November 30, 2018
Western Hemisphere Regional
- Megan Specia, Rick Gladstone, “Border Agents Shot Tear Gas Into Mexico. Was It Legal?” (The New York Times, November 30, 2018).
When the legality of the border episodes are in question, it can be difficult to hold people accountable within the United States
- Perla Trevizo, “Tucson Nonprofits Scramble to Find Shelter Space for Released Migrant Families” (The Arizona Daily Star, November 30, 2018).
Nonprofits plan to return to renting hotel rooms to help keep up with the number of migrant families coming through Tucson and avoid having some of them dropped off by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents at local bus stations
- Andres Schipani, “g20 and the Painful Price of Argentina’s Tumultuous Past” (The Financial Times (UK), November 30, 2018).
We may be a G20 economy, but with interest rates at more than 60 per cent, the adage that there are four kinds of economies — developed, under-developed, Japan and Argentina — still applies
- Peter Prengaman, “Arrest of Rio Governor Adds to State’s Fame for Corruption” (Associated Press **, November 30, 2018).
“This criminal organization continues to be active” said Attorney General Raquel Dodge told journalists
- Gustavo Torrijos, “Militarizar la ciudad: La controversial propuesta para aumentar la seguridad en Bogota” (El Espectador (Colombia), November 30, 2018).
Según el alcalde Enrique Peñalosa, la capital tiene muchos menos policÃas que otras ciudades de Colombia con un déficit de 9.000 uniformados
- Francisco De Roux, “El Desafio de la Verdad” (Revista Arcadia (Colombia), November 30, 2018).
Hay miedo. Miedo a las preguntas y miedo a las respuestas que reclaman millones de adoloridos. Miedo a las sorpresas que puedan aparecer en la búsqueda. Susto de lo que ha estado oculto
- Juan Camilo Pedraza, “Estremecedores Testimonios en Arranque de la Comision de la Verdad” (El Tiempo (Colombia), November 30, 2018).
Intervinieron distintos sectores y protagonistas del conflicto, víctimas y victimarios, quienes depositaron sus esperanzas de esclarecimiento de lo sucedido en la guerra en los 11 comisionados que componen la Comisión
- “Seis Conclusiones a Dos Anos de la Firma del Acuerdo de Paz” (Fundación Paz y Reconciliación (Colombia), November 30, 2018).
Lo que hemos visto en estos primeros meses del gobierno de Iván Duque es la continuidad y la profundización de la reestructuración unilateral del acuerdo
- “Comunidades Aseguran Que el Desplazamiento Forzado No Esta Superado en el Pais” (El Espectador (Colombia), November 30, 2018).
Aunque reconoce las acciones del Estado para hacerle frente a esta situación, estás “no han sido contundentes” y en gran parte no se conciertan con los Programas de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial
- Nora Gamez Torres, “Canada Confirma Otra Victima del ‘Sindrome de la Habana’, Reconsidera Presencia Diplomatica en Cuba” (El Nuevo Herald, November 30, 2018).
Con el nuevo caso ya son 13 los diplomáticos canadienses y familiares que también han sido afectados, incluidos cuatro niños
El Salvador
- Anna-Catherine Brigida, “‘Finally, They Will Pay’: Justice Beckons for Survivors of el Salvador Massacre” (The Guardian (Uk), November 30, 2018).
Trying the perpetrators in the El Mozote case would signal a strike against impunity for gender violence in El Salvador as the country continues to grapple with its past
Brazil, Haiti
- Gabriel Stargardter, “General Behind Deadly Haiti Raid Takes Aim at Brazil’s Gangs” (Reuters, Reuters, November 30, 2018).
The episode, largely forgotten outside Haiti, may provide a road map for the security strategy of Brazil’s next president, far-right former army captain Jair Bolsonaro
- Nina Lakhani, “Berta Caceres: Seven Men Convicted of Murdering Honduran Environmentalist” (The Guardian (Uk), November 30, 2018).
Thursday’s verdict was welcomed by Cáceres’ family and colleagues, but they reiterated demands that justice be delivered against the masterminds and financiers
- “Comunicado de la Familia de Berta, el Copinh, Gustavo Castro y los Equipos Legales de la Causa Ante el Fallo Que Juzga a Sergio Rodriguez, Mariano Diaz, Douglas Bustillo, Elvin Heriberto Rapalo, Edilson Duarte, Oscar Haroldo Torres y Emerson Duarte.” (Consejo Civico de Organizaciones Populares e Indigenas de Honduras (Honduras), November 30, 2018).
El veredicto que acaba de emitirse NO satisface nuestras exigencias de justicia como víctimas en el asesinato de Berta Cáceres
- Alan Feuer, “El Chapo Trial Has Yet to Reveal Mexico’s Dark Secrets of Narco-Corruption” (The New York Times, November 30, 2018).
The limits placed on the evidence in this case seem to counter a deep desire in Mexico for a public airing of the sins of its law-enforcement and political establishments
- Jonathan Blitzer, “Tijuana’s Migrants Are Running Their Own Asylum Process” (The New Yorker, November 30, 2018).
The men managing the ledger weren’t government officials, or even immigration lawyers. They were fellow asylum seekers who had come with their own documents several weeks before
- Sandra Dibble, “Hundreds of Central American Caravan Members Seek Work in Mexico” (The San Diego Union-Tribune, November 30, 2018).
The job fair opened Nov. 19 in response to the arrival of caravan members. Staffers said interest has spiked following last Sunday’s march to the border by some members of the caravan who rushed the border
- Duncan Wood, “What We Learned From the Amlo Transition” (Wilson Center, Americas Quarterly, November 30, 2018).
AMLO’s control of the apparatus of the federal and state levels of government give him the coercive power he craves, but he has demonstrated his desire to rule with at least the appearance of consent from the Mexican people