From the New Yorker.
Tweets that made me laugh the most this week
Tweets that made me laugh the most this week
Tweets that made me laugh the most this week
Tweets that Made Me Laugh the Most This Week
Tweets that made me laugh the most this week
Tweets that made me laugh the most this week
Tweets that made me laugh the most this week
There’s a need for humor in these times—and not the dark, unintentional kind you see in White House briefings. Here are my favorite seven tweets from the past seven days.
For literature buffs:
“Here’s how the Bogotá River [so polluted that Aterciopelados wrote a song about it] looked this morning after 5 days of quarantine.”
“Another end of the world is possible”
Read the replies if you don’t get the reference right away:
And of course, the now-classic “Quarantine day 6”:
Lunch break
In the middle of writing a huge report at home. Right now I’m filling in “conclusions” on page 87 of the 91-page “findings-conclusions-recommendations” matrix I created to hold all the information we gathered in Colombia. In plainer English, that means I’m really far along.
I did go to the kitchen for a lunch break a little while ago, though, as noted on Twitter.
I wanted a burrito. But then I was like “No, a salad would be the right thing to eat.” I got lettuce and a cucumber out of the fridge. But then I put them away and microwaved a burrito.
My point is: I totally Jeff Flaked my lunch just now.
— Adam Isacson (@adamisacson) October 5, 2018
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
I almost killed everyone camping this weekend.
— Dawny716 🏳️🌈 (@Dawny716) August 6, 2017
Soundgarden: Black hole sun, won't you come and wash away the rain
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Literally nothing about that is right
— Not Sara (@smithsara79) August 2, 2017
music store clerk, after an hour or so: Can I help you?
me, still can't remember the word 'castanets': I'd like your finest applause clams.
— spacegirl incognito (@iamspacegirl) August 2, 2017
I didn't just imagine The Mooch, did I? You guys saw him too, right?
— Tim Siedell (@badbanana) July 31, 2017
Every warning label has a story.
— Burg (@BurgerVonStadt) August 3, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
Why do Swedish warships have bar codes on the sides?
So that when they return to port, they can Scandinavian.
— Martin Lejeune™ (@TheFaldor) July 10, 2017
Saving this screenshot for when my grandkids ask me what 2017 was like.
— Copy McPasty, Writer (@KashannKilson) July 10, 2017
Saw a deer on my bike but didn’t have my phone to take a pic. Hopefully one day he will return my bike tho
— Mave (@MavenofHonor) July 11, 2017
For the entirety of his brother’s meeting with the Russian lawyer, Eric Trump was down in the lobby, pushing on a glass door marked “Pull.”
— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) July 10, 2017
Everyone in Trump’s orbit is like a husband on Dateline who googled “undetectable poisons + wife” then bought a shovel with a credit card
— Peter Schultz (@pete_schultz) July 12, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
My mom just sent me this of my dad
— Paige Alban (@paigealban23) July 3, 2017
There is nothing that Serena Williams can't do.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) July 5, 2017
shutup, moby
— eve peyser (@evepeyser) July 4, 2017
No one has ever been more appropriately named than Donald Trump Jr.
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) July 9, 2017
If you didn't start hearing fireworks three days ago, your neighborhood has been gentrified.
— Jason Reynolds (@JasonReynolds83) July 4, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
L- Losing
M- My religion trying to keep up with you
A- And I don't know if I can do it
O- Oh no I've said too much— Dave Cactus (@dave_cactus) June 24, 2017
This gorilla looks like he wants pictures of Spiderman on his desk by noon
— Persian Rose (@PersianRose1) June 24, 2017
Apparently an authentic Jedi outfit doesn't let you board a flight early with the other uniformed military personnel?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?
— Tim Siedell (@badbanana) June 23, 2017
adults, 1997: "just wait until you're older, THEN you'll be a republican!"
me, 2017: "please raise my taxes, I don't want people to die"
— kelliott (@kelliotttt) June 23, 2017
Its ridiculous but when I start against the Mets I'm very aware that Jerry Seinfeld's mood is in my hands.
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) June 21, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
He truly was a man ahead of his time.
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) June 17, 2017
Always check your children’s homework before sending them off to school.
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) June 17, 2017
Soothsayer 2014: “In 2017 we’ll all be talking about Shakespeare, the U.S. Constitution, and basic civic norms.”
“Great. What’s the catch?”— Walter Olson (@walterolson) June 18, 2017
My mother likes to use the microphone function rather than typing to text while driving.
— Gerald Austin Taylor (@AustintatiousT) June 14, 2017
Card reader: “DO NOT REMOVE CARD”
me: ok
me: ok
me: *scrambles*— Emily G, PDX style (@EmilyGorcenski) June 15, 2017
What’s the deal with those boxes
Just wondering
If Sen. Kamala Harris starts a sentence in a forest and no white guy is there to interrupt her, does she finish the sentence?
— Adam Isacson (@adamisacson) June 15, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
Me -"If Metallica & Kermit the frog opened an Italian restaurant, they could call it Pasta of Muppets"
Traffic Cop – "sir why are you naked"— Fred Delicious (@Fred_Delicious) June 11, 2017
*calls my AA sponsor at 3am* I need a tow
sponsor: that's AAA you idiot— dan mentos (@DanMentos) June 7, 2017
When you're thinking, really thinking, about what it would be like if Beavis & Butthead were rich.
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) June 10, 2017
I hate those stress dreams where you realize you're actually awake
— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) June 11, 2017
At my funeral, I want the organist to start playing "Pop Goes the Weasel" really slowly, until everyone is staring at the coffin in dread
— Brandon Carbaugh (@BMCarbaugh) June 4, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
This might be my new favorite headline/photo combo ever.
— Andy Cole (@AndyCole84) June 4, 2017
Thinking in absolutes is always a mistake sometimes.
— Demetri Martin (@DemetriMartin) June 3, 2017
sorry i got bored writing in your wedding guest book and just drew loads of little 3d cubes
— joe (@mutablejoe) May 30, 2017
underripe = wet styrofoam
ripe = god's unsalted butter
overripe = sunscreen that's been cursed by a witch— zach kagan dot net (@zakagan) June 1, 2017
after you turn 28 they should just call facebook "people getting engaged" or "strangers saying racist things and also various babies"
— Morgan Parker (@morganapple) May 29, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
Wanna feel old? This is what Fleetwood Mac looks like now
— Shuja Haider (@shujaxhaider) May 24, 2017
I've met a DeMarcus & a DeShaun. But I've never met a DeSteve. Someone needs to name their baby DeSteve. "Is the PowerPoint ready, DeSteve?"
— George Wallace (@MrGeorgeWallace) May 25, 2017
The guy just farted out some BT graphics 😂😷
— Utkarsh (@Jurgenology) May 24, 2017
[plane about to crash]
wife: if you have anythin to say to me you need to say it now
me: remember when i said the dog ate our yankee candle— k e e t 🐤🥔 (@KeetPotato) May 24, 2017
Ever since Trump touched the orb his arms have been getting longer
— Fred Delicious (@Fred_Delicious) May 22, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
Hey, I just met you.
And this is crazy.
But here's some intel
From an Israeli.— Bryan Tucker (@BTuckertime) May 20, 2017
KID: Daddy, did the dinosaurs go to heaven
ME: *standing in doorway* Probably
THE KID'S DAD: Who the hell are you— pat tobin (@tastefactory) May 19, 2017
slap me at the popcorn calendar
— ° Will Wiesenfeld ° (@BATHSmusic) May 18, 2017
skirts at Fox News today will be lowered to half-mast
— Alexandra Petri (@petridishes) May 18, 2017
Trump’s first meeting in Saudi Arabia apparently went well. Women can no longer drive in the United States.
— Albert Brooks (@AlbertBrooks) May 20, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
SINGER: hows everyone doin tonight
CROWD: woo
ME (from the back in a normal speaking voice): it's actually been a tough few months— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) May 9, 2017
found this photo of sean spicer hiding between the bushes
— David Mack (@davidmackau) May 10, 2017
Guns n Roses has really toned it down.
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) May 8, 2017
"I was offline 20 mins, what's up?" "CIA is now run by Guy Fieri. 72 rats in a suit are the secretary of defense. Tuesdays were outlawed."
— Mo Ryan (@moryan) May 9, 2017
It's love…
— Doug Coupland (@DougCoupland) May 13, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
My brother's changed his photo on the staircase to Kim Jong-un and my mum still hasn't noticed after 2 weeks
— Jake (@Slatez_) May 5, 2017
Shout out to birds, the fish of the sky.
— George Wallace (@MrGeorgeWallace) May 5, 2017
Today was huge for Democrats. If the GOP repeals ACA, you'll really see our power. Then, once we lose in 2018 and 2020, we'll be unstopable
— Peter Douche (@AngryBerner) May 4, 2017
This is the best thing I've ever pulled off
— palmer ward (@psward9699) May 2, 2017
Utah Jazz sounds like the worst Spotify subgenre
— Kenny Keil (@kennykeil) April 30, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
Can we also remove the Confederate monument that’s currently serving as Attorney General?
— Tom Ceraulo (@tceraulo) April 25, 2017
ME: It’d be funny if there was microgolf. Like minigolf but even smaller so u use like a 2 inch club
EXECUTIONER: Are those your last words?— pat tobin (@tastefactory) April 27, 2017
[pulls out chair for date]
Date – “why did you have a chair in your jacket”— Fred Delicious (@Fred_Delicious) April 27, 2017
The Unicorn Frappuccino feels like America’s version of the string quartet on the Titanic
— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) April 28, 2017
I would pay 10 million dollars to watch Donald trump draw a map of the world from memory
— Megan Amram (@meganamram) April 28, 2017
After 28 years…
…The Simpsons can still make me laugh so hard my morning coffee comes out of my nose. (Trump’s hair did it to me here.)
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
we'll miss everything about brent except his pranks they were the worst [hears everyone at my funeral agree and I shift nervously in casket]
— brent (@murrman5) April 20, 2017
Updated Fox News lineup
8 PM Pepe Frog and Friends
9 PM The Comments Section
10 PM Email From My Dad With the Subject "RE: Re: re: FWD:"— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) April 19, 2017
Me: No its a hose lol
Cop: looks like he filled him with water til he exploded— GoaT FacE (@EndhooS) April 20, 2017
me[holding wife's shirt] Can this go in the dryer?
wife:What does it say on the tag?
wife:The other tag
me:Made in Vietnam— Josh (@iwearaonesie) April 20, 2017
This really
— Spacedad Aestheticバカ (@SuperSpacedad) April 23, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
If you play it in reverse that #United video looks like a guy boarding a Spirit Airlines flight
— Adam Tod Brown (@adamtodbrown) April 10, 2017
holy shit how fast was this rollercoaster going
— blank (@shr0s) April 12, 2017
Our government is like an Arrested Development episode
— Nate Scott (@aNateScott) April 12, 2017
And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha
— Phineas (@Phineas) April 14, 2017
— Bryan Fuller (@BryanFuller) April 10, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
Alien: Take me to your leader
Me: Uhhh is there anybody else you'd maybe wanna talk to instead? How about Ryan Gosling— pat tobin (@tastefactory) April 4, 2017
when your mom is late picking you up from Starfish Club
— Quinn Sutherland (@ReelQuinn) April 3, 2017
The Person Who Discovered Sharks
— B R A N S 👼🏻 N (@bransonreese) April 3, 2017
Ms. Pac-Man should only cost 70% of a quarter per play
— Megan Amram (@meganamram) April 3, 2017
What do you call an airstrip that's been hit by 59 tomahawk cruise missiles?
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) April 9, 2017
When he gets back from saving Iraq, I mean
These 2 squirrels keep raiding my bird feeder. Nothing deters them, there’s no solution. Unless—
Does Jared Kushner have a moment?
— Adam Isacson (@adamisacson) April 4, 2017
5 tweets that made me laugh this week
Mike Pence Asks Waiter To Remove Mrs. Butterworth From Table Until Wife Arrives
— The Onion (@TheOnion) March 30, 2017
we’re halfway there
wo-oah— Anna-Kay Fischer ⓥ (@AnnaKayFischer) March 27, 2017
My favorite networking move when someone else takes out their business card is to go “you sell rectangles too?!”
— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) March 29, 2017
• green bean in overalls pocket
• twine mix-up at general store
• boot full of applesauce
• telegram swap— Mave (@MavenofHonor) April 1, 2017
This is so sad. I loved her on Cheers.
— A͜͞͏.͜͏̕ ̴̨͏̀K̷oford (@apelad) March 30, 2017
This sounds familiar
This brings back memories of the late ’90s and early ’00s, when we lived in an apartment next to the National Zoo.
I would work some weekends as a volunteer in the Great Ape House, where zookeepers gave us this exact same instruction for interacting with the big male silverback gorillas.