with a rumored threshold of 5,000 per day to trigger expulsions), tougher criteria for credible fear interviews, more detention, and perhaps some curbs on presidential humanitarian parole authority.

Senators on the Republican Party’s rightmost wing are arguing that the migration-restriction measures don’t go far enough. Hardline Republican senators apparently shouted at their moderate colleagues during a lunch meeting on January 23. They could scuttle a deal even before it goes to the Republican-majority House, where leaders may also take a hard line.

Just a few days ago, negotiators were raising expectations that a deal might be reached this week—that most of what remained was to work with appropriators to gauge the cost of the new restrictions. The change in prospects in the Senate is sharp, and indicates the sway that Donald Trump holds over the Republican Party.

The impasse may leave current asylum laws and standards in place, even as it puts in doubt the administration’s ability to provide Ukraine with new assistance to repel Russia’s invasion. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), who favors Ukraine aid, hinted yesterday that he might favor standing down and de-linking migration restrictions from the Ukraine package: “The politics on this have changed.”

“In effectively backing away from the border-security-for-Ukraine construct that Hill Republicans clung to for the last few months, McConnell is acknowledging Trump’s continued stranglehold on the GOP,” wrote Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan at Punchbowl News. “Democrats will get to say they made huge concessions on parole and asylum during these talks, and Trump tanked it.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) published an open letter asserting his state’s “constitutional right to self-defense” against an “invasion,” a term that conflates asylum seekers and economic migrants with an invading army. The missive follows a January 22 Supreme Court finding allowing the federal Border Patrol to access the Rio Grande riverbank by cutting through razor-sharp concertina wire laid by Texas state police and national guardsmen.

Some Republican politicians are urging Texas to ignore the Supreme Court ruling. This would be unconstitutional—but it’s not clear what “ignoring” means, since Monday’s ruling doesn’t compel Texas to do anything except abstain from confronting Border Patrol agents when they determine that they need to cut through the concertina wire.

The Court did not require Texas to remove any wire or prohibit Texas from adding new wire, as the state has been doing this week in Eagle Pass. The decision was limited to the scope of Texas’s October lawsuit seeking to stop agents from cutting it. That case remains before the federal courts’ 5th Circuit.

DHS sent Texas’s attorney-general a new letter (following one issued January 14) reiterating its demand that federal agents be permitted access to Shelby Park, which occupies 50 acres of riverfront border in Eagle Pass. The letter contends that the Supreme Court’s decision not only allows agents to cut the concertina wire but to be present in the park, and the border area in general.

Border Patrol’s San Diego Sector reported 6,025 migrant apprehensions during the week of January 17-23, a notable increase from 4,606 the previous week. Across the border, Border Patrol apprehended about 4,000 migrants on Tuesday, which remains a bit less than half the reported December average.

CBP sources leaked to Fox News an estimate that 96,000 migrants evaded detection during October-December 2023. If accurate, that would point to Border Patrol apprehending about 85 percent of attempted migrants, which is in line with the past few years and historically high.

Analyses and Feature Stories

“More Border Patrol agents will not stop what’s happening right now, we’re not having a difficulty encountering people,” Border Patrol Tucson Sector Chief John Modlin told Arizona Public Radio, referring to large numbers of asylum seekers turning themselves in to agents in remote Arizona desert. “The difficulty is what’s happening after we’re encountering them. That’s where the system is now overwhelmed.”

TRAC Immigration found a serious shortage of attorneys as the U.S. immigration courts’ backlog inflated to 3,287,058 cases by the end of December. In many cases, the shortage affects both sides: “ICE has adopted the practice of not sending an attorney to many hearings.”

The 42,637 northbound refugees and migrants recorded transiting Honduras in December included fewer Venezuelans, Cubans, and Haitians than in November, but 11 percent more people from Sub-Saharan African countries and 31 percent more from Asian countries, according to a UNHCR monitoring report.

As it has moved to abandon fentanyl smuggling, the Sinaloa Cartel faction controlled by Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s sons is aggressively pursuing migrant smuggling, including ransom kidnappings, reported Milenio.

A letter from prominent Miami Cuban-American leaders, many of them Republican, urged House Republicans to abandon their effort to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who is Cuban-American.

On the Right

Daily Border Links: January 24, 2024

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Senators negotiating a border and migration deal now say that the chamber is unlikely to act this week on legislation that might fund the Biden administration’s request for aid to Ukraine and Israel, border spending, and other priorities, while meeting some Republican demands for new limits on asylum and perhaps other legal migration pathways. Negotiators had voiced mild optimism at the beginning of the week that they would reach agreement on migration measures and begin moving a bill forward.

There will be no bill this week, said chief Republican negotiator Sen. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma), but it is still possible that the negotiators might start sharing agreed-upon legislative text.

A major sticking point continues to be a Republican demand for new limits on the 70-year-old presidential authority to grant migrants temporary humanitarian parole, which the Biden administration has employed about 1 million times to reduce disorder at the border for lack of other legal pathways. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), a frequent participant in the negotiations, continues to insist on strong curbs on parole authority, but the Democrats, who have a 51-49 Senate majority, have resisted that.

Whatever is agreed must still go to the House of Representatives, where the Republican majority—at the increasingly vocal urging of former president Trump—is likely to demand even more limits on asylum and migration in exchange for Ukraine aid.

Some Texas Republicans are calling on Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to defy or ignore the Supreme Court’s January 22 finding that allows the federal Border Patrol to cut through razor-sharp concertina wire that the state’s security forces have laid along many miles of the Rio Grande.

“This opinion is unconscionable and Texas should ignore it on behalf of the [Border Patrol] agents who will be put in a worse position by the opinion and the Biden administration’s policies,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) posted on Twitter. (Roy chairs the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.)

Biden administration officials have not said that they plan to remove Texas’s wire at the border, but agents now have the right to cut or move it in order to access migrants or people in distress along the riverbank. (Texas had filed suit in federal court last October to prohibit federal agents’ wire-cutting.)

Should Gov. Abbott use the Texas National Guard to defy the Court’s ruling or to continue blocking Border Patrol access to parts of the border, Democrats like Rep. Joaquín Castro (Texas) say that President Biden should place the Texas state military force under federal control.

Immigration is now U.S. voters’ number-one concern, edging out inflation by 35 to 32 percent, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll.

Employees of the U.S. consulate in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, across the border from Brownsville, Texas, have been placed under curfew all week, as a security precaution following the arrest of “a high-level member of a criminal organization” near Monterrey, in nearby Nuevo León.

Organized crime in Tamaulipas preys heavily on migrants, David Agren wrote at National Catholic Reporter. “Everyone arrives kidnapped at the migrant shelter. People released from captivity arrive at the parish, at the Reynosa migrant shelter, too,” said longtime shelter manager Fr. Francisco Gallardo of the Diocese of Matamoros.

Republican senators contentiously raised border issues several times at an Armed Services Committee nomination hearing for Melissa Dalton, the Biden administration’s choice for Air Force secretary. Dalton has been serving as the assistant secretary of defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs. Among much Republican criticism of the Biden administration’s border policy, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Florida) asked Dalton, “Did you ever tell Secretary Mayorkas he was doing a crappy job?” (She had not.)

A January 23 CBP release details the death of a woman from Mexico on November 18 after she fell from the border wall in Clint, Texas, near El Paso. Three women had been “tied together” by their smugglers “about one foot apart as they climbed the barrier. When one woman panicked [upon seeing Border Patrol approaching], all three of them fell from the barrier.”

Analyses and Feature Stories

At Bloomberg Government, Ellen Gilmer analyzed the impact that House Republican efforts to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, alleging failure to secure the border, have on morale at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). “Homeland security professionals have concerns about impeachment’s long-term impacts on the department. The hearings and headlines further politicize the agency, undermine recruitment, and drive away prospective leaders, said the 20-year DHS career employee.”

At Capital & Main, Kate Morrissey reported on the dire situation of asylum seekers who are released onto U.S. streets after spending time in ICE detention facilities. “ICE, the agency responsible for long-term immigration detention, generally drops off people being released from its custody in San Diego sometime between 7 and 11 p.m. at a trolley station by the San Ysidro Port of Entry.”

“If there is one thing that Republicans have long understood keenly it is that fear drives voters to the polls. It’s why they’re not interested in solving the immigration puzzle,” wrote columnist Marcela García at the Boston Globe.

Because so many migrants now come from places other than Mexico and northern Central America, Amb. Mark Green of the Woodrow Wilson Center wrote, “Some of the policy tools we’ve been using in an attempt to control migration are likely to prove inadequate—such as the Partnership for Prosperity/Remain in Mexico policy.”

On the Right

Wednesday (the Band) on Tuesday Night

At Washington’s 9:30 Club, Karly Hartzman screams through the harrowing final minutes of “Bull Believer,” from last year’s phenomenal album Rat Saw God.

WOLA Podcast: Understanding Regional Migration in an Election Year

Here’s a podcast about current regional migration trends that I recorded last Friday with Maureen and Stephanie from WOLA. They were brilliant. Here’s the text from the podcast landing page at

As congressional negotiations place asylum and other legal protection pathways at risk, and as we approach a 2024 election year with migration becoming a higher priority for voters in the United States, we found it important to discuss the current moment’s complexities.

WOLA’s vice president for Programs, Maureen Meyer, former director for WOLA’s Mexico Program and co-founder of WOLA’s migration and border work, is joined by Mexico Program Director Stephanie Brewer, whose work on defense of human rights and demilitarization in Mexico has focused often on the rights of migrants, including a visit to the Arizona-Sonora border at the end of 2023.

This episode highlights some of the main migration trends and issues that we should all keep an eye on this year, including:

  • Deterrence efforts will never reduce migration as long as the reasons people are fleeing remain unaddressed (the long-standing “root causes” approach). Such policies will only force people into more danger and fuel organized crime. “The question is not, are people going to migrate? The question is, where, how, and with who?”, explains Brewer.
  • For this reason, maintaining consistent and reliable legal pathways is more important than ever, and the ongoing assaults on these pathways—including the right to seek asylum and humanitarian parole—are harmful and counterproductive.
  • There can’t be a one-size-fits-all solution for the variety of populations currently in movement, and the focus should no longer be on ineffective policies of deterrence and enforcement. “It’s a long term game that certainly doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker for political campaigns,” Meyer points out.
  • Organized crime is a huge factor in regional migration—both as a driver of migration and as a facilitator. Official corruption and impunity enable these systems, a point that migration policies often fail to address. Brewer notes that during her trip to Arizona’s southern border in December 2023, the vast majority of migrants she spoke to were Mexican, and among them, the vast majority cited violence and organized crime as the driving factor. In recent months, Mexican families have been the number one nationality coming to the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum.
  • It is a regional issue, not just a U.S. issue, as people are seeking asylum and integration in many different countries. Mexico, for instance, received 140,000 asylum applications in 2023. This makes integration efforts extremely important: many people arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border had attempted to resettle elsewhere first. “It’s a twofold of the legal status itself, but then real integration efforts that are both economic and educational, but also addressing xenophobia and not creating resentment in local communities,” explains Meyer.

Download the podcast episode’s .mp3 file here. Listen to WOLA’s Latin America Today podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or wherever you subscribe to podcasts. The main feed is here.

Daily Border Links: January 23, 2024

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In a brief 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration and granted the federal Border Patrol permission to cut through the spools of concertina wire that Texas’s state government has placed along dozens of miles of border along the Rio Grande. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with the high court’s three Democratic appointees.

In late October, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) had banned federal agents from cutting the razor-sharp wire, as they had been doing in order to access asylum seekers and people in distress along the riverbank. While a federal district court sided with the administration, the 5th Circuit had allowed Texas’s ban to remain in place while appeals proceeded, leading the Department of Justice to seek an emergency action from the Supreme Court. Texas’s appeal is ongoing, with arguments scheduled for February 7.

The January 22 Supreme Court ruling does not affect Texas’s January 10 banning of Border Patrol agents from a 50-acre riverfront park in Eagle Pass. Nor does it affect Texas’s placement of a string of buoys in the river in Eagle Pass, which remains while the 5th Circuit considers an appeal of its own earlier ruling ordering their removal.

“Border Patrol is not planning to use the order as a green light to remove the razor wire barriers if they do not present an immediate hazard,” a “senior agency official” told the Washington Post.

As of last August, Texas state police had treated 133 migrants for injuries caused by the concertina wire.

Since November, a small group of senators has been negotiating a compromise that might allow the Biden administration’s request for $110.5 billion in Ukraine and Israel aid, new border spending, and other priorities to move forward, in exchange for Republican demands for restrictions on asylum and perhaps on other migration pathways. Senators now say they are near agreement on what those restrictions will be, and that legislative language could emerge this week.

“Our work is largely done. The conversation has really moved over to Appropriations. So, there’s no reason why we couldn’t begin consideration this week,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut), the Democrats’ chief negotiator and the chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. “We are at the point of drafting and finalizing text.”

“It’s not going to be ready today, to be able to go out. Everybody’s got to have several days to be able to go through it. It’s gonna depend on final timing – it would be quite a push to be able to get it out this week,” said lead Senate negotiator James Lankford (R-Oklahoma).

The deal may include a Title 42-style authority to expel asylum seekers, regardless of protection needs, when daily migrant encounters exceed a certain number at the U.S.-Mexico border. It may also raise the standard of “credible fear” that asylum seekers must meet when placed in screening interviews with asylum officers, a process known as “expedited removal.” The agreement might also increase detention of asylum seekers pending adjudication of their cases.

It is not clear whether senators have resolved Republican demands for limits on the 70-year-old presidential authority to offer temporary “humanitarian parole” to some migrants. The Biden administration has paroled over 1 million migrants, including 422,000 people who came to ports of entry after securing appointments with the CBP One smartphone app; 340,000 citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela permitted to apply online; and 176,000 beneficiaries of the “Uniting for Ukraine” policy.

“The emerging Senate deal seeks to reduce parole numbers by tightening immigration enforcement and speeding up processing,” the New York Times reported. “There are some changes that will be made in parole that I think will get at the abuse and misuse of it,” said Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-South Dakota). CBS News reported that a compromise deal might exclude paroled people from applying for asylum, but official sources consulted by the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent denied that.

Another barrier to agreement is appropriations: if Republicans win new limits on asylum and other migration, implementing them will cost money, and legislative language will have to account for that.

If senators do reach a deal this week, “we’d expect the Senate to stay in session for as long as it takes to complete action on the measure,” wrote John Bresnahan at Punchbowl News. “Meaning through the weekend or whatever it takes for a final vote.”

Even if the Senate passes a Ukraine-Israel-border bill, it would then go to the House of Representatives, where the Republican majority, egged on by former president Donald Trump, may demand even stricter limits on migration.

At The Hill, Rafael Bernal highlighted the absence of Congressional Hispanic Caucus members from the Senate negotiations on restricting protection-seeking migration in exchange for Ukraine and other aid.

A statement from Ken Salazar, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, revealed that the U.S. government repatriated migrants on 79 flights between January 1 and 21. The planes returned people to Guatemala (36 flights), Honduras (23), El Salvador (6), Colombia (3), Venezuela (3), Ecuador (2), Peru (2), Romania / India (1), Dominican Republic (1), Nicaragua (1), and Haiti (1).

Salazar’s statement credited Mexico with dismantling “at least 10 of the most prolific criminal organizations” engaged in migrant smuggling.

“On December 18 we had a pressure on the border of 12,498 migrants (per day) and we managed to reduce it to 6,751,” Mexico’s foreign minister, Alicia Bárcena, said at a presidential press conference on January 22.

Nine Democratic governors sent a letter to the White House and Congress calling for federal aid to help manage arrivals of migrants seeking refuge in their states.

Email Update is Out

Here’s a new “weekly” e-mail about stuff I’ve been working on, for those who’ve signed up to receive them.

This week’s edition has a fair amount of content, including a weekly Border Update, a panel discussion, and a look at Colombia’s peace process over the past month. And of course, upcoming events and some recommended readings.

If you visit this site a lot, you probably don’t need an e-mail, too. But if you’d like to get more-or-less regular e-mail updates, scroll to the bottom of this page or click here.

Daily Border Links: January 22, 2024

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Several cabinet-level officials from the United States and Mexico met in Washington on January 19 “to follow up on migration commitments made on December 27.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Foreign Relations Secretary Alicia Bárcena, and other top officials “discussed the positive impact of efforts to increase migration controls on bus and train routes, crack down on criminal smuggling networks, and scale up repatriations for those who do not have a legal basis to remain in our countries,” according to a State Department readout. U.S. officials are giving Mexico’s actions much credit for January’s reduction in migrant encounters at the border.

Mexico’s Foreign Ministry announced that U.S. and Mexican representatives will soon pay a visit to Panama’s Darién Gap migration corridor. They will also meet soon to discuss migration with the newly inaugurated government in Guatemala.

Texas authorities recovered a body from the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass’s Shelby Park, the area where Texas’s state government has barred entry of Border Patrol agents. A woman and two children drowned in the area on January 12. “Caught in the middle” of the state-federal dispute in Eagle Pass “are residents of this mostly Mexican American town of 28,000 residents, some who say they feel helpless after the state seized their park,” reads an overview by Uriel García at the Texas Tribune.

Guatemalan police dispersed an attempted caravan of about 500 mostly Venezuelan and Honduran migrants who had crossed into Guatemalan territory on January 20. (As often happens, most of the migrants will instead re-enter through irregular border crossings and seek to avoid detection, often hiring smugglers or bribing officials to do so.)

In Mexico, a “caravan” that left the Mexico-Guatemala border zone at Christmas remains in the southern state of Oaxaca. About 1,400 participants are aiming to get to Mexico City on foot, as Mexico has prohibited vehicles from transporting them.

Migration has declined sharply in south Texas’s Rio Grande Valley, which from 2013 to 2021 was first in migrant encounters among Border Patrol’s nine U.S.-Mexico border sectors, the Washington Examiner reported. An increase in organized crime violence on the Mexican side of the border, in the conflictive state of Tamaulipas, may be a key reason for the reduction.

Currently, the busiest of the nine Border Patrol sectors is Tucson, Arizona. There, Sector Chief John Modlin tweeted that agents apprehended 11,900 migrants between January 12-18. That is a significant drop from 18,000-19,000 per week during the first 3 weeks of December 2023, but an increase over 9,200 apprehensions the week of January 5-11.

Apprehensions remain low in the El Paso Sector (far west Texas and New Mexico): 470 per day during the week of January 12-18, down from over 1,000 per day in December.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and the ranking Democrat on the chamber’s Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) are part of a four-person delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border and to Mexico City. Rep. McCaul voiced “worry about the mental health of our Border Patrol. The suicide rate is going up. They don’t have the proper resources.”

President Biden told reporters on January 19 that the border is not secure: “I haven’t believed that for the last 10 years, and I’ve said it for the last 10 years. Give me the money.” In prepared remarks, he added, “I’m ready to solve the problem. I really am. Massive changes. And I mean it sincerely.”

A release from the Texas governor’s office broke down a total of 101,800 migrants placed on buses since April 2022, at state expense, to Washington, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver, and Los Angeles.

Analyses and Feature Stories

A potential deal in the Senate for tighter asylum restrictions for Ukraine aid “is already wobbling, as House Speaker Mike Johnson faces intense pressure from Trump and his House allies to demand more sweeping concessions from Democrats and the White House,” read an Associated Press analysis. “This febrile atmosphere makes the chances of border reform—tricky even under a more productive Congress—look slim,” the Economist observed. “Plenty of Republicans will conclude that this is no bad thing.” A New York Times analysis noted, “Election-year politics is playing a big role.”

60 House of Representatives members in the New Democrat Coalition signed a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) calling on him to negotiate a migration-restrictions-for-Ukraine-aid deal in good faith.

A backgrounder from the International Refugee Assistance Project explained the Biden administration’s “Safe Mobility Offices” in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Guatemala. These are a so-far limited effort to make legal immigration pathways available to some migrants in those countries, so that they may avoid traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum. The document includes a flowchart laying out the Offices’ complex approval process.

Two conservative media outlets, Fox News and NewsMax, published stories over the weekend reporting on organized crime violence in Mexican border cities. “No one wants to work on anything else right now. Everyone wants to work with the migrants because you can make a lot of money from it these days and it is easy work,” according to a quote from a cartel member in Ciudad Juárez that appeared in both articles.

“President Joe Biden’s third year in office was another letdown” at the border for both immigration restrictionists and immigrant rights advocates, wrote the Washington Examiner’s Anna Giaritelli.

On the Right

Colombia’s Peace Process: Some Links from the Past Month

Negotiators from the government and the “Central General Staff” (EMC)—the group of FARC dissidents that rejected the peace accord before its 2016 signing—completed a third, ten-day round of negotiations on January 18. Commitments included a dissident pledge to cease recruiting minors, a government pledge to evaluate the situation of jailed EMC members, and steps toward a negotiating agenda that will include environmental issues. They also ratified earlier agreements to halt EMC kidnappings and to extend a bilateral ceasefire through July 15.

With support from the UN and OAS peace missions, four out of five regional offices for verification of the EMC ceasefire have now been established: in Arauca, Santander, Meta, and Putumayo.

At the UN Security Council’s quarterly review of peace accord implementation in Colombia, on January 11, the U.S. representative withheld—for now—U.S. government support for including EMC ceasefire verification within the UN peace mission’s mandate. “These agreements still lack maturity,” said U.S. Acting Deputy Permanent Representative Elisabeth Millard.

Citing “intelligence reports,” El Tiempo estimated that the EMC “has, counting all its structures, 3,480 people in arms.”

Representatives of the Security Council will visit Colombia in February, the UN body announced during its January 11 quarterly review of Colombia’s peace efforts.

Government and ELN negotiators are to hold a sixth round of talks in Cuba from January 22 to February 6. High Commissioner for Peace Otty Patiño repeated the government’s insistence that the current ceasefire, which must be renewed by January 29, include an end to ELN kidnappings and the release of all remaining guerrilla captives.

The government reportedly gave the ELN a list of 26 kidnapped people whose release it demands. Army Sgt. Libey Danilo Bravo, whose the ELN kidnapped in Arauca for three weeks last February and March, told La Silla Vacía that the guerrillas took him to a makeshift prison across the border in Venezuela that they called “Alcatraz,” where they were holding ten other people.

ELN leader Antonio García said that the group would require government financing to sustain itself if it were to suspend ransom kidnappings while peace talks continue. Patiño said that the government would only seriously consider financing if the ELN committed to the conflict’s end “in a decisive and clear way.”

Between December 4 and January 3, the think-tank CERAC counted three ELN offensive actions considered to be ceasefire violations: a homicide, a kidnapping, and an armed attack on a vehicle.

President Gustavo Petro met with Pope Francis on January 19; he requested that a future round of ELN peace talks take place at the Vatican.

Otty Patiño expanded his staff at the High Commissioner for Peace office from 13 to 149 people, a number closer to the staffing strength that existed during the government of Iván Duque (2018-2022).

On January 14 in Pitalito, Huila, José Enrique Roa Cruz became the third FARC ex-combatant to be killed in 2024 and at least the 411th since the former guerrilla group’s 2017 demobilization. The UN Verification mission counted 47 killings in 2023, the fewest since 2017.

The Petro government transferred 363 billion pesos (US$93 million) to the Presidency’s Implementation Unit, where it will go toward ex-combatant reintegration programs and the Territorially Focused Development Programs (PDET) foreseen in chapter 1 of the 2016 peace accord.

In addition to moving the ELN and EMC peace processes forward, in 2024 the Petro administration has big decisions to make about the future of talks with regional gangs, with the Segunda Marquetalia FARC dissident group, and with the Gulf Clan paramilitary structure, wrote Camilo Pardo and Cindy Morales at El Espectador. The Catholic Church’s representative to the peace process, Msgr. Héctor Fabio Henao, told El Espectador that no roadmap currently exists for eventual talks with the Segunda Marquetalia and the Gulf Clan.

“Colombia’s quest for ‘total peace’…has become a thorny path, with some progress, but slower than President Gustavo Petro had anticipated,” according to an Associated Press analysis.

Latin America-Related Events in Washington and Online This Week

(Events that I know of, anyway. All times are U.S. Eastern.)

Monday, January 22, 2024

  • 4:00-5:00 at LAC2024: The stories we’ll likely be talking about (RSVP required).

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

  • 8:00-9:30 at Zoom: The human rights crisis in Mexico: the road towards Mexico’s fourth cycle to the Universal Periodic Review (RSVP required).
  • 12:00-2:00 at Centro PRODH Facebook Live: México Ante la 4ª revisión del Examen Periódico Universal de la ONU (RSVP required).
  • 4:00-5:30 at American University: Book Launch and Commemoration:The North American Research Initiative (RSVP required).

Long Live Blogging

I was a heavy Twitter user, posting a few times per day, with a healthy following. But by last year, months into the Musk reign, I’d had enough. On September 10, I decided to make my Twitter account “dormant,” using it only to post links to resources published elsewhere, like on this site.

The result, measured in visits to this site, has been staggering:

From just over 1,000 visits per month to nearly 10,000, in about 4 months.

I’m regretting not having moved earlier to cut back my social media use, and intensify blogging which, though 25 years old, remains a very vital tool for communicating.

Video: Migration Dynamics: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Northern Triangle

(Not sure why I’m making that facial expression.)

Many thanks to New York-based Network 20/20, an organization “that bridges the gap between the private sector and foreign policy worlds,” for inviting me to participate in a virtual panel last Thursday. With Elizabeth Oglesby of the University of Arizona and Diego de Sola of Glasswing International, we talked about the causes of migration away from Central America, and the good and bad of U.S. policies, past and present.

Weekly U.S.-Mexico Border Update: January 19, 2024

With this series of weekly updates, WOLA seeks to cover the most important developments at the U.S.-Mexico border. See past weekly updates here.


In the most recent escalation of its hardline border policies, the state government of Texas barred Border Patrol agents from a riverfront park in the border city of Eagle Pass. Two days later, a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande. Texas National Guardsmen prohibited Border Patrol from entering the park even in emergencies. The Biden administration sent Texas a cease-and-desist letter, and the state-federal jurisdictional clash will likely go to federal court.

Following a meeting between President Biden and congressional leadership, top senators said a deal could emerge next week that might allow the President’s request for Ukraine aid and other priorities to move forward. The price would be meeting some Republican demands for restrictions on asylum and perhaps other migration pathways, which a small group of senators continues to negotiate. Even if senators reach a deal, it could fail in the Republican-majority House, where demands for migration curbs are more extreme.

After setting records in December, migration encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border have dropped by more than half since the holidays. Biden administration officials claim that Mexico’s government has contributed to the drop with more aggressive migration control efforts. Numbers are also down significantly in the treacherous Darién Gap region between Colombia and Panama.


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Daily Border Links: January 19, 2024

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A high-level delegation of officials from Mexico is in Washington today to discuss measures to control U.S.-bound migration. “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and White House homeland security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall are representing the United States, with Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretary Alicia Barcena leading the visiting delegation,” Voice of America reported.

In a briefing, U.S. officials said they do not anticipate announcing any major agreement following today’s meetings. They credited Mexican efforts to block migrants, along with seasonal declines, for January’s decrease in migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border. “We were seeing 10- to 12,000 people a day back in December. Now it’s 2,800, 3,100 people a day,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), who represents a border district, told the Washington Post.

In preparation for today’s high-level meetings, Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Troy Miller and U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar met yesterday with the commissioner of Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM), Francisco Garduño. Garduño is facing criminal charges in Mexico for alleged mismanagement and corruption of INM officials that led to 40 migrants dying in a March 2023 fire in a Ciudad Juárez detention facility.

Human Rights Watch issued a statement urging the Mexican government to reject any agreement with the Biden administration that would send asylum seekers back to Mexico.

The Title 42-style expulsion of asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border appears to be a consensus element of negotiations between a small group of senators seeking a formula that might grant the Biden administration’s request for Ukraine aid and other priorities, while meeting Republican demands for restrictions on asylum and other migration. Reporting points to Senate negotiators agreeing on expelling asylum seekers, regardless of protection needs, if daily migrant encounters at the border exceed a certain number. Such a measure would require Mexico to accept expelled migrants, as it did for citizens of seven countries during the COVID pandemic.

The senators might reveal consensus legislative language as early as next week. Still, the agreement’s prospects for passing the Republican-majority House of Representatives have grown dimmer. While he claims to support Ukraine aid, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) has called for tougher limits on asylum and other migration pathways in the funding bill than what are likely to appear in the Democratic-majority Senate’s version. And former president Donald Trump is now vocally opposing the Senate deal, even before its contents are known.

The House and Senate passed legislation keeping the government open at 2023 funding levels through early March. Conservative House Republicans briefly sought to include hard-line border and migration language in this “continuing resolution,” but in the end, the chamber passed a “clean” funding bill.

Panama’s security minister will meet today with Colombian counterparts to discuss efforts to curb organized crime and migrant smuggling in the Darién Gap.

The treacherous jungle region has seen four months of declines in migration, from a record 81,946 people in August to a 12-month low of 24,626 in December. Still, a remarkable 520,085 people migrated through the Darién in 2023, more than double the previous record set in 2022.

Numbers continue to drop: the deputy director of Panama’s National Migration Service said that more than 6,000 people passed through the Darién during the first 12 days of January, a rate that—if sustained—would mean less than 16,000 migrants for the month, the fewest since June 2022.

ICE removed a reported 61 people aboard a plane to Haiti yesterday. “The timing of this removal flight breaks the full-year 2023 pattern of 1 flight each month at the END of the month so I’ll be watching to see if the pattern moves to 2 per month,” tweeted Tom Cartwright of Witness at the Border, who closely monitors removal flights.

Analyses and Feature Stories

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is inciting a conflict between Border Patrol and the state’s National Guard that is inching closer and closer toward a violent clash between armed agents of state and federal law enforcement,” warned Mark Joseph Stern at Slate.

Chelsie Kramer and Emma Winger warned at the American Immigration Council’s Immigration Impact blog, “The stakes are high. If allowed to stand, other states might set up their own immigration enforcement schemes, splintering the already complex immigration system and leading to widespread arrests and deportations without key federal protections.”

“During the Civil Rights Movement, there were three major crises in which Southern governors, refusing orders to desegregate schools, attempted to defy the federal government,” recalled a San Antonio Express-News editorial.

“The Biden administration seems out of ideas. And standing behind a standard-bearer deploying xenophobia as a selling point in a hotly contested bid for reelection, Republican calls to “secure the border” amount to little more than a political bludgeon,” wrote Eduardo Porter at the Washington Post.

“In the past, the majority [of Mexican citizens crossing the border] were migrants of opportunity, largely single men, and some women, looking for work opportunities,” Princeton University migration expert Douglas Massey told James North at the New Republic. “But in recent years, we now see from Mexico migrants of despair—entire families, including children. …What we have on the border now is a humanitarian crisis, and not really an immigration crisis.”

Cuba’s El Toque recalled that Cuban migrants who receive humanitarian parole—those who use the Biden administration’s sponsorship program, and those who seek asylum via CBP One appointments at the border—are not eligible for the Cuban Adjustment Act, which normally allows Cuban citizens to apply for U.S. residency after a year in the United States.

An Associated Press article explained the humanitarian parole authority, a big sticking point in Senate negotiations over adding migration restrictions to the Biden administration’s Ukraine funding request.

The Border Chronicle featured a photo narrative about U.S. surveillance technology along the border, created by Arizona-based geographer Dugan Meyer and photographer Colter Thomas.

On the Right

Daily Border Links: January 18, 2024

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President Biden hosted top congressional leaders at the White House on Wednesday, where senior administration officials urged them to approve a $110.5 billion request for funding for Ukraine, Israel, border efforts, and other priorities. Congressional Republicans are holding up the request with demands for changes to U.S. law that would reduce migrants’ access to asylum and other legal pathways.

Senate leaders said that they are close to a deal that might allow the legislation to move ahead as early as next week. That deal might include a Title 42-like authority to expel asylum seekers, regardless of protection needs, when migrant encounters exceed a daily threshold. It might also require asylum seekers subjected to “credible fear” screening interviews to prove a higher standard of threat.

Democrats continue to resist Republican demands that the deal restrict the 70-year-old presidential authority to grant temporary humanitarian parole to some migrants. Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-South Dakota) said that parole is the chief Republican demand that remains unresolved.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) indicated that his chamber’s Republican majority will demand even stricter measures than what is likely to emerge from Senate negotiations, like a reinstatement of the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy. Republican senators are pushing back, insisting that stricter measures cannot pass the Democratic-majority Senate.

On Wednesday night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham told Speaker Johnson that ex-president Donald Trump told her he opposes the likely Senate deal and wants Johnson to oppose it too. As most House Republicans are tightly loyal to Trump, this is a severe blow to the funding package’s prospects.

A delegation of Mexican government officials, led by the secretaries of foreign relations, defense, and navy, will be in Washington on Friday to discuss migration with the U.S. secretaries of state and homeland security.

The House of Representatives passed a brief resolution “denouncing the Biden administration’s open-borders policies.” Fourteen Democrats voted for it, including two representing south Texas border districts.

On Thursday the House Homeland Security Committee will hold its second hearing seeking to establish House Republicans’ case for impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on grounds of failing to secure the border and halt migration. House Republicans are working on a fast timetable, though it is not clear whether they have enough votes to impeach within their own caucus. A letter from 26 former senior DHS officials, from both Republican and Democratic administrations, opposed the impeachment proceedings.

Late Wednesday, Texas authorities announced their first arrests of migrants, on state trespassing charges, in a large park along the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass where police and national guardsmen have barred Border Patrol from operating for the past seven days.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had given Texas until the end of the day Wednesday to rescind its order and allow Border Patrol to operate in Shelby Park, at which time it would refer the matter to the Department of Justice. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton published a letter on Wednesday rejecting DHS’s demand.

A woman and two children from Mexico drowned in the river near the park last Friday night; Texas’s ban left Border Patrol agents unable to be present to detect or rescue them.

In an unusual move, the federal 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has agreed to reconsider its December ruling ordering Texas to remove a 1,000-foot string of buoys placed down the middle of the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass. Texas had asked the court for an “en banc” hearing of all 17 of its active judges, a request that gets granted only about 1 percent of the time. That hearing will happen in May; in the meantime, the buoys may remain in the river. Most of the Circuit’s 17 active judges are Republican appointees, though the 3-judge panel that ordered the buoys removed included 2 Democratic appointees.

Very low temperatures are threatening asylum seekers gathered outdoors along the border, especially in southern Arizona and in Matamoros, Mexico across from Brownsville, Texas. As many as 1,000 people await processing in the Tohono O’odham Nation lands along the border in remote desert southwest of Tucson, and others continue to arrive near Sásabe, just west of Nogales.

After a night in crowded shelters in Matamoros, most migrants waiting in an outdoor camp have returned to a precarious tent encampment despite the freezing temperatures. The Sidewalk School, a charity that operates in Matamoros and Reynosa, is appealing for donations to help provide for them.

On the Right

Daily Border Links: January 17, 2024

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After House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) appeared poised to reject a possible bipartisan Senate deal to restrict access to asylum at the border—arguing that it doesn’t go far enough—Republican senators urged Johnson to reconsider. Senate negotiators have been discussing restrictions on asylum—including a possible Title 42-style expulsion authority—in exchange for Republican support of a White House request for funding for Ukraine, Israel, border operations, and other priorities.

In the Senate, where 60 votes are needed to move legislation forward, Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), John Thune (R-South Dakota), and others argued that it will be impossible to get enough moderate Democrats to go along with migration restrictions in the future, if a Republican president is elected. “This is a unique moment in time. It’s an opportunity to get some conservative border policy,” Thune said. Senate Republicans’ lead negotiator, Sen. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma), had a phone call with Speaker Johnson, who reiterated his support for the hard-line bill (H.R. 2) that passed his chamber on a party-line vote last May.

President Biden will meet with congressional leadership at the White House today to push for passage of his funding request.

“Maybe they [Border Patrol] could have prevented this because they would have seen what was happening” using their “scope trucks,” said Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), who was among the first to denounce the death of three migrants in the Rio Grande while Texas national guardsmen barred Border Patrol from accessing a riverfront park in Eagle Pass. Since Cuellar’s January 13 statement, a Border Patrol official clarified that the mother and two children had already drowned when Texas blocked agents from Shelby Park. Still, as a Department of Justice Supreme Court filing noted, it is “impossible to say what might have happened if Border Patrol had had its former access to the area.”

Texas officials granted NewsNation correspondent Jorge Ventura to the park yesterday, where he posted video of Texas guardsmen using riot shields to block a migrant from entering the park to turn himself in.

Texas Democrats held a press call at which some, like Rep. Joaquín Castro of San Antonio, demanded that President Biden federalize Texas’s National Guard. “I want to be very clear what is happening in Texas right now is incredibly dangerous,” said Rep. Veronica Escobar of El Paso.

One state legislator, Eddie Morales of Eagle Pass, called on Biden to suspend access to asylum temporarily. “I spoke with multiple Reps who clarified that he [Morales] is alone in this position,” tweeted Pablo de la Rosa of Texas Public Radio.

Several Democratic senators, including some facing tough re-election races this year, introduced the “Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act,” which would increase funding for CBP officers, Border Patrol agents, scanners for ports of entry, and similar items.

Mexican authorities arrested in Cancún, and deported to Bogotá, Nelson Enrique Bautista Reatiga alias “Poporro,” who Colombia’s police chief called a “main coordinator” of smuggling Colombian migrants to the United States. He allegedly helped Colombian, Peruvian, and other South American citizens arrive at the U.S. border after flying to Mexico, which citizens of Colombia and Peru can mostly do visa-free.

Analyses and Feature Stories

“Moderate Democratic legislators can tell themselves and their constituents that reaching this type of deal is a way to stop abuse of the asylum system and won’t turn away ‘worthy’ claimants, but that’s simply a lie,” wrote Felipe de la Hoz at the New Republic.

At the Border Chronicle, Melissa del Bosque reports of encountering NewsMax reporter Jaeson Jones reporting from an Arizona site where asylum seekers had arrived, while accompanied by several masked, armed men “wearing hats marked with the logo of the Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence and Counterterrorism division.” The men confronted humanitarian volunteers in the area and identified themselves as providers of “intelligence for House committees, including the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.”

A UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll finds that 30 percent of California Democratic voters believe that the U.S.-Mexico border is not secure.

On the Right

On Cannabis Policy, “The Federal Government Is Recognizing the Reality That Several States Have Already Recognized”

I’m in today’s edition of Y Esto No Es Todo, the Spanish-language podcast of Georgetown University’s Americas Institute, talking with host Juan Carlos Iragorri about the U.S. federal government’s movement toward reclassifying marijuana as a lower-risk drug. Here are my comments in English:

Well, it’s pretty important that the U.S. federal government is following in the footsteps of the states and softening its standards on marijuana a bit. And it’s happening for a number of reasons.

First, because the boomer generation, those who were born after World War II, almost all of them lived or experimented with marijuana as young people and they know it didn’t do them much harm. And that has really changed attitudes quite a bit in the last 20, 30 years about marijuana laws.

Also the fact that marijuana is less addictive than other drugs that are lower, in fact, in the scheme that the DEA uses to classify drugs, like cocaine. Cocaine is much more addictive. Alcohol is legal and it’s more addictive. Then marijuana is seen as maybe something that carries less social harm, health harm, than some of the others. And now the fact that more and more medicinal uses are being discovered is quite important.

The third is simply that enforcing anti-marijuana laws is draining the resources of police across the country. Instead of having to catch those who are using or selling marijuana, they can focus on drugs and much more serious criminal phenomena. And that’s freeing up a lot more resources. And you see that in states where marijuana has been legalized or regulated, there are no increases in violent crime in recent years.

So all of that is changing attitudes. And finally the federal government is recognizing the reality that several states have already recognized.

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