This week, as the governor of Texas (whose re-election this year is not a lock) announced he’d use state funds for a border wall, I noticed something about its statewide officeholders.
- Texas’s governor is a white guy named Greg.
- Its lieutenant-governor and Senate president is a white guy named Dan.
- Its attorney general is a white guy named Ken.
- Its House speaker is a white guy named Dade.
- Its Supreme Court’s chief justice is a white guy named Nathan.
- Its director of public safety is a white guy named Steve.
- Its agriculture commissioner is a white guy named Sid.
- Its senators are a white guy named John and a Latino guy named Ted (who is hardly a champion of inclusion).
You’d never know that Texas is the second most diverse of the 50 United States, according to a 2020 study, and that like everywhere else, about half of Texans are women.